The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 238: defense

"The three princes are not too overbearing. This place is obviously my first visit." Luo Tianxuan was not reconciled, and said tentatively.

The three princes sneered: "It seems that you won't give it to us easily. Well, you will stop the Luo family's soldiers, and I will pick the fruits of heaven!"

The three princes said to the nine people around.

"Don't worry, the three princes are there. We are there, and Luo Jia's soldiers are considering approaching these days!"

"Warrior of Luo Jia, I suggest you leave, don't ask for it!"

"If you are here to suffocate with us, I am afraid you will not be able to find the fruit in the sky."


The nine men following the three princes walked forward coldly, staring at the soldiers of the Luo family.

"You, it's time to start now. If you want to stop them, I will go to the three kings to fight for heaven!" Luo Tianxuan also knew that now is not the time to regress, and the other nine people said coldly.

"Okay!" The other nine people responded directly without any rebuttal!

Luo Tianxuan immediately went out and went straight to the Three Kings. The other nine people are fighting the guards of the Three Kings!

"Boss Qian Quanquan, I didn't expect you to join the Luo family." Among the guards of the three kings, an old man said coldly.

The soldier named Qian Quanquan smiled coldly: "The **** sergeant has not been seen for a long time!"

The **** military sneered and sneered: "I don't bother to talk nonsense!"

"Kill them!"

Soon, this fierce battle will begin!

When Zifeng was in the crowd, the demon sword appeared in his hand, looking forward coldly, his heart vaguely said: "I don't know whether Luo Tianxuan can balance these three kings!"

"Why didn't you see the soldier who burned the heart?"

When Zi Fengyi came here, the five masters of the Yangshen realm came over and laughed and said, "You are a white man from the East, hey, today I want to see, the sword of Tongtian Sword respects, what power do you have!"


Leaning back to the top five powerhouses in the kingdom, coldly shouting, making fists with five fingers, roaring boxing, and constantly bombarding Zifeng's body, a moment of killing suddenly filled!

Zifeng's figure flashed past, avoiding this person's fists!

"I really escaped, haha." The man snorted, and once again applied his fist to Zifeng's body.

At this moment, Zifeng's eyes kept looking around, wanting to find the Wushu and Xuanhuo elders of Burning Heart!

"Damn! Dongfang Bai, are you fighting with me, even dare to look elsewhere? You are too ignorant of the old man!" The five powerful men in the realm of the sun saw Zifeng's eyes constantly looking at others Place, immediately said angrily.


At this moment, Luo Tianxuan who rushed to the Three Kings heard a scream!

"No! Luo Tianxuan is injured. Does anyone want to help Luo Tianxuan!" In the guard, the soldier named Qian Quanquan immediately shouted: "I'm playing a **** army, I can't leave!"

"I can't do it here!"

"The old man is tricky here too!"

"I can't do it either!"

Among the guards, the other fighters said they could not get out!

"I will go." Zifeng said at the moment.

The other escorts looked at Zifeng and immediately said, "Dongfang Shaojian, be careful!"

Zifeng nodded slightly.

At this moment, Zifeng was killing one of the five strongmen in Yang Shen's kingdom, and suddenly furious: "Damn! Dongfang Bai, you also look down on that old man and kill with the old man, but you still want to save others. ?"

"You look down on the old man too!"

This person screamed again and again.

Zifeng's eyes finally condensed, staring at the old man in front of him, the magic sword lifted up, and said coldly: "We're leaving, otherwise, I'm very welcome!"

The man roared: "The old man doesn't want to, how do you want to see your popularity?"

This popularity is full of flames, roaring and killing Zifeng.

With a glimpse of Zifeng's heart, Zifeng's body was condensed with red and orange pride. Zifeng's power instantly increased, and at the same time, Zifeng's sword fell!

Rumble 1x1772

The cunning sword light is better than the sun, the moon and the stars.

"Zhu Xian"!

The mood of torrential rain, the mood of killing, the mood of aurora, three in one, three purple wind swords with perfect mood, smash the sky.

"Not good!" The man saw Zifeng's sword attack and scream in front of him, and suddenly screamed towards the mental defense, but Zifeng's sword fell and directly smashed the defense!

"One horizontal!"

At this time, Zifengkou let out a roar!

A smashed sword crossed the sky, and the scorpion attacked the old man's chest and flew out of the old man's embarrassing elder. From a kilometer away, with a disorderly breathing, he looked at the forest with scary white eyes!

After Zifengyu flew past this person, his figure flickered and flew forward, heading straight to the Three Kings.


Zi Fengyi broke the air and stabbed the back of the three kings.

At this moment, the three princes and Luo Tianxuan broke the shackles. Suddenly, there was a cold on the back of the ridge, causing the three kings to frown. Suddenly they shouted: "Chen Kui, you waste, even the heavy fighters in the solar field can't accept it?"

This warrior named Chen Kui is a powerful kingdom of five powers from the sun **** flying out of the purple wind with a sword!

At this moment, Chen Kui flew from the kilometer and looked at Zi Feng coldly. His eyes are red and bloody. He screamed and screamed: "Secret of martial arts! Blood shadow!"

Chen Kui screamed, bursting out black mist.

Zifeng couldn't help but look back. The black mist filled with Chen Kui turned into an unstoppable **** light, and came to Senzifeng Spurs!

These **** rays are like wearing a sharp sword.

"Eastern Young Sword Sovereign, be careful!" Luo Tianxuan shouted nervously.

But when Luo Tianxuan opened his mouth, these countless blood-colored rays would swallow the purple wind, and there was a fierce mental vibration in the air. The three kings and Luo Tianxuan were shocked and flew out 100 meters!

"Ah!" Luo Tianxuan's eyes widened: "Well, it's over. A rare statue died because of my family. How can I be responsible to the Luo family!"

The martial artist named Chen Kui screamed and laughed: "Hahaha, how about the Young Sword Master of the Heavenly Swordsman? My martial arts secret is not that I was killed!"

Thousands of **** lights and shadows are like a sharp sword, penetrating the void like a white body. In an instant, the deafening loud noise spread immediately, the space was raging, and the smoke billowed! ,, ..

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