However, at this moment, suddenly two hands were drilled at the feet of the prison, and the prisoner's body was directly smashed to the ground. At this moment, Zifeng's sword light left the position of the original punishment. Flashed by!

At the scene, the breeze passed!

Zifeng stood inside, looking back at it. There are no criminal groups.

Zifeng also knew that at the last moment, the prison sentence was saved.

At this time, in front of Zifeng, two characters appeared from the ground, including the prisoner who had just escaped from the death of Zifengjian, and a tortured mouse! "Hey!" The tortured mouse looked at Zifeng with a smile.

Zifeng is a big man. If it were not for the tortured rat, he would save the prisoner. Even if he can't kill the prisoner, he can restore his punishment and make him lose his fighting power!

The confrontation between electric and flint, Zifeng and criminals has produced rough results.

The audience was stunned and looked at these two people.

"What happened to this?"

"How did the mouse suddenly save the prisoner?"

"Isn't the sword the life of a prisoner?"

Many of the most powerful players in the battle are incredible.

In the middle of the room, Bai Ling said with great interest: "This is a view of the game. Really strong confrontation, between one shot and one shot, can determine the result!"

"If the criminal rat shoots suddenly, it will be enough to kill and punish with Dongfang Bai's sword."

Bai Ling said with a faint smile.

Zifeng was sent to reincarnation by the White Snake, so Bai Ling, Bai Hua, and Bai Hou all knew that this so-called swordsmanship was Dongfang Bai!

Others don't know the origin of the sword, but the white snake is the gate.

In another elegant room, Su Xianmei also whispered and whispered: "This would be a bit bad. If it weren't for the intervention of the torturer, this sword would be implemented, and the punishment would not have to be half a lifetime!"

The beautiful boy also nodded: "Okay."

The punishment was a little annoyed, and said: "Oh, the old man is not careful, it's almost the kid's way!"

Zi Fengyi passed the sword and stood behind him. He looked at the twelfth cycle and said, "Do you want to continue fighting with me alone, or do you want to go together?"

"If you say something bad, if you are one by one, I am afraid that none of the twelve of you is my opponent to fight alone!"

Zifengjian said, and said coldly.

Cheng Hai chuckled: "Sword Demon, do you want to use a radical method? Enraged us, and then let us choose to fight with you alone? I have to say that this is indeed a good method."

Zifeng heard the meaning of the sentence at the center of the sentence, and he said his thoughts. He suddenly said that he was not angry. "Chen Hai, sometimes too smart, not good!"

Zifeng really wanted to anger these twelve people, let them fight alone, maybe they still have a chance to win. If they are in a hurry, Zifeng and two fists are hard to beat!

The tortured mouse smiled and said: "Swordsman, we are not just gentlemen. When we are in a hurry, we will never die. At this moment, the punishment is just to test your depth. Now we are in our hearts." An answer. "

"You must be careful, we must move the real thing." Ju Mouse said with a smile.

Zi Fengyi looked at the twelve people in front of him and found that their faces showed a carefully prepared appearance.

At this time, Zifeng was able to return to God. It turned out that he had just come to Li Bai to fight for Zifeng's battle. It is this kind of reincarnation that makes 12 people enter the test of the purple wind. Now that Zifeng's lens has seen something, the next step is that it is very good.

Stepping out of the sentence, he said: "You, within ten steps, are his absolute realm. If you do not master victory, remember not to step into it!"

In short, the criminal conviction turned into a streamer and went straight to Zifeng.

The forces of criminal shooting, terror and arrogance attacked the sky of Zifeng. He was still a hundred meters away, using only one hand and one hand, the sharp breath in front of the box was like a sword-like attack on Zifeng's chest!


In Chen Hai's boxing match, Zi Feng went straight to the plane and flew into the air. When he did not land, a character appeared behind Zifeng. He smiled and said, "Go eat grandpa!"

Zifeng suddenly turned around and saw that the tiger escaped from the storage bag with a big axe and hit Zifeng!

The axe fell, and the power of the earth was self-evident.

Zifeng's face was terrified, the Devil Sword hurriedly stopped in front of him, blocking the axe's attack, but Zifeng was also shot!

"Little brother, I'm here." Snake smiled slightly, her figure turned into a green light, like a green long snake. After a while, she went to Zifeng's face. In the white boobs!

Triple offense, fighting Zifeng has no strength to fight, retreat!

Zifeng hardly had time to rest. Twelve people played in turns, and the terrible offensive destroyed the entire cycle.


"Is this the power of the twelfth reincarnation?"

"It's amazing."

"I didn't expect it to be as strong as a sword, it is like a toy in twelve hands!"

"If you don't have an accident, you don't need 300 shots. If the swordsmen don't admit defeat, they will definitely be killed by them!"

A group of powerful monsters have already seen that Zifeng has no resistance in the hands of the other eleven reincarnation messengers. If you don't admit defeat, there is only one dead end waiting for Zifeng!



Zifeng spurts blood, blood is splattered!

The screams kept spreading!

I don’t know how many bones on my body have been crushed!

Zifeng was in a panic at the moment, bloodstained and messy hair. The white clothes on his body had been stained red by his own blood. Even his face was left with a scar, blood stained!

"No, we can't fight like this anymore. These twelve people join forces, and we have nothing to fight back!"

XX "For now, there is only one solution."

Zifeng's eyes were futile, and the sultry color on his face was self-evident.

Suddenly, at this moment, the prisoner lashed out again. The light above the fist was like a violent sun. People couldn't look straight, fell with a punch, and the terrifying force exploded, swallowing everything 100 meters away!

"court death!"

Zi Fengyi gritted her teeth, no matter what the power of the pendulum, it suddenly glowed and went straight to the front of the prison.

"Ten steps, absolute realm, not good!" After seeing Zi Fengchong being punished, he immediately remembered a word of reminder, and immediately went straight to the distance. ,, ..

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