The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 234: Pay the price

Whether he looked at it, his eyes gradually turned red.

In my mind, a picture appeared involuntarily, on the magical ridge, above the five peaks, how he was forced to go nowhere by the six monsters in Lingnan, how he looked at the woman he loved in him Die in front of you.

"As you practice, I don't know how you defeated my two-day purple disciple in the realm of the gods."

"Whoever tells you cold words, who teaches you!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

The voice of Zifeng was very cold, all over the hall. The other four or five powerhouses in Yang's realm did not dare to speak easily. After all, they were worried about the status of Zifengjian.

"Dongzong Jianzong is the phoenix in the sky, and the Heavenly Swordsman is the ant on the ground?" Zi Feng said coldly to Luo Yu, "Who taught you these things?"

Luo Yu hadn't decided yet, and got up from the ground. He looked at Nie Xiong in horror. He didn't think why he was defeated. The sword just now was still like Luo Yu's nightmare.

"Master." Luo Yu looked at Ma Ritian in horror.

Zi Feng said coldly: "Which is a despicable villain who dare to swear behind, are the elders cultivated by the seven major sects squirting animals like this?"


Hearing Zi Feng's words, the whole soldiers took a sigh of relief and looked at Zi Feng and Ma Ritian with shocked expressions.

Zifeng's remarks have been named the status of "seven patriarchal elders", and only Ma Ritian is the elder of Dongzong Jianzong.

Everyone knows that Zifeng's words are aimed at Ma Ritian!

"Master." Luo Yu hesitated and ran to Ma Ritian's side.

As usual, Ma Ritian opened his long closed eyes and whispered in a low voice: "I don't know how to learn art. Even if I am lost in the hands of a disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect, you are a respected Shaojian Tongtian Sword. So. indifferent."

"Don't you think you have lost your identity as a sword?"

Ma Ritian raised his eyes and shot a sharp and incomparable sword light from his pupil towards Zifeng. In an instant, in the hall, a sword surged, and a storm broke out!

When I saw the horse, I opened my eyes and Luo Yu said in a tragic voice: "Master, you must be my master!"

Lin Bai sneered and said, "Identity? Hey, have you ever seen someone bow? Have you ever seen a person who was sighed? Have you ever seen someone still telling you to catch a glimpse?"

Ma Ritian's eyes were cold, and he looked angry at Zifeng. He said, "Dongfang Bai, what did you say!"

Zifeng laughed and said, "I said. You caught a glimpse of it!"

Ma Ritian suddenly stood up from his seat, a sword in the sky was filled. He looked at Zifeng coldly. "Dongfang Bai, I am also the elder of Dongzong Jianzong. You are too insulting." I, you put Dongjian Jianzong in your eyes! "

Zi Feng's cold voice: "No, how are you?"

"You!" Ma Ritian moved out the name of Dongzong Jianzong, and thought he could scare Zifeng and let Zifeng stop, but Zifeng didn't say so, and directly made Ma Ritian speechless!

Other people in this field cannot breathe even in the atmosphere. After all, this is a dispute between the seven major sects. This is also a dispute between two great swordsmen. Who dares to intervene easily and offend any of the seven sects, and can't find any delicious fruits!

"Tongtian dog! It's been a long time since I didn't tidy you up. You are getting more and more arrogant." Ma Ritian's eyes were cold, and his mouth smiled coldly.

"Old things, what did you say!" Nie Xiong suddenly became angry and screamed on the table.

Luo Xuan also blushed: "Elder Ma Ritian, I suggest you apologize immediately, otherwise, you can't get out of my Luojiacheng today!"

Li Wu put down half of the chicken legs, staring at Ma Ritian with big eyes, took out the huge sword wider than the door from the storage bag, and looked at Ma Ritian with bad eyes!

"Oriental Young Sword Sovereign, Elder Ma Ritian, Qi and Cai, Qi and Cai."

Luo Tianyou said it was difficult.

Zifeng stood up from his seat, his hand swayed, and a sharp and incomparable sword appeared in his hand.

Ma Ritian sneered: "How? Dongfang Bai Shaojian is planning to discuss with the old man? Oh, don't look at your cultivation, Yang Shen's realm dare to fight with my old man Yang Shen's realm!"

"Dongfang Bai Shaojian respects, and her husband bluntly said, if you have swordsmanship and your temper, you don't know how many times you have been killed!"

Ma Ritian said coldly.

Zifeng laughed and said, "This has always been a lot of people who want to kill me, but they have never successfully returned!"

"Today, you will pay for what you said!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

"Haha, well, I just want to see the swordsmanship of Dongfang Bai Shaojian." Ma Ritian stood up from his seat, holding a sharp sword in his hand!

"Let's go outside."

"It's spacious outside!"

Ma Ritian staggered into the air.

Zifeng followed closely behind.

In mid-air, Ma Ritian and Zifeng opposed each other, and the two Scorpio swordsmen dispersed.

Ma Ritian sneered: "Shao Jianzun, are you ready?"

Zifeng smiled: "Let your ability."

Ma Ritian blinked his eyes and sneered with a smirk at the corner of his mouth. He secretly said in his heart: Yang Shen's area dared to scream with the old man. Since you are provoking right and wrong for the first time, even if I kill you today, the Heavenly Sword Sect will take me. no!

In the air, Zifeng and Ma Ritian are relative. Below Luo Tianyou and Luo Xuan, they looked dignified.

Luo Tianyou said loudly, "Xuan'er, soon let Dongfang Bai Shaojian live in his hands. Elder Ma Ritian is the strongest in the top four of the Yang family. He is not an opponent!"

Of course, Luo Tianyou knew very well in his heart. These two people, he has no guilt for the Luo family. One is the elder of Dongzong Jianzong, and the other is the Young Sword Master of Tongtian Sword. No matter who is injured, this Luo family will return to the pot!

Luo Xuan said coldly: "Father, don't worry, let the Dongfang brothers learn from the lessons of the uninhabited residents of Dongzong Jianzong and let them know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside." Luo Tianyou said with concern: "But, Xuan My son, Elder Ma Ritian is the Four Realms of Yangshen after all."

Nie Xiong smiled lightly: "Patriarch Luo, you can rest assured that the strength of the Eastern Brothers is not worse than the realm of Yang Shen."

"The Luo family is very optimistic, and let you know that not everyone in the Lingnan area is qualified to sit in my swordsman seat, and not every fighter is qualified to be a charming genius."

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