The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 443: powerful

Yu Qinglin said slightly: "Although Gu Yuan's strength is different from Ding Xianlai, it is also one of Xuantian's top ten talents. Of course, there is no need to talk about strength!"

At this moment, Jian Xuan looked at Zi Feng with deep fear in his heart.

Gu Yuan appeared in the field, standing opposite Zifeng, with a smile on his face: "Below Gu Yuan!"

Zifeng heard Gu Yuan's opening, his voice and voice, he was not in a hurry to make a fuss. He said, "Hang Xiabai!"

Gu Yuan smiled and said, "Brothers Zifeng once owed Ding Jia. Today, Ding Wu came to me to deal with you. It is really helpless. If you do something, if there is any harm, please don't look for the heart, Brother Zifeng!"

Zifeng nodded slightly: "Teach the game, know the stakes!"

"Please accept it."

Zi Feng said lightly.

"Okay." Gu Yuan smiled slightly, his mental strength began to surge.

When Gu Yuan's spiritual power was moved, Zi Feng's expression suddenly changed, and his heart exclaimed: "Formidable spiritual power, this person's cultivation has reached the peak of the Yang Shen realm, and he will soon enter it. great!"

At this moment, Jian Xuan couldn't help shouting to Zifeng: "Brother of Zifeng, be careful. Gu Yuan's younger brother is one of Xuantian's top ten shows!"


Jian Xuan's words resembled a thunder on Zifeng's head, so Zifeng was surprised to see Gu Yuan: "You turned out to be one of the top ten Xuantian shows!"

Xuan Tian Shixiu is one of the top ten disciples who can qualify for Dongzhou Academy. They are the strongest disciples of Xuan Tianzong.

Gu Yuan is one of Xuantian's top ten shows, showing how powerful he is.

Gu Yuan heard Zifeng's sigh and disagreed. His face smiled slightly, and immediately the power of the nine-fold peak of the Yang God realm began to condense, violently hitting the purple wind.

Rumble 1x1772

This fist is bombed, the sky and the earth will shake, and the void will be turbulent!

"The later stage of the concept of earth art!" With Gu Yuan's move, even if Zi Fengyin felt the power of his artistic conception, he reached the peak of the later stage, even closer to perfection.

A khaki arrogance was condensed in Gu Yuan's body, like a mountain of broken purple wind.

He punched and gave Zifeng a kind of pressure, just like facing the environment!

"Four Excalibur!"

Zifeng hurriedly stepped on the sword, and the four swords shook, destroying the world. These four swords were full of terrible swordsmanship and destroyed everything.

When Gu Yuanzhen saw these four swords, he was immediately shocked and said: "You actually have such a deep kendo practice. No wonder that even the top six fighters in ordinary Yang Qi are not your opponents!"

Gu Yuan fell and hit four swords easily!

After Gu Yuan broke the sword, he was not eager to shoot. He said, "Zifeng, are you here to worship Xuantianzong?"

Zifeng said with a gloomy face, "Yes."

Gu Yuan frowned and asked, "With your strength, isn't this a question of winning Dou Wufeng ten victories? Why are you not qualified to enter?"

Zifeng's voice said coldly, "Hey, Ding Wulai and the elders fighting Wufeng are cheating. I have won ten consecutive victories, but Ding Wulai told the elders of Tofu Peak that I am not qualified to go and worship. Enter Xuantian Zong!"

"Then, Ding Wu came to invite many Six God Warriors in the Yang God domain, and I participated in a round of battle. Oh, unfortunately, how could he know the six weapons of the Yang God Kingdom? Do I put it in In your eyes!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

Gu Yuanyi couldn't help but show an ironic smile at the corner of his mouth, "This Ding Wulai is really getting more and more excessive. Do you really think his Ding family can be hidden in the sky of Tiantianzong?"

Zi Feng said coldly, "Speaking of so much nonsense, do you also ask him to come and deal with me? That's why, let us accept it."

Gu Yuan smiled and said: "You don't want to misunderstand. In the past, Ding Jia gave me a remedy to win me. At that time, I also needed this elixir breakthrough, and I accepted it."

"But I didn't promise to join Ding's family. It's just that I accepted the elixir of life. This is a kind of goodwill to Ding's family. If he asks me, I will definitely help!"

"So, at this moment, Ding Wu came to give me a voice, so I asked for this kindness!"

"I have a relationship with Ding, but I don't have half a cent." Gu Yuan said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, Zifeng, my realm is higher than you, and my strength is also very powerful. I shouldn't have dealt with you, but I reached an agreement with Ding Jia, and I can't deny it. So let me shoot three times, three times. I shot after moving." Gu Yuan said lightly.


Gu Yuan asked.

Zifeng has two eyes. If Gu Yuan had him shoot three times first, it would be impossible to defeat Gu Yuan!

"That will thank the Gu Yuan brothers for their legacy." Zifeng said with his fist.

"Please, take away all your skills." Gu Yuan said with a smile.

Zifeng immediately went to extremes coldly. The demon sword trembled, and the sword went to Gu Yuan. This sword merges with the peak of Zifeng's spiritual power!

The momentum is like great, just like the end of the world, Gu Yuan's body.

"Scorpio! The power of this white sword is so powerful!" Many soldiers around were terrified, especially Yu Qinglin and Li Mo. It looks even more shocking.

"The power of this sword is enough to kill the warriors of the six mountains of the Kingdom of Gods!"

Yu Qinglin and Li Mo said in surprise.

The fierce sword of this sword went to Gu Yuan. Gu Yuan stood up and let the sword hit his body, but it did not break Gu Yuan's defensive strength. He smiled slightly, "There are two tricks!"

Zifeng saw his sword, and even Gu Yuan's defense was not broken. He gritted his teeth immediately, red and orange arrogance appeared in his body. At this moment, Zifeng's practice climbed again!

Gu Yuan said in surprise, "This will actually improve the secret of cultivation, which is very interesting."

The second volume of Tongtian Sword Art was opened, and Zifeng's cultivation was elevated from the four domains of Yang's realm to the six peaks of Yang's realm. At this moment, Zifeng smashed the sword out again.

Zifeng has already obtained the third volume of Heavenly Swordsmanship. This is more than a month. Zifeng has no time to practice. Time is running out. Zifeng wants to settle down in Xuantianzong. Practice the third volume.

In addition, when the dragon hit Long Ling, Long Ling's storage bag was in Zifeng's hands, and Lin Baite was particularly interested in Long Ling's storage bag. ,, ..

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