Li Fugui came to Zifeng and saw Zifeng sitting on the ground, his face rushed over: "Brother Zifeng, you are fine!"

Zifeng smiled and said: "You are a loud voice, I heard it from a distance!"

Li Fugui said anxiously: "I'm not in a hurry, I have a louder voice, and I can scare them away!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "But you are right. If you have these two nephews, I am afraid this person will not stop so easily."

Li Fugui looked around curiously: "Where are the others?"

Zi Feng said: "Before you come, let's run!"

Li Fugui breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the fat old man stood beside Li Fugui and asked coldly: "Zifeng Xiaoyao, do you remember the appearance of that person? Is it a sideline disciple?"

Li Fugui said at this time: "Brother Zifeng, this is my father and one of Li's parents!"

Zifeng stood up swayingly and shook his fist to salute him: "This person shouldn't be a soldier of the Li family. The sword he cultivated is a sword that can be separated from the hand. When the sword leaves, it will Stinging blood!"

Li Fugui's father's eyes were narrowing: "The sword is far from the hand, the blood is shining! Warrior of the sword tribe!"

"The remaining sword tribe?" Zifeng asked in surprise.

Li Fugui said at this time: "Brother Zifeng, the sword clan is the most powerful tribe among the 108 tribes in Kunming. There is a school called Blood Sword in their tribe!"

"It shows blood swordsmanship. It is based on the blood of warriors. The sword is not in the hands. It can explode in a short time!"

"But this blood sword technique has a huge disadvantage. It is a long-term practice, or if used for a long time, it will consume a lot of blood for the fighters!"

"In the same year, the ancestors of the Li family also received blood swordsmanship. They were initially included in the 72 techniques in the Kunming market. However, after the long-term training of the Li family, many fighters under the age of 30 appeared. Blood and Death is exhausted!"

"Since then, Li Jia has given up the blood sword!"

"I don't know why blood swordsmanship fell into the outside world. Since then, the sword tribe has risen!"

Li Fugui said vaguely.

"Sword Tribe!" Zifeng remembered the name in his mind.

Li Fugui said: "Due to the existence of blood swordsmanship, the Zoujian tribe has also risen rapidly. Although the number is small, they are fierce. The Zhejiang tribe was in the Kunming era. One of the strong!"

"Even if it is a heavenly tribe, we must be afraid of the tribe of the remnant tribe!"

Li Fugui added another sentence later!

Li Fugui's father said to himself with his eyes shining, "But this is unreasonable. Zifeng's friends have just come to Kunming, how can they provoke the strongest swordsman tribe?" "For the swordsman warrior. It’s even more so when sending a master to venture into Li Jia to deal with Zi Fengyou."

Li Fugui's father stood in front of Zifeng, thinking about it.

Zifeng didn't interrupt. At this moment, Zifeng combined the conversation between the thin man and the thin man. It is not difficult to guess that this thin man is aiming at him with a flying sword!

"The blood sword technique of the Sword Tribe is a side door!"

"But my flying sword technique is Ling Tianzi's father, he is orthodox!"

"The Sword Tribe is now sending someone to find me, obviously for this orthodox flying sword!"

Zifeng looked at him with a sigh of relief.

Li Fugui's father pondered for a while and said, "Zifeng Youyou, go back to treat the wound first. I will go to Changle to see the elders immediately. I will tell the elders about this place!"

"You can rest assured that some people dare to move my Li's guests to Kunming's Li's house. I will not be on standby at Kunming Li's house for this matter!"

"It's full, send Zifeng back to rest!"

Li Fugui's father said.

Zifeng smiled slightly: "There will be more old people!"

Li Fugui smiled and said, "Brother Zifeng, then I will send you back. You have suffered such a serious injury, first go back and heal!"

Zifeng nodded silently, and took Li Fugui back to his residence!

Li Fugui's father came to Li's parents' house and kept telling the elder that Zifeng's attack was complete.

When the elders heard the news, they thought for a while and told Li Zhengyi about it!

However, after Li Zhengyi heard the news of Zifeng’s attack, in the Presbyterian Church, thousands of elders in the Presbyterian Church were furious, and the roaring voice echoed within the radius of the Presbyterian Church. Thousands of elders saw Li Zhengyi who was angry and angry. Fear, he is afraid of words!

Li Zhengyi was very angry. At this time, in the Li family in the Kunming market, the strongman quickly dispatched, and Li Jiazhi's carpet search attacked the soldiers of Zifeng!

However, the thin man, like the evaporation of the human world, let Li Jiawu search for more than ten days, but he did not find any clues!

But after the thin man disappeared from the Kunming market, a black robe man came to a palace in the Kunming market mountain area.

There is nothing in this palace, but when the soldiers enter, they will immediately feel the powerful sword swinging in the hall!

The sword in the entire palace is like a sharp sword.

Among the countless swords, a middle-aged man with a shawl sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes slightly closed, beside him, a blood-red sword surrounded by a powerful sword, meaning, Like a blade in the sky!

The black-clothed man walked into the hall at an extremely fast speed, respecting and holding tightly: "High Priest!"

The middle-aged man with the long shawl didn't open his eyes, and he uttered an extremely cold voice. This word is like ice for hundreds of millions of years. He said, "Say it!"

A short sentence highlights the status and hegemony of this long-haired veteran! The black-clothed man said respectfully: "There is news from the Li family that thousands of strangers have lost their hands!"

This middle-aged man said nothing!

The black-clothed man hurriedly added: "However, Qian Mo didn't get nothing. According to the news he sent back, just as the Tiandao tribe said, Zifeng, the warrior named Zifeng, does have blood and no blood. Yu Jian's ability!"

"This method is basically the same as the blood sword of our tribe, but his sword technique should be stronger!"

The black-clothed man quickly notified the middle-aged man that Qian Mo was sent back.

After listening, the middle-aged man opened his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "The Kunming market is now close to the ancient mainland. I originally thought that the ancient mainland was a backward martial art. No one would use flying swords!"

"But I didn't expect the flying sword technique to spread to the ancient continent!"

At the moment the middle-aged man opened his eyes, a powerful sword flew out like a sharp sword! ,, ..

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