The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 444: Hesitating

In particular, Zifeng wanted to cheat away from Long Ling's storage bag. This kind of swordsmanship is the most suitable swordsmanship for killing mood!

But at this moment, Zifeng hadn't opened Longling's storage bag. I don't know if there is a dragon sword in it!

"Four Godswords!" With the support of Heavenly Swordsmanship in the second volume, Zi Fengzhen's physical strength was moved, the power of the Four Gods Swordsmen unfolded, and the Four Swords broke into the void like Gu Yuan.

When these four swords are in mid-air, the world is dim and the world is turbulent, just like these four swords, they can destroy all the horrors in the world!

Gu Yuan's face condensed, he felt the terrible power of these four swords, and he dared not slack off!

At this moment, after Four Swords were killed, Zifeng Sword changed, and immediately coldly said, "The third trick, here comes!" "One-word sword!"

At the same time, when the Four Divine Swords smashed into Gu Yuan, Zi Feng's third move, the power of the sword character, surged again, and a sword pierced and shot towards Gu Yuan.

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Gu Yuanxian was beaten by the four gods, and then Zifeng's sword was pushed directly onto Gu Yuan's throat.


There was a sound of blood splashing.

Zifeng's sword pierced Gu Yuan's abdomen.

Just as Zifeng's sword was about to fall on Gu Yuan's throat, Gu Yuan hurriedly moved his body away from his throat, but he could not stop the sword from piercing him. belly!

I saw Zifeng's demon sword pierce Gu Yuan's abdomen, and the surrounding soldiers exclaimed. "Gu Yuan's brother, he was stabbed by Zifeng."


"Mr. Gu Yuan is one of Xuantian's top ten talents. The Jiuzhongfeng fighter in the Tang Dynasty was actually stabbed by Zifeng, a four-armed fighter from the Kingdom of Gods!"

Li Mo was even more surprised and said, "Zifeng's swordsmanship is really very powerful, enough to make people feel suffocated!"

Yu Qinglin said in horror: "If Zifeng successfully enters Xuantianzong, I am afraid that the name of the first sword repairman of Xuantianzong will soon belong to him!"

"how so!"

Ding Wulai, Xin Danqing, Wang Yi, Zhou Dong and others opened their eyes wide, and they were dumbfounded when they looked at the **** blade passing through the abdomen of Gu Yuan.

Ding Wulai said suspiciously: "Mr. Gu Yuan was stabbed by him. This is really hell."

Xin Danqing was surprised: "Is this man's swordsmanship so superior? Even Brother Gu Yuan didn't stop it."

Zhou Dongyi said coldly: "Although it is said that Gu Yuan's younger brother asked Zi Fengxian for three shots, Gu Yuan's brother is one of Xuantian's ten programs, and he is still a soldier of the Yangshuo Kingdom. How could he be four? A soldier of the kingdom on his back? What about the stabbing?"

The audience exclaimed.

At this moment, Wang Jin's eyes changed rapidly. He was shocked, watching Zifeng's sword pierce Gu Yuan's abdomen!


The sound of blood splashing was particularly harsh, Zifeng listened to his ears.

"Brother Zifeng, all three moves are over, it's me now." Gu Yuan said with a smile.

Zifeng suddenly raised his head to look at Gu Yuan. At this time, he was holding a sword and preparing to run a mental resistance.

However, at this moment, Gu Yuan's face was cold, and his body's mental strength soared, causing the abdominal wound to heal quickly. Although this sword pierced Gu Yuan's abdomen, Zifeng's hand was very accurate, and Gu Yuan's was not injured at all.

Gu Yuanzhen's physical strength was shocked, and Haotian's strength was immediately filled, condensing into a terrible momentum. He suddenly stepped forward, clenched his fists with his five fingers, and violently slammed into Zifeng.

"Not good!" Zifeng screamed with eyes. Seeing the moment of this boxing bombing, he suddenly turned around and flew out, aiming at his mental body.


From Zifeng's body, a ray of blue thunder filled his body, hovering over Zifeng's body. At this time, Gu Yuan's punch came, accompanied by his roar: "Break the world!"

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Guyuan Boxing is extremely powerful and can destroy everything just like bombing.

"It's broken!"

"The world is broken!"

"This boxing is a king-level boxing technique!"

Both Jianxuan and Li Mo recognized the boxing techniques shown by Gu Yuan. It is a king-level boxing method of Xuan Tianzong. It is very powerful, and it now shows that it is also destroying the earth!

This punch hit Zifeng's body with the green wood **** thunder. In an instant, the Qingmu **** thunder layer burst, this powerful force hit Zifeng's chest and killed Zifeng. Walked more than a thousand meters, to the ground, vomiting blood, look!

"You lost." After Gu Yuan's fist fell, he did not shoot, but stood in the same place, watching Zifeng vaguely said.

"Cough!" Zi Guangguang coughed a few times, with blood in his mouth. Gu Yuan's punch directly smashed Zifeng's body. If there is an Aoki God Lei's body, Zifeng's injury may be several times more serious than it is now!

Zifeng stood up from the ground and faltered. Zifeng didn't shoot. He also knew that if the three swords just didn't reinvent Gu Yuan, using his current power, it would be impossible to use Gu Xia as Xuan Tian Shixiu. Yuan.

Gu Yuan smiled slightly: "Zifeng, although you were defeated in my hands today, between you and me, whether it is from the artistic conception or the martial arts field, it is far away."

"You can stab me with the four realms of Yang Shen. This is already very difficult."

"You are qualified to worship Xuantianzong!"

Gu Yuan said lightly.

"Elder Wang Jin, give Zifeng the admission qualification." Gu Yuan said lightly.

When Elder Wang Jin heard the news, he hesitated and looked at Ding Wu.

Ding Wulai hurriedly said at this moment: "Mr. Gu Yuan, why are you doing this? Didn't we say that?"

Gu Yuan smiled and said, "Ding Wu, do you have any objections? I promised to come here to help you defeat Zifeng. Now that he has lost, I have made an agreement between you."

"Now Zifeng's power is enough to worship Xuantianzong, he can become an inner disciple!"

"These are two different things."

Gu Yuan said lightly.

Seeing Wang Jing still hesitating, Gu Yuan immediately smiled and said, "How? Wang Jing, old man, Gu is not good at speaking? Otherwise, I will report the matter to Supreme Master and let him make a decision?"

Wang Jing immediately became pale and weak when he heard Gu Yuan's words, so that he couldn't help calming down.

As Gu Yuan of Xuan Tian's top ten shows, he is qualified to go directly to the Supreme Teaching.

If Gu Yuan tells the current master of Wufeng that he is the tallest disciple and has Xuantian Shixiu's excellent disciple Gu Yuan, I am afraid that even Ding's family will not meet Wang Jin to protect Wang Jin. And teach the supreme!

"Zifeng is qualified to worship Xuantianzong and become an inner disciple!" At this moment, Wang Jin's elder turned his eyes, then sighed, sighed, and said to the audience. Gu Yuan immediately smiled when he heard that Wang Jin had said this. ,, ..

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