Nie Xiong said with a sneer.

Hearing what Nie Xiong and Luo Xuan said, Luo Tianyou looked surprised. He thought to himself: Does Yang Shen still have heavy weapons in killing the four great fighters of the Yangshen Kingdom?

This is not only Luo Tianyou's suspicion of Zifeng's power, but the rest of the place looked at the air in surprise!

up in the air.

Ma Ritian stared at Zifeng with a cold smile in his mouth.

"Young sword, look at the sword!"

The sword of Ma Ritian in his hand trembled, and a series of exciting swordsmen began to unfold!

A scorpion Jianwei was accompanied by a gust of wind, the atmosphere was filled, and immediately surrounded by a gust of wind, the wind seemed to have a sharp and incomparable sword light!

"A sword rides in the wind!"

Ma Ritian's figure was vacillating, and a thunderous lightning sword went straight to Zifeng's face.

This sword was wrapped in the early power of the explosion. It was as fast as electricity, killing without a trace!

Zifeng sneered, the devil's sword shook, and stopped as soon as the sword advanced.

Ma Ritian looked condensed and whispered: "The wind is cruel!"

His swordsmanship is changing rapidly, and the sword image explodes like an impact. A world-wide storm swept the sky, it was as dark as darkness, just like the end of the world!

"Are you so strong?" Zifeng snorted contemptuously.

"Sky Swordsmanship! The second floor!"

Zifeng's body was immediately filled with red and orange light, which is the light that will be cultivated to the second layer.

At this moment, Zifeng's repairs, as the realm of the realm, immediately rose to the Three Peaks of the Kingdom of Yang Shen!


After the operation of Zifeng's sword, a sword slammed forward and directly smashed Ma Ritian's sword!

At the same time, the demon sword was level, Zifeng's eyes were cold, and his mouth sighed softly: "A horizontal direction!"

Rumble 1x1772

A sword was emptied and destroyed everything!

The power of the king-level swordsmanship is fully revealed, a sword is shattering and smashing into Ma Ritian's body!


In this sword strike, Ma Ritian directly rushed to the bleeding, and he went out after going out. When he raised his head, his eyes were full of fear: "How is it possible! How can your swordsmanship be so powerful!"

"There is a stronger one, I fear you are ignorant!"


Zifeng took a step, and the sword in the sky rushed towards Ma Ritian.

A sword squatted down in the air, like a sword that opened the sky, destroying the heavens and the earth, and breaking the universe!

Ma Ritian saw the sword fall, his face was panicked, his eyes widened, his teeth, he roared: "Wu Hun!" On top of his head, a huge blue wolf appeared, this is Ma Ritian Of martial arts.

The martial arts flashed, Ma Tiantian turned into a shadow, and quickly retreated. high speed. After the horse retreated 100 meters away, when he raised his eyes, a sword roared!

"Wu Shen's secret method! Qingfeng Shuguang!"

Ma Ritian roared and gritted his teeth again and again!

Zifeng snorted, and the devil sword was lifted again: "One horizontal and one vertical!"

Two knives, flying forward, one vertical, one horizontal, swallowing everything!

The two swords fell, shattering Ma Ritian’s martial arts secret, and at the same time, leaving two indelible marks on Ma Ritian’s chest, exposing the bones of the forest, and his body fell even more uncomfortably. On the ground, pull out a huge pit!

"Hey." Ma Ritian was stunned again and again!

Zifeng's figure fell from the air, looking at the horse in the crater, his eyes were cold, and the Devil Sword was cold.

Ma Ritian hurriedly returned to the gods and cried and said, "The statue of Dongfang Bai Shaojian, forgiveness, forgiveness, all wrong, all wrong, please sacrifice!"

Ma Ritian knew that if he didn't ask for mercy, then Zifeng's sword was likely to commit suicide immediately!

Zi Feng said coldly: "East Sect Jianzong and Tongtian Sword were originally the gates of the two great ancestors of Lingnan. You and I are both swordsmen. What is the need for evil words!"

"Yes, what does it mean for Luo Yu to defeat the purple disciple of the Heavenly Swordsman?"

Zi Feng asked very curiously.

From the moment Zifeng saw Luo Yu, Zifeng knew that Luo Yu was the true ancestor of the second world. Even if he fought a warrior in the same field, it would be difficult to win, let alone a higher level than him. The self-governing disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect have a battle!

"That's it." Ma Ritian was hard to say, he was a little puzzled.

Zi Feng asked coldly: "Say!"

Ma Ritian was frightened and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, I said!"

"That was a purple disciple who was disguised by me. Not long ago, in order to seek the trust of the Luo family, I asked Luo to give me a chance to rob the gods. I have already figured out this method!"

"I made me feel that my old friend, pretending to be a purple disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect, deliberately lost to Luo Yu, and then I asked Luo Yu to go to the Luo family to get my qualifications to grab the natural fruit."

When Ma Ritian said this, he shuddered.

"What!" Luo Tianyou and Luo Yu were both surprised.

Luo Xuan and Nie Xiong were faces that suddenly realized. They looked at each other and smiled at each other. "I would say, how could the purple disciple of the Heavenly Sword be defeated by Luo Yu?"

"It turned out to be like this." Luo Xuan shook his head contemptuously.

Luo Yu had difficulty accepting this fact and immediately fell to the ground. He thought he really defeated the purple disciple of the Tongtian Sword School. Now this is too arrogant and rude.

But now I can hear Ma Ritian's words, which caused Luo Yuxin to collapse suddenly.

Nie Xiong whispered: "Luo Xuan, brother, you should still persuade your family not to be so arrogant, meet with us today, just stop like this." "We are at the top of the lesson!"

"But if you meet other purple disciples of the Heavenly Swordsman and hear Luo Yu's words, I am afraid you will be invaded. You will suffer innocent disasters!"

Nie Xiong reminded Luo Xuan.

Nie Xiong did not exaggerate his remarks. As Nie Xiong said, if the other Qitian disciples heard Luo Yu's words just now, I am afraid that not only would Luo Yu die, but the purple disciples of the Heavenly Swordsman would also be late to Luojiacheng. A word!

At that time, a Luojia district might not be able to compete with the Zitian disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect!

Luo Xuan solemnly said: "Thank you, Master Nie Xiong reminded that Luo Jia has been comfortable for too long, and I will let my father clean up the family!"

Luo Tianyou also secretly nodded, and began to think about Luo Jia's future!

Initially, Zifeng had six Shen Dan elements, and his combat effectiveness was five times that of the fighters of the same world. With Zifeng's current strength in Yang Shen's domain, the two warriors who killed Yang Shen's kingdom have no strength! ,, ..

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