"I didn't expect the monthly taxation to be so embarrassing. I have to deal with this batch of martial arts. This batch of martial arts is the martial arts that I use Yinyue Chamber of Commerce to order all the funds that can flow. At this moment. Once lost, I will be in a short time. Finished within. It is impossible to prepare for so much money."

"If these extreme weapons are really in the hands of the wolf, I am afraid the Silvermoon Chamber of Commerce will also be hit hard."

"With this batch of goods, you can go to Haicang City tomorrow, but don't be surprised!"

"I didn't expect that the monthly taxation would be so embarrassing. I think that even if he wanted to get the presidency, he would not exchange the benefits of the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce, but he did not expect that he would actually do it."

The moon is very beautiful, his face is cold, and his eyes are a bit like murder.

"It seems that we are really pushing for monthly taxation." Zifeng whispered.

When Yueqing and Zifeng analyzed their interests in the small yard, under the protection of two guards, Yin Shuang quickly came to the yard and asked eagerly: "Yue Qing, you are so eager to find me, it comes out What's wrong?"

This month is clear and urgent: "Yin Frost, the vice president of the Wolves Chamber of Commerce has arrived in Bailonghai. There are seven strong men in the Yangshen field, and more than 500 dead. I hope they can become martial arts. I will go."

"The route that this martial arts team can bring back is unique to me and the seven-star. No one knows, except for the senior members of the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce."

"In order to be foolproof, I hope you take the royal ban to pick them up in Bailonghai."

Yue Qing took up the silver cream hand and stared earnestly.

"A ghost this month?" Silver Frost asked coldly. "It's still unclear, but I think it should be him, because only a few people know this route. Other senior managers can't disclose it, only him." Yue Qing said coldly.

"Hey, taxing monthly is really a kind of courage. I really thought he was the vice president of the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce. You can't do anything. This Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce is not his Silver Moon Room!"

"Yue Qing, you can rest assured, I will go to Bailonghai immediately with the royal ban."

Silver Frost waved his hand immediately, so the two guards who came with him would immediately call the royal ban.

"I will go with you." Zifeng said quietly at this moment.

Yinshuang and Yueqing looked at Zifeng.

"Thank you, Bailang." Yueqing looked very happy when he heard Zifeng's words. The original Yueqing knew that Huo was a good man leading the wolf pack, but the elder of the inner door of the Tongtian Sword, so he didn't want Zifeng and himself. The elders of the sect are facing conflict.

Therefore, Yue Qing did not ask Zifeng to go, and now Zifeng proposed by himself, which made Yue Qing overjoyed.

Zifeng smiled lightly: "I am a little dissatisfied with the vice president of the Wolves Chamber of Commerce."

Silver Frost nodded: "Sword, don't delay, let's go."

Yueqing took two jade stones from the storage bag and labeled them as sailing. He handed Yinshuang and Zifeng and said, "The route of this jade road is a specific route."

"You can find the Soul Ship of the Seven Stars and the Mountains along this route."

"Yin Shuang, Bai Lang, this is the future of Yinyue Chamber of Commerce, only two are required."

The moon is clear and dignified.

Zifeng nodded slightly, leaving silver frost in the small courtyard.

After Zifeng and Yinshuang left, the moon's face became colder and colder. He said: "I will immediately summon all the senior officials of the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce in the House of Representatives!"

"Sign for monthly, I see the tricks you want to play!"


In the Silver Moon Chamber of Commerce, in the dark night, the two souls of the dynasty left Haicang City and went with Zifeng.

In two Lingzhou, nearly 700 soldiers were imprisoned by the imperial ban. They are all perfect in the sacred realm.

Zifeng's eyes were standing on the spirit ship with gloomy eyes. He took his hands out of the storage bag and moved the jade from the moon to him. Pressing his eyebrows, a map immediately appeared in his mind.

On the map, the golden route is very clear. If Zifeng's guess is good, this golden route is the route of Qixing Mountain, transporting martial arts to Haitang City.

Zifengzi carefully read the map carefully and thought of what the moon said. Immediately afterwards, the thoughts were condensed on the map. Gradually, Zifeng's gaze fell on a milestone. Sirius Island!

"Princess Silver Frost, where are we going?" At this moment, a forbidden army yelled at SilverFrost.

SilverFrost took out the jade map and said: "Go. Back to Longwan!"

"No! Go to Sirius Island!" The moment Zifeng heard Yinshuang's order, he immediately shouted coldly. He glanced at Yinlin, looked at Zifeng inexplicably, and asked, "Why are you going to Sirius Island?"

Zifeng grabbed the map with his palm, and said on his face: "Because the wolves will be established on Sirius Island and ambush this seven-star Starry Sky Mountain!"

Silver Frost asked in surprise: "How did you know?"

Zifeng explained faintly: "Huilong Bay and Little Sirius Island are excellent ambushes on the map given to us by Yueqing, but they are too far away from Huilong Bay."

"Qinger explained that these martial arts weapons should go to Haishu City."

"When we set off at this moment, even if the spirit ship is completely galloping, when it returns to Longwan, it will be at least noon tomorrow!"

"It is now estimated that if the seven-star spirit ship in the mountainous area will return to Longwan at noon tomorrow, then they will arrive at Haishu City at least late at night."

"So, the spirit of Qixing Mountain should be faster than we thought."

"Because we don't know where the Seven Stars are in the mountains, anyone who thinks of wolves won't know."

"Due to the distance of Huilong Bay, we can only put Sirius Island aside!"

"In addition, Sirius Island is the closest city to Haishu. It only takes one day to reach the top. This coincides with the time Qinger said, so I think if the Wolf Chamber of Commerce wants to set a price, it will definitely choose this. One day. Wolf Island!"

Zifeng's voice was low and his eyes gleamed.

Hearing Zifeng's analysis, Yinshuang's beautiful big eyes were shocked. Looking at Zifeng, she never thought that Zifeng had such profound achievements in the army.

Then he asked: "His Royal Highness, shall we go back to Longwan. Or go to Sirius Island?"

SilverFrost came back and said: "Go to Sirius Island!"

"Order, the entire army will enter a state of preparation, waiting for my order!"

"Follow!" It's all right now.

Ling Zhou suddenly accelerated, turned into white light news, and quickly rushed into the night in the Bailong Sea. ,, ..

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