The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 445: Five Elements

Then, Wang Jin said a few words to Zifeng's token, and then handed it to Zifeng. "Zifeng, you can take this token to the deacon. When you leave, they will handle it for you. Procedures related to entry."

Zi Feng looked at Wang Jin coldly and silently accepted the token. From the beginning to the end, Zifeng said nothing to Wang Jin, nor thank you for such things!

"Congratulations to Brother Zifeng for entering the inner gate of Xuantianzong!"

"Congratulations Brother Lin!"

"Congratulations to Brother Lin for worshiping Xuantianzong!"

At this moment, all the soldiers on the scene stood up and smiled and said to Zifeng's fist.

Zifeng coughed and said palely: "Thank you!"

At this moment, Jian Xuan came to Zifeng's side and said excitedly: "Brother Zifeng, you are amazing!"

Zifeng smiled.

Lin Li looked ahead, Gu Yuanxiao looked at him, and Zi Feng said with his fist, "Thank you, Brother Gu Yuan!"

Gu Yuan shook his head and said, "I have a fight with you, and I feel embarrassed. I can help you. You don't have to thank you."

Zifeng shook his head and said, "If it weren't for Mr. Gu Yuan's brother, I'm afraid I would have to continue fighting for the five peaks."

Gu Yuan smiled and said, "Zifeng, practice!"

After that, Gu Yuanyi turned around and flew to the cloud, disappearing into the cloud.

"Damn it!" Ding Wulai looked at Gu Yuan, who was far away from the fire, and at Zifeng and Jianxuan who were eligible to enter, blushing and smoking!

Ding Wu came to such a large team, first invited a large group of Six God Warriors in Yang Shen's domain, and invited Xuantian Shixiu's Gu Yuan to fail to prevent Zifeng from entering Xuantian. Zong!

This is not only a joke, but also a resentment in Ding Wulai's heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Jianxuan, Zifeng, you are waiting, I am not willing to give up!"

"Gu Yuan, I won't let you go!"

"let's go!"

Ding Wulai saw that the dust had settled at this time, and he did not continue to stay in Wuwu Peak. He immediately left the top of Wuwu Mountain with a large group of Qiangyang people.

"Zifeng Shidi, I will take you to the deacon's room to start."

Kang Xuan immediately returned to the deacon's room with Zifeng. Seeing that Zifeng's blood came back, which old man immediately gambled, and then Zifeng took out the tokens for entry qualification and handed it to the old man. .

After the elders reviewed the tokens in detail, they handled various tedious immigration procedures for Zifeng. Zifeng got a storage bag, which contained Xuan Tianzong's inner disciple and identity tokens. There are also maps of Xuan Tianzong and Xuan Tianyu, and other miscellaneous items.

Then the elder took out a map from the storage bag and said, "This map is where the disciples of Xuantianzong live now."

"Xuantianzong's inner disciple lives in the East Lake Mountains. The markers on the map, all the white areas are empty. If the red markers are already inhabited by the military." "You can choose a white residence and stay temporarily. ."

The elders said vaguely.

Jianxuan said, "Zifeng, brother, I live in the east of the East Lake Mountains. It's here. You chose a place closer to me. Our brothers and sisters also have a kind of care."

Zifeng nodded slightly, "I will choose here."

As Jian Xuan pointed out on the map where he lived, Zifeng saw a mountain not far from this place. There is a blank place above, and Zifeng chose this place.

When the elders saw it, they immediately took out a token from the storage bag and gave it to Zifeng. "This is the legal token that opens the residence. You collected it."

Zifeng nodded slightly, then the elder begged Zifeng for a few words, and then Zifeng and Jianxuan left the place, and Jianxuan brought Zifeng to the East Lake Mountains!

Zifeng went to Jianxuan's residence for the first time for a while, and then Jianxuan took Zifeng to find his residence.

Zifeng's residence is located in the mountains halfway up the mountain. This place is a small palace with a complete living room, a living room, a secret room and a quiet room to meet all the regular needs of fighters!

"Zifeng, brother, you just started fighting Wufeng, and now you need to rest. Those are the days when the brothers will change the harassment. You will get a good cure." Jian Xuan said with a smile.

"Okay, brother." Zifeng smiled and nodded.

After Xue Xuan left, Zifeng walked back and forth in the palace. After checking, he raised his hand and waved his hand, a piece of soul screamed, sweeping away the dust in the palace.

Then Zifeng opened the circle of the palace and turned to the quiet room.

Zifeng knelt down in the quiet room and began to practice the five element therapy.

Three days later, Zifeng's injuries were all healed.

At this time, Jian Xuan took Zifeng's residence to Zifeng.

"Zifeng, brother, how about the injury?" Jian Xuan came in and asked.

Zifeng smiled lightly. "Mr. Gu Yuan's fists seem to be very powerful, but he is also very cautious. He just defeated me. He didn't think of my life, so the injury was not injured."

Jianxuan nodded and said, "Gu Yuan's brother is a more humane person in Xuan Tian's top ten shows. Unlike other Xuan Tian ten shows, everyone is so high-spirited, it can't be one!"

Zifeng asked curiously; "Brother Jianxuan, now I have worshipped Xuantian School, I don't know how to qualify for Dongzhou Academy."

Jianxuan said: "It's very simple. There are still three months. Xuantianzong will have a game. The top ten will qualify!"

"Before Xuan Tian's top ten shows, there is no doubt that they are the people most hopeful of qualifying."

"In the competitions of the past few years, basically the top ten is the top ten of Xuantian, so the top ten shows of Xuantian are called the nails of Xuantianzong!"

Zifeng's eyes sank and said, "In other words, if you want to qualify, you must beat Xuan Tian Shixiu in the game?"

Jian Xuan nodded lightly, "Yes, you can say so." Zifeng asked, "What is the cultivation of Xuantian's top ten shows now?"

Jian Xuan whispered, "It is very powerful. Except for the brothers of Gu Yuan, other military martial arts are basically perfect in the realm of Yangshen. They are extremely well-trained in artistic concepts and martial arts. Very strong!"

"It's too difficult to count geniuses in this mysterious realm and want to beat them!"

"All of these are perfect perfection to the realm of the Sun God?" Zi Feng's eyes said coldly, and Zi Feng secretly began to guess.

Zifeng's eyes sank, and he said in his heart: "I have practiced four times in the realm of Yang Shen. It is extremely difficult to defeat the nine-headed warrior in the realm of Yang, and there is no hope of facing a great perfect warrior!",, ..

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