The black-clothed man heard the high priest say to him, and did not dare to intervene, silently waiting for the next high priest's order.

After the high priest was silent for a long time, his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Let the Black Sword Hall at all costs, even if you want to go out with the Li family in Kunming, you must bring this warrior named Zifeng back alive. Sword Tribe!"

"Or, let the black swordsman bring back Zifeng, or let the black swordsman bring back the flying sword!"

The high priest said coldly.

"Follow!" The black robe man is very sensitive.

The high priest added: "Please remember, this warrior named Zifeng, the future of my remaining sword clan, must bring back flying sword!"

The black-clothed man suddenly looked dull, he had never seen the high priest's words so firm.

This black-robed man knew very well in his heart that this time, the high priest was really about to start!

Even if you did not hesitate to offend the Li family in Kunming, you must take away Zifeng!

The black-robed man said repeatedly, and then he quickly left the hall.

After half a day, dozens of black figures quickly left this mountain range and entered the Kunming world between heaven and earth, disappeared, disappeared!


Zifeng returned to his residence and sent Li Fugui into the secret room to start treatment!

When I came to the secret room, Zifeng's eyes narrowed: "Blood Swordsmanship is a counterfeit product manufactured through flying sword technology. This is a side door, so they need to sacrifice with blood!"

"If I guessed wrong, the Sword Tribe did not refine a unique flying sword. It did not inject soul into the flying sword, but it did not combine the sword with the sword!"

"Therefore, the disciples of the Remnant Sword Tribe can only use blood to carve, and any blade can kill the enemy!"

"But this approach will undoubtedly result in one thousand and one hundred deaths."

"Even if the soldiers of the Sword Tribe kill their opponents with blood swords, their bodies will have a lot of blood!"

"This is the biggest flaw!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

When Zifeng thought of this, his eyes suddenly fell indifferent.

The Remnant Sword Tribe is among the 108 tribes in Kunxu, the tribe that can rank in the top three in terms of strength, the background and the strength of the martial artist are so powerful, they can even criticize the existence of the Li Family.

It's not a good thing to be stared at by such a poisonous snake!

Although Zifeng is in Li's house now, he is a distinguished guest of Li's house.

But as the saying goes, an open gun is easy to hide, but a secret arrow is hard to guard! If the Remnant Sword Tribe really wants to obtain flying swordsmanship at all costs, even if Zifeng does not leave the Li family, I am afraid that the Remnant Sword Tribe will have a way to deal with Zifeng!

"I have to improve the repair as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, the Remnant Sword Tribe will really want to win the Flying Sword Skill, even with Li Jiali's protection, I will not be comprehensive!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed and closed, and he began to heal his injuries wholeheartedly!

On the second day, Li Buzheng came to offer condolences in person. After learning that Zifeng was fine, he said he wanted to go back and practice hard and left!

As for Li Buxian, it is said that he is still breaking through the deadly adversity in retreat. This is what Li Zhengyi meant. Li Buxian will not break through the deadly adversity and is not allowed to leave!

And Zifeng stayed in the residence for a few days, and the injuries in his body had already healed.

But Zifeng was thinking about how to break through to the deadly adversity!

At noon that day, the fat Li Fugui came to Zifeng’s residence with a smile and shouted: "Brother Zifeng, what's your injury?"

Zifeng walked out of the residence and saw Li Fugui welcoming in with a smile, and said: "The injury has almost healed. I wanted to personally thank your father, but I just arrived in Kunxu, and I am not familiar with it and can't find it. To your residence!"

Li Fugui smiled and said, "Haha, all my brothers, why don't you say thank you!"

"Since Brother Zifeng is all right, then I can rest assured!"

"Then I will leave first!"

Li Fugui said with a smile, and then left.

Zifeng hurriedly shouted: "? Li Fugui, seeing you are so excited, is there something good? There is something good, and I don't want to think about me."

"If something is good, don't you miss me?"

Zifeng looked at Li Fugui with a smile, and said with a displeased face.


Li Fugui stopped and said with a smile: "Haha, there is indeed a good thing, the bone tide has erupted in the Withered Bone Secret Realm, and now the warriors in the Li family have gone to the Withered Bone Secret Realm to support."

"I also plan to go first today, so I will come and visit you first!"

Zifeng asked curiously: "Withered Bone Secret Realm"

Li Fugui said with a smile: "This Withered Bone Secret Realm is a unique secret realm occupied by my Kunxu Li Family. It was originally a treasure land. It is said that some warriors fight in it to fight for certain things."

"Bones are all over the ground, piled up into mountains!"

"And after those treasures were taken away, because there was no warrior to manage this place for a long time, the resentment inside became more and more serious, and the dead warriors turned into walking corpses. Although they have no spiritual wisdom, they have great power!"

"Call it Bone Spirit."

"Especially on the skeleton bones, there are some special spiritual objects, which are of great help to the martial artist to improve their cultivation!"

XX "For example, some bone spirits have a kind of elixir called Flesh Ganoderma. Once a warrior found one by chance. After refining, he broke through from the fifth stage of the deadly adversity to the sixth stage of the deadly adversity. Ten years of hard work!"

Zifeng was surprised: "Those elixir grows on these bones."

Li Fugui said, "Brother Zifeng, you don’t know that those warriors were all great magical powers in the sky before they were alive. They have strong cultivation bases and powerful powers. Even after they die, they have accumulated blood in their bodies Spiritual power, after countless years of evolution, can naturally give birth to a super elixir!"

"The most important thing is that in two months, it will be the battle of the ten sons, so many warriors plan to go to the Secret Realm of Withered Bones, upgrade their cultivation base, and want to fight for the position of the ten sons!"

Zifeng frowned again and asked, "What is the Ten Sons Controversy?"

Li Fugui smiled and said, "Brother Zifeng doesn't know about this."

Zifeng asked in shock: "Should I know?"

Li Fugui said: "Brother Zifeng, you have actually violated the rules of the Kunxu Li Family by entering the Kunxu Pagoda and understanding the Seventy-two Art of Kunxu."

"But at the time you were in the Heavenly Sword Tribe and frustrated all the heroes. The Patriarch was so happy that he didn't care about that much, let you go in for enlightenment!"

"But later in the elders' pavilion, the Patriarch also felt that it was inappropriate to do so, so for the sake of balance, the Patriarch decided to hold a competition in the Kunxu Li Family. Any Li family disciple under the age of 30 can participate!",, ..

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