"Good!" Zifeng looked particularly surprised.

Chai Xu smiled and said: "I took the devil sword back. I did not delay. I turned on the stove overnight and played for seven days and nights. I finally fixed the devil sword."

"Little Dongfang, look, are you satisfied?"

Zifeng waved the magic sword, feeling that the power of the magic sword has not weakened, but it has also increased a few points, and smiled: "Chai Xu's predecessors can be called ghosts!"

Chai Xu said excitedly: "Since the Eastern friends are satisfied, should we talk about other things?"

At this moment, there were Yueqing and the maid, but Chai Xu did not directly say that he would use unfamiliar iron to make other weapons.

Zifeng put away the magic sword and said, "Predecessor Chai Xu, you have repaired the magic sword this time, adding more fatigue, or going back to rest. As for other things, I have a few friends on the road."

"When some of my friends arrive, I will arrange for them and Chai Xu's predecessor to perfect them."

"After all, this is for them to refine their swords, the specific style and how to forge them, you can ask them directly."

"Also ask your old man to be angry, you must be careful about this!"

When Chai Xu heard it, he said happily: "It's okay, it's okay, you can let them follow me, you can rest assured, I can rest assured."

"Even if the old man takes so many treasures and gives them to strangers to improve, the old man will not relax."

"This probably is."

"Children of the East, don't know when your friends will arrive?"

Zi Feng meditated: "Come on, it should be two or three days."

"Well, this old man will go back and wait a few days, little friend Dongfang, you can call me immediately after your friend arrives." Chai Xu handed his notes to Zifeng!

"Cooperate with Chai Xu's predecessor." Zifeng accepted the note and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's the old man who wants to thank you. If you can't show up, I'm afraid this old man will not be able to refine a veritable sword in his life! Needless to say, the old man will go back and wait for your news." Xu was ecstatic, laughed a few times, and left the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Mei Hao clasped both hands in the arms of the moon, hoping: "What kind of deal have you made with Chai Xu's predecessors, you can let this weird Lingnan No. 1 refinery come and go in a hurry!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "When you call, you can go. This word is not used well."

"He is an outstanding refiner and a famous predecessor!"

"He is like a sword."

"Sword repairers want to have the sword in their life."

"And the biggest goal of an oil refinery in its life is to refine a weapon that can be passed down!"

"He gave me a chance, I gave him a chance!"

"That's it."

Zifeng turned around and said to the moon, smiling.

If he realized something, Yue Qing nodded.

"Well, let's take a break. You will be very busy tomorrow." Zifeng smiled lightly: "Counting a few days, there are only five days for the announcement of the extreme martial arts list, and there are only days left for you to agree to the monthly levy. Ten days!"

"Are you sure?"

Zi Feng asked with a smile.

The smile on the moon is a smile, it looks like a phoenix: "As long as the equipment I order tomorrow arrives, I will be able to meet the monthly taxation requirements before the martial arts list is announced!"

Zifeng smiled lightly: "It seems very certain, I will congratulate you in advance, President Yueqing."

"Hahaha." Yue Qingjiao said with a smile: "I want to thank you. If you have a silver room in your business, I'm afraid these things won't make me so smooth!"

Yueqing also knows very well that if she is now wearing the reputation of "Tongtian Sword Sect Shaojian Sovereign Eastern White Wife", she will be afraid of the monthly collection of Tiantong Sword, otherwise, the monthly taxation may be made by the moon everywhere. Scorpion.

Yueqing also knows very well that this is reputation, so she has received strong support from outsiders of Tongtianjian in Lingnan area.

In the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce in the past few days, Yue Qing personally received several members of Lingnan's extended family. These big family members all said that they are foreign disciples of the Tongtian Sword School, and they hope to see the East. White!

However, Yueqing refused in the name of Dongbai's retreat. The people of the extended family also have a deep understanding. After all, the swordsman of the Heavenly Swordsman is missing five swords. If one of the young swordsmen is lazy, I am afraid that four small swords will step on my feet.

At this time, another maid rushed over: "Miss, my grandfather, the Siyu girl in Tian Baolou asked for help, and said it has nothing to do with my aunt!"

A month later, he said: “It seems that many guests prefer to come in the middle of the night instead of during the day.”

"Silk rain?" Zifeng frowned and said, "Let her come over."

After a while, soft rain appeared solemnly. When I saw the moon, I smiled and said, "Miss Yueqing is also there, that's the best."

Zifeng smiled and asked, "Sinu, you shouldn't have a problem."

Si Yu smiled: "Shao Jianzun laughed. I want to tell Shao Jianzun and Miss Yue Qing one thing." "Tianbaolou got the news. Just two hours ago, Ye Haohuo, the vice chairman of the Wolf Pack Chamber of Commerce, took it away. The seven great figures of the Yangshen Kingdom and the masters of 500 sacred kingdoms left Haitang City secretly to the Bailonghai.

Upon hearing this sentence, Yue Qing and Zifeng were one of them. I don't know what Siyu wants to express.

Yue Qing smiled and said: "The Wolves Chamber of Commerce mobilized the warriors to the White Dragon Sea. This seems to have nothing to do with our Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce."

Silk Rain said with a chuckle: "Maybe, but I heard that the ultimate martial arts sold by the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce recently is very good. The Chamber of Commerce has sold out, and Qixing has ordered 800,000 martial arts. Spiritually, Miss Moon is really a big hand!"

When I heard it was raining, the moon's hair and cockroaches were upside down. Looking at the silky rain, the cold voice: "You mean. Wolves."

Si Rou smiled and said: "I didn't say anything. Miss Yue Qing rested early, and she has retired."

After the conversation, Silk Rain left the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce immediately!

"What's the matter?" Zifengyu saw the moon as crisp as chicken feathers.

The moon clears its dignity: "The moon sign will begin!"

The moon is in a hurry, his face is very dignified, he walks back and forth in the yard, he feels uneasy.

"Don't worry, Singh." Zifeng comforted softly. ,, ..

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