At the end of the sentence, he was irritated: "Shut up, this kid is a little weird, but it can break my square immediately and go to sleep!"

At the end of the sentence, he looked into Zifeng's eyes, and there was a faint glare in his eyes.

"Child, I think you can break through how many circles I have!"

At the end of the sentence, a hundred angry people flew out of the storage bag and floated in the air. At the end of the punishment, the mental power was shocked. These hundreds of jade fragments were directly crushed and turned into some star-shaped fragments falling on it. The surrounding environment of Zifeng.

A series of warm facts rose immediately!

"Destroy this battle!"

"Yellow Spring!"

"The Great Array of Universe Yin and Yang!"

"Destroy the gods!"


At the end of the sentence, the laws and seals continued to condense, and each squadron was lifted. Filled from above with the power to destroy the earth and the earth.

"My God! At the end of the sentence, more than one hundred squadrons have appeared. Even if they are the masters of the gods' realm, they must enter the battle." "I didn't expect the end of the sentence to be so strong?"

"This tactic is enough to kill the master of the Sun Kingdom!"

"It seems that we all succumbed to the end of the sentence. I didn't expect this old goat man, so cow!"

A group of strong demons heard more than a hundred legal circles at the end of the sentence and suddenly exclaimed.

At the end of the sentence, the law is printed continuously. After law enforcement, he said coldly: "I want to see if you can easily break through the destruction of the destroyed land!"

"Swordsmanship, admit defeat."

After the law was printed at the end of the sentence, the face was abandoned.

When Zi Fengyi heard it, Jian Feng raised, and then suddenly squatted down. The one hundred and eight French team collapsed in front of Zi Feng.


People are stupid to see this scene at the end of the sentence.

These one hundred and eighty large formations, but even the master of the Shenyang Kingdom can easily kill them. It was a painstaking effort at the end of this century and was hit by Zifeng?

Zifeng looked at the end of the sentence and said coldly: "Do I still want to try it? Do you have any other team? Let's take it out together, and I will smash you together!"

At the end of the sentence, his eyes widened and the expression on his face was unbelievable and reluctant.

After the semitone, the sentence ends with a helpless smile, shaking his head, and sighing: "The old man has tried his best today, but the law has been broken, and the old man has no effect."

"I surrender!"

At the end of the goat's beard, after sighing, he confessed this sentence and walked directly to the side of the field!

"At the end of the sentence, you are too rude."

The penalty tiger yelled after the sentence was over.

At the end of the sentence, I said, “I’m a small team. Once I break my lineup, the old man’s strength in melee combat will not be as strong as you. Since the squad is broken by him, the old man is in his hands. A sword can’t stop it, don’t admit defeat? Don’t you die?”

After the sentence was over, he left.

The prisoner pouted and glanced at the end of the sentence.

Zifeng's eyes twinkled, and he walked out step by step, heading straight to the front of the Torture Tiger!

"The barrier is beyond the secluded realm!"

The demon sword flashed past, and the four swords and terror killed the past!

Torture Tiger hurried back to God, looked at Zifeng with sad eyes, raised his big axe and turned to Zifeng. The axe and axe slammed into it, and the terrifying power continued to vent.

"I'm done! The swordsman is looking for the wrong opponent!"

"The power of this torture tiger is definitely the most terrifying of the 12 reincarnations in this cycle!"

"Criminal Tigers are indeed in the top 12, and they are in the top three!"

A group of soldiers saw Zifeng's attack on the tiger, and he was suddenly surprised.

A deafening sound came from the deafening mountains and forests. The tiger's eyes were red, and an axe hit Zifeng's face. The power of the sky was suffocating! Zifeng's figure flashed past, turning into a direct shot on the tiger's face!

The torture tiger blocked the sword with an axe.

However, there were many sword marks on the axe, which injured the tiger.

"My axe." The tortured tiger has a sad expression on his face, a sad heart!

"I see you can still block my sword!"

"The mood of the rainstorm!"

Zifeng's face was hot, and the stormy emotions blended into Jianfeng. A fierce attack like the wind rushed towards the tiger's body, but he was blocked by an axe.

A sword was slammed, cracks appeared on the axe, and the appearance was blurred.

After five hundred swords, the axe of the torture tiger was directly smashed by the purple wind.

When the axe broke, Zifeng narrowed his eyes and said, "Ten steps will kill!"

A sword was forced forward, and the striking light of the sword hit the Torture Tiger's throat.

The prisoner's hair stood up immediately and hurriedly shouted: "I admit that I failed!"

Zifeng's blade stopped three inches in front of the torture tiger, and then retracted it.

After the tiger was tortured, he took a large number of axe fragments directly on the ground and came to the snake and other people. He sat on the ground and saw the fragments of the axe. His face is very sad.

The power of torture tigers is very powerful. Just because he can stop the sword of "Ten Steps", it can be seen that this person is not a generation!

With the punishment of the snake and the recognition of the torture of the mouse.

At the end of the sentence, he admitted defeat.

The fine confessed.

Torture Tiger admitted.

Among the twelve envoys of reincarnation, five have already lost Zifeng's hands!

On today’s battlefield, only criminal monkeys, criminal offenses, criminal penalties, criminal penalties, torture rabbits, criminal offenses and criminal dragons are left.

"The solution is only half."

Zifeng raised his eyes, scanned the audience, and saw the other seven reincarnations in his eyes.

The expressionless male police chief stepped forward and said vaguely: "Then let us fight with you!"

The execution of the Bulls, the wild and domineering atmosphere immediately filled the entire field.


The team rushed to the ground and rushed to the ground. The whole reincarnation was at the moment when the bull executed it, and it was shocked!

"The later stage of the concept of earth art!" Zifeng was surprised. The artistic conception of the sentence is very high, it is a state of punishment.

At the moment when the sentence was shot, which of the old man’s criminals was shot immediately, stamped a punch on the emptiness, the power of the sky and the earth exploded, and it hit Zifeng’s face. ,, ..

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