"Haha, Brother Lin is here." At this moment, a white man came to Zifeng from a distance with a bright and embarrassing smile on his face.

Zifeng turned around and saw Feng Wenjun and Huixi walking over.

"Brother Feng, Lady Huixi."

Zifeng said with his fist.

Feng Wenjun chuckled softly: "I have been looking for Lin Ge in the venue for a long time. I have never seen it before. I didn't expect Lin Ge just to arrive."

Zifeng nodded slightly and said, "I just arrived, Brother Feng, I don't know how long it will take to review the teacher now?"

Feng Wenjun chuckled and said: "It is estimated that it is almost coming soon, and powerful players from almost all regions are here."

Feng Wenjun turned his head to look at the crowd and saw a few very famous fighters.

Zifeng also looked at Feng Wenjun's gaze, and saw a few people, the atmosphere was extremely strong.

"This man is Wuhe."

Feng Wenjun saw a person and whispered in Zifeng's ear.

Zifeng raised his head and saw a young man in the river. Even if he is standing in the crowd now, he is particularly eye-catching.

This man is dressed in white, with smooth shoulders, long cheeks and shallow lips. However, this smile is a sinister smile. His eyes are narrow and narrow, and he looks at the audience. When Zifeng glanced at it.

This person also noticed Zifeng's gaze. From a small perspective, when he and Zifeng look at each other, the evil charm in the corner of his eyes becomes more intense, as if he is very interested in Zifeng!

"Wu He!" Zifeng whispered softly.

Later, Zifeng saw the air of the sword in the sword field, but Lin Yibing and others did not play a role in the sword field.

Zi Fengan waited quietly for a long time, when suddenly, a violent dynamic chaos occurred in the sky of this fairy city.

Above the clouds, more than a hundred strong men who died in the world fell from the sky and landed on the fields.

Zi Feng looked at these hundred people, and the leader of this group of people had a very strong aura, he was Ren Tian Gao!

After Ren Tiangao landed, he smiled and said, "Thank you for visiting Dongzi College. Today is the soldier who came here. It is best to enter Dongzhou College."

"Dongzhou Academy has been standing in Dongzhou for nearly 100,000 years. During such a long period of time, Dongzhou Academy has many treasures, martial arts, secrets, etc."

"It can satisfy any military practice."

"The old man Ren Tiangao is the host of this year's evaluation contest."

Ren Tiangao's fist smiled at the audience, his eyes swept away. They looked at the soldiers on the list before, and of course they saw the location of Zifeng.

"Next, I will briefly introduce the evaluation rules!"

Ren Tiangao said vaguely.

Zifeng held his breath again, looking at Ren Tiangao in mid-air, waiting for his words.

Ren Tiangao said: "This year's apprenticeship assessment is the same as in previous years. It is located in Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain!"

When he spoke, Ren Tiangao looked at a mountain not far from Xianxian County.

Zifeng looked back at this moment, and saw outside Xianxian, about a thousand miles away from Xianxian, where there was a mountain falling from the sky.

The mountain is very large, towering into the clouds at the top, and still in the sea at the bottom.

At this moment, Zifeng took a closer look and found that the mountain was divided into nine rings from the bottom to the top. Each ring is unique and the space is blank!

It is like nine floating islands superimposed on each other, becoming the Jiutian Yuanzu Mountain.

Ren Tiangao said vaguely: "The Nine Heavens of Yuanzu Mountain is divided into nine floors from bottom to top. On the ninth floor, there is a statue of the founder of Dongzhou Academy."

Zifeng was surprised: "The founder of Dongzhou Academy?"

Feng Wenjun smiled lightly: "This is also the ancestor."

Ren Tiangao said: "The evaluation content of this year's evaluation is. Compete to pay tribute!"

Zifeng is a glimpse, looking forward to Ren Tiangao, looking forward to his explanation.

Feng Wenjun smiled and said: "This year's rules are the same, and nothing has changed this year!"

After hearing "Tribute for hegemony", except for a few people and Zifeng, their faces were full of incomprehensible colors, while others were very calm, as if they already knew this evaluation rule! Ren Tiangao went on to say: "All fighters participating in the assessment can give their teacher qualification tokens to the elders of Dongzhou Academy, and exchange red beads before entering Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain. These beads are the so-called tribute."

"The nine-day Yuanzu Mountain is divided into nine floors. From the first floor to the second floor, two thousand red beads are needed."

"To the second floor, you need two thousand red beads."

"To the third floor, you need three thousand red beads!"

"Nine thousand red beads are needed on the ninth floor."

"After reaching the ninth floor, Hongzhu will be placed in front of the ancestors. After worshiping the ancestors, they will pass the evaluation and become the disciples of Dongzhou Academy!"

"This is the rule evaluated this year!"

Ren Tiangao said vaguely.

After Zifeng heard these rules, he said: "Each apprentice token can get a tribute red bead, it needs nine thousand to reach the ninth floor!"

"Do you want to catch this red pearl?"

Zi Fengyu said.

Ren Tiangao smiled and said: "I have heard of the rules, you must be thinking about how to get more red beads."

"It's actually very simple. There are two ways to get the red beads of tribute."

"The first method is to plunder the red beads from the soldiers' hands. Every soldier will get a red pearl when they enter the Yuanzu Mountain of Nine Heavens. You can freely shoot and plunder the red beads on the Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain!"

"The second way is. On the Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain, there will be a lot of strong cockroaches. If you defeat the cockroaches, you will get a different number of red beads. Of course, if you are strong, you will get failed afterwards. The more red beads many!"

"At the same time, the embarrassment and strength of each layer are different, and the number of red beads obtained is also different. That is to say, the higher the number of layers in Yuanzu Mountain, the stronger the stronger the red beads!"

"If the soldier loses all the red beads, the Nine Yen Zu Shan will force the soldier to return to the first floor until the end of the evaluation, or death!"

Ren Tiangao said vaguely.

"When a soldier presents nine thousand red beads to the ninth floor, the ancestors will give different rewards according to the number of contributions you contributed."

"You shouldn't underestimate this reward. There was a fighter more than 20 years ago. On the ninth floor, he offered a 120,000 tribute. He received a king-level spiritual reward!"

"So, the tribute is the most, and the rewards you get will be better!",,..

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