The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 249: Then found

When Ren Tiangao said this, the soldiers of the whole army could not breathe.

"Twelve thousand mourning? Just kidding, are there so many tributes?"

"That is to say, 130,000 tribute, that is, it is equal to all the fighters who participated in the evaluation of this place."

"Twenty years ago, who opposed the sword?"

The whole soldier was exclaimed.

Feng Wenjun glanced at him secretly and said: "It seems that only the anti-Japanese sword repaired more than 20 years ago can get 120,000 tribute." Zifeng said from the bottom of his heart: "Is this mysterious? 12,000 tons, it's amazing! "

Ren Tiangao said vaguely: "I think all your soldiers are very clear. The war that basically came out of the Jiuyuan Yuanzu Mountain more than 20 years ago, there was only one hand!"

"The other fighters are dead and wounded!"

"Therefore, in order to avoid the recurrence of the disaster more than 20 years ago, and to prevent the fascinating genius of the anti-Japanese genius from being born, the Dongzhou Academy opened a killing. Therefore, the Dongzhou Academy has blessed the Jiuyuan Yuanzu Mountain."

"This form is. As long as there are no red beads on the body, it will be passed back to the first floor."

"The first-level fighters cannot spread."

"In order to reduce the number of casualties in this assessment."

"So, if you encounter an invincible opponent on the first floor, immediately hand over all the red beads, and the nine-day hiking mountain will automatically send you back to the first floor."

"The evaluation time is half a month!"

"After this half-month evaluation is over, you can worship the martial artist of your ancestors and become an inner disciple!"

"The fighters between the fourth and ninth floors are foreigners!"

"When the first level of the fighter can be selected, the first level of the fighter can stay as a registered disciple, or you can leave by yourself, next year!"


"In the center area of ​​each floor, there is a transmission array. As long as you get enough red tributes, you can transfer the array and use the transmission array to enter the next floor!"

Ren Tian faintly explained the rules of Jiuyuan Yuanzu Mountain.

"is that clear?"

After Ren Tiangao finished speaking, he asked a faint opening.

In the central square, there are now 100,000 samurai from all over Dongzhou. They nodded slightly after hearing the Jiuyuan Mountain Hiking Regulations.

Zifeng smiled painfully and said: "In order to avoid a charming birth like a devil, Dongzhou Academy set up another circle on Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain. It will automatically turn back to the first red ball. Layer!"

"Dongzhou College seems to be really afraid that the massacre that occurred more than 20 years ago will happen again."

Zifeng shook his head and said.

After a quarter of an hour, Ren Tiangao said: "Since everyone has no doubts, then this year's apprenticeship evaluation has just begun!"

"All the fighters take out your apprentice tokens, and then come to cash in the tribute."

Ren Tiangao said.

Immediately afterwards, more than one hundred elders who followed Ren Tiangao fell from the clouds and came to the central square. They have red beads in their hands.

Then a fighter will take out their own evaluation token and move forward, which is a symbol of a bead.

"Brother Lin, let's change."

Feng Wenjun smiled lightly.

Zifeng nodded slightly, took his apprentice evaluation token from the storage bag, and came to an elder, handed the token, and returned a red bead. Zifeng noticed that Hongzhu had a slight fluctuation. This is a red glass bead, no other abnormalities!

After returning to Zhuzi, Zifeng returned to the court and continued to wait.

After all the fighters exchanged tributes, there may be more than an hour left.

Ren Tiangao smiled and said: "Since everyone has redeemed the tribute, the next step is to open the transmission array, all the warriors, enter the Nine Heavens Yuanzu Mountain!"

"Open, transfer the array!"

Ren Tian shouted.

More than a hundred people who were born in the field stood in the four corners, surrounding the hundred thousand warriors in the field. The souls in their bodies moved, and a light appeared across the central square.

The runes of the transmission array began to appear from the ground.

"It's already started!"

"Fengjiao's arrogant talent, work hard!"

"Come on, Dragon Field must sweep the world!"

"Wu He, defeat them!"

"Wu He, kill them!"

On both sides of the central square, countless people were born and destroyed, and they began to cheer for the arrogance of their territory.

"Brother Zifeng, come on!"

Wenga also shouted his courage and yelled to Zifeng.

Zi Fengxiao looked at Wenga and asked with a smile.

As the lights of the transmission array light up.

At present, in Dongzhou Academy, there are also some strong people who are concerned about apprentice wars.

Among them, in the Lanzhou family palace of Dongzhou Academy, a man in blue sits cross-legged by the lake. He looked at the lake in front of him, reflecting the opening of the transmission array in Zhuxian City.

"It's already started."

The man in blue looked at a young man in the pass.

The man he looked at was a white man!


The light of the transmission array is bright and dazzling.

After the flash, the 100,000 soldiers in Xianxian City immediately disappeared.

At this moment, the white light in the clouds suddenly fell in the sea thousands of miles away from Xianxian County. Among these white lights are fighters participating in the evaluation. Every white light has a warrior.

Rumble 1x1772

After shaking for a while, after the white light in front of Zifeng, he suddenly found that his body was falling rapidly. After a while, there was a loud noise.

Zifeng's body fell directly into the sea.


After Zifeng fell into the water, he rushed out of the water and raised his head. He saw a place about one kilometer away from him. He has land, the land is the first floor of Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain.

Now, not only has Zifeng fallen into the water, but the surrounding soldiers have fallen into the sea like rain.

However, after they surfaced, they quickly flew to the first floor of Jiuyuan Hiking Mountain.

Zifeng floated on the water, and there was a soldier not far from Zifeng. After he came out of the water, he smiled and said, "Yuanzu Mountain Nine Heavens, I'm here."

Zifeng floated on the water and saw that all the martial artists around were astonishing as they are now, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It seems that everyone is going to work hard."

"Then I won't keep it anymore!"


Zifeng snorted immediately, and Feijian rushed out of the dantian!

Zifeng stepped on the flying sword and instantly rushed from the sea into the first layer of the Nine Heavens Yuanzu Mountain.

The Zifeng imperial sword rises and enters the first floor.

Along the way, Zifeng looked solemnly, thinking from the bottom of his heart: "On the first floor of the Nine Heavens Yuanzu Mountain, everyone is a warrior who has just entered here, and the tribute on his body is only a red bead.", ....

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