The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 223: Who will win

"Thousand horses galloping!" Finally, the young man with a horse face was smashed in the afternoon, turned into smoke and disappeared into the void. When he disappeared, thousands of horses broke out and were smashed. Hey, go to Zifeng! The criminal bull, the criminal monkey, and the three people during the punishment period shocked the world with great momentum.

The strength of these three people, in fact, no one is behind the punishment tiger, even more than a punishment tiger!

Seeing the powerful strength of these three people, Zifeng was shocked. When Zifeng responded, an old-fashioned laughter came: "Big Brother, the rabbit is here too."

Zifeng's eyes flashed, and I saw Lori torturing the rabbit. I don't know where to take out a double knife, my body shape is as shocking as the ghost of Zifeng!

The punishment of rabbits undoubtedly intensified Zi Fengxue! In the reincarnation, a riot rose again. When Zifeng just finished his sentence and tortured Tiger and others, the rest of them had been killing and attacking, and these actions were enthusiastic and aggressive.

The man with fangs laughed at this moment: "Criminal cow, criminal monkey, torture rabbit, criminal punishment, shooting is not too embarrassing, let him breathe a sigh of relief, let him make the last choice."

The young man in the Year of the Horse screamed coldly: "You are still using it!"

After the punishment in the afternoon, he turned into a thousand horses, rushed to the horses, and hit Zifeng's body.

In front of it, the old man sneered, his body shape constantly changing. LinBai constantly welcomes the power of the body.

Do you still think he can kill a **** road from this reincarnation? "

"I know he can't beat even a prisoner!"

The beautiful boy picked up the cup and smiled after taking a sip.

Su Xianmei was silent, took a long breath, and said with a faint heart: "Brother, you must work hard. Once you lose and continue reincarnation, then you really won't be able to go for a lifetime."

"This is your last life."

Su Xianmei blinked, her face gloomy and watery!


Black lightning intertwined with black storm and struck Zifeng. Between the wind and the dance, the punishment of the hero is flying, and his eyes are full of power.

Zifengyu saw the criminal and shot, and immediately retired as a character, and turned into an afterimage, avoiding this terrible storm of punishment.

"Want to go?" The punishment was a smile, and he walked out, his body approached like a mountain and river, and he came to Zifeng, raised his hand, punched, and the palm was condensed with endless light, bombarding it!

There was a dull bang, the light of the palm was smashed, and Zifeng was exploded for more than 500 meters. He was stunned, and vomited a mouthful of blood!

"How could this happen?" Zifeng stood up from the ground and said in surprise: "The light he held in his hand made me feel very weak. Why did it suddenly burst, so there was such a powerful force?"

Zifeng was a little shocked. When being punished, Zifeng clearly felt a light condensed in his palm, but it was very weak, but who would have thought that if this light exploded, it would have such a powerful force!

"this is……"

"This is the mood of punishment! The mood of splitting!"

"Split emotions, once the mood is successful, criminals have the ability to destroy the world!"

A group of demons suddenly remembered that this man was a criminal, and he was an invincible term during a certain period of reincarnation!

In the elegant room of the eight Yao people, the White Emperor vaguely said: "Prison, I remember that when he did not fail in the battle of a thousand people, his title in reincarnation was."

After the white, I interjected: "Call the emperor! This person's split emotion has been cultivated to the later stage. Between every action, the mental power of the sun gathers together. Once it explodes, it is like a turbulent sun. "

Bai Ling smiled lightly: "Bare! Prison! My mood is broken! He is indeed very powerful!"

Bai Hao smiled and said, "Bai Ling, when you see you fighting with criminals, who will win?"

Bai Ling smiled lightly: "Hundred steps, you must marry this person!"

"Oh?" Bai Hu heard Bai Ling's confidence and smiled satisfied. Bai Ling smiled mysteriously, his eyes gradually falling on Zi Feng who had just gotten up.

Xingyou sneered, and saw the embarrassed Zifeng, smiled disdainfully: "Hehe, don't you have such a little strength, but with this strength, you can never say that you can win the battle of a thousand victories, even if you become Thirteen of us are not qualified!"

Zifeng stood up, looked at Xingyou and said, "Your mood looks like some kind of light mood."

"Coincidentally, I have also cultivated a kind of artistic conception of light attribute, then look at our light, who is more dazzling!"

As soon as Zifeng's voice fell, he directly displayed his body skills and flew out, turning into an afterimage and quickly approaching Xingyou away!

Xingyou narrowed his eyes, sneered disdainfully, and squeezed his hands, the endless light condensed on his fists, and hit Zifeng directly with a punch!

"Hmph!" Zi Feng saw that Xing You was going to hand over with him, and he was head-on head-on. As a result, he just hit Zifeng's arms!

As long as Xingyou is within ten steps of Zifeng, Xingyou will not be allowed to call the shots!

The distance between the two is constantly getting closer, and it seems that the handover is about to be handed over!

"Not good! Xingyou was hit!" Xing Hai narrowed his eyes at the moment and said lightly.

The green woman Xing Snake asked curiously: "Xing Hai, what did you say?"

Xing Hai said solemnly: "Within ten steps, it is the absolute realm of the sword demon. Anyone who steps into ten steps should not even want to escape. At this moment, the distance between Xingyou and the sword demon is getting closer and closer. Within a step, Xingyou will undoubtedly lose!"

The green-clothed woman laughed and said, "? The sword demon still has this ability within ten steps, the absolute realm."

At this moment, Zifeng saw Xingyou getting closer and closer to him, and immediately said with surprise in his heart: "Within ten steps."

"Ten steps will kill!"

Suddenly, the sword art was urged, and a terrifying force wave rushed out from Zifeng's blade. Suddenly, Zifeng's figure disappeared from the place in a flash, and a domineering sword force swept towards Above Xingyou's throat.

"Not good!" Xing You exclaimed, and he felt an icy breath that made his whole body stand up!


This sword made the prisoners feel the cold of the long-lost death! ,, ..

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