The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 237: Unwilling

That is Beiyang Tree!

The three kings said: "The law has already begun. Let us leave!"

Immediately afterwards, ten powerful men of the royal family and ten elders of Burning Heart rushed into Guangmen, and the other three family fighters also flew away.

Luo Tianxuan said to the ten people behind him. "Based on what we discussed earlier, I will pick the fruits of the sky. You have 9 people responsible for protecting me so that you can make the most of the fruits of the sky!"


Zifeng and the other nine people responded with a sigh of relief.

Before coming to the Beiyang Sacred Tree, Luo Tianxuan and Zi Feng and others discussed it. Luo Tianxuan personally went to pick the natural fruit, while Zifeng and others were responsible for protecting him!

Zifeng has no objection to this. After all, Zifeng came here to kill the elders of Xuanhuo. If you are distracted to pick the fruits in the sky, it will definitely make Zifeng return to the enemy!

"Go!" Luo Tianxuan jumped up and rushed into the light gate.

Zifeng and the others flew away.

Zifeng rushed into the lamp gate and immediately appeared on the mountain. Looking at the three big families and the heart-burning royal family, they rushed to the unachievable mountain. high speed.

Luo Tian Xuanyang is a realm of five-fold cultivation of gods. He flew in front of the mountain, over the mountain, and came to the foot of the mountain. He walked straight to the top of the sky, close to the tree in Beiyang!

When Zifeng came to the bottom of the mountain, Zifeng felt that there was a suffocating breath of life on the mountain, just like this Beiyang tree is a tree of life! "Life is beautiful and powerful." Zifeng looked a little condensed and dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, beside Zifeng, a warrior said: "Eastern Young Sword Master, once you get together, please don't put your hands in the sword. Otherwise, I will definitely become an enemy!"

Zifeng nodded, "Naturally I won't hold my hand!"

The other eight guards nodded and followed Luo Tianxuan in their own way.

Flying over the mountain, Zifeng found this Beiyang tree, it was too big!

On this sacred tree, you can almost cultivate a city that can accommodate millions of warriors. Huge vines hang down from the branches, like a road to heaven!

Zifeng came under the tree in Beiyang, as if it were an ant.

On the tree of the northern sun, there is a golden fruit that exudes a charming light.

Zifeng looked at it at a glance, there are as many as a thousand of these fruits!

There are thousands of fruits in the sky, although there are many, there are only a thousand fruits in the sky on such a huge Beiyang tree, which is a bit too few!

Luo Tianxuan is close to the fruit of the sky. He took a golden sword from the storage bag, and then gently pulled it out. This heavenly fruit fell in his storage bag!

"Metal is a perfect sword!" Zi Feng saw the sword in Luo Tianxuan's hand, his face condensed. The material forged with a sword can be extraordinary, it has a sharp metallic atmosphere!

Zifeng looked at it at a glance. The other three families and the royal family burned down the sect. They all took out metal swords and began to smash the fruits of the sky!

At first, there were many natural fruits on the trees in Beiyang. The other three families and the royal family were not shot to death. They began to pick the natural fruits.

Until half an hour later, there were fewer and fewer fairy fruits on the North Sun God Tree. These four thousand sacred fruits were basically replaced by four families and royal families. At this time, the war began.

In the front, Li Jia and Sun Jia, one of the four major families, fought a **** battle due to the fruits of the sky. On the branches of the Beiyang God Tree, several powerful men from the Yang God Kingdom continued to shoot and roar. The voice echoed!

Luo Tianxuan turned around and looked very ugly.

A soldier walked over and asked, "Brother Luo, how is it? How many days have you picked the fruit?"

Luo Tianxuan looked like a blue-green one. After glancing at the heaven fruit in the storage bag, he whispered: "The speed and burning heart of the royal family are too fast. They have basically selected half of the thousand heavenly fruits. !"

"I only have more than 150 people!"

Luo Tianxuan said.

"It's only one hundred and fifty, but it's too little."

"Yes, too little."

The same is true for other guards, it is difficult to accept this ending.

The royal family has nearly three hundred heavenly fruits!

The Burning Heart took away three hundred!

Luo Family One Hundred and Fifty!

The other three big families add up to 300!

The heavenly fruits on the Beiyang sacred tree were basically robbed!

"Look for it and see if there is a fish missing on the Internet!" Luo Tianxuan was also a little reluctant, and quickly applied his body, flying on the branch, trying to find some invisible fruits of heaven! Sure enough, in Luo Tianxuan's careful observation, there was a branch on the tip of the eastern branch of the Beiyang God Tree with more than 50 heavenly fruits, which was not discovered.

"There are more than fifty here, awesome!" Luo Tianxuan looked very happy, and then hurried away.

At the moment when Luo Tianxuan's figure was moving, a terrifying force fell from the sky, covering the top of Luo Tianxuan's head.

"Be careful!" Zi Feng hurriedly flew forward, grabbed Luo Tianxuan's figure, and brought Luo Tianxuan back.

And this terrifying power is in front of Luo Tianxuan.

Luo Tianxuan's expression was surprising. If Zifeng didn't catch him in time, I'm afraid this force would make him die instantly!

"Three lords, what is your intention?" Luo Tianxuan raised his head angrily. The three princes descended from the sky with royal soldiers.

The three kings sneered and said: "Luo Tianxuan, this place was originally discovered by my royal family. It belongs to my royal family. Let's go!"

The three princes are members of the Beiyang royal family. Today, the younger brother of the Beiyang Emperor is extremely powerful, and the five gods have cultivated the realm of the king of the gods!

The other nine people who followed the three princes are all old monsters of the Northern Dynasty, as well as military martial arts. They are all five kingdoms of the Yangshen Kingdom!

For this year's natural fruit, the Beiyang Dynasty actually sent ten masters of King Yang Shen to enter it!

On the other hand, besides Luo Tianxuan, there are four people with five people in the Yangshen realm, and the other four are the four realms of the Yang Kingdom. The weakest one is undoubtedly Zifeng, the realm of Yang Ashen!

If you put it together, I'm afraid Luo Jia will not find any benefit!

Luo Tianxuan looked around for a circle of Beiyang Shenshu. When I saw the natural fruit, there was not much left. If the natural fruits of this place are given to the royal family, I am afraid that the Luo family can only leave more than 150 heavenly fruits. Now! ,, ..

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