The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 277: Survive

Powerless, Zifeng can only wear a **** robe!

"Goddess of blood!" Zifeng roared.

When Mo Wenshen was about to abolish Zifeng, a **** robe appeared in Zifeng's hands and quickly draped it on her body.

When Zifeng put on the robe of the God of Blood, a force comparable to the top of the world burst out from Zifeng immediately!

Don't let God see Zifeng's blood robe and say in horror: "The blood robe! You found the blood robe, one of the ten magic weapons in the ancient world!"

The cultivation of the dynasty mountain peaks that appeared from Zifeng shocked the void, in all directions, the sky collapsed, and the sun had nothing to do with the moon.

"Welling world. Lin Xiong actually possesses such a magic weapon." Li Na did not argue with the magic weapon on Zifeng, and unprecedented horror suddenly appeared on his face.

"Brother!" At this moment, the power of the two tactics in the air was smashed in the air, and Li Weixian was scared to face!

Li was not eager to protect Li Buxian and said, "There is no fairy, go tell my father!"

When Li didn't listen, he nodded quickly: "I will go!"

During the speech, Li Bu flew away directly.

Don't ask God to see Li Buxian go, but he didn't stop it.

After all, don’t ask God to decide that Li Zhengyi dare not interfere with the Central Holy Land!

Zifeng was wearing a blood **** robe, looked at Mowen God coldly, and snorted: "The sword is here!"

The black wooden sheath wrapped in the magic sword appeared in Zifeng's hand. Zifeng's right hand slowly held the hilt, and the magic sword was pulled out from the black wooden sheath inch by inch, inch by inch, the world of swordsmanship!

Don't ask God to look at Zifeng's every move and whisper: "Do you guess we will fight? So are we ready?"

Zifeng looked at Mowen God with no expression, without saying a word. Zifeng learned from Li Zhengyi that Mowen God was one of the traitors back then!

In the same year, Taoling No. 18 traitor dragon yiwas was smashed by Zifeng's sword and returned to the country to survive, and then was killed by Zifeng!

Now, facing Mo's question again, Zifeng's eyes became more enthusiastic.

Zifeng didn't say a word. Looking at Mo Asking God, he remembered Zifeng and Li Ziai in his heart, the tragic loss of his wife and daughter over the years, and the pain of his journey.

At this moment, the anger in Zifeng's heart exploded.

Seeing Zifeng not speaking, don't ask God to sneer; "Hey, even if you are prepared enough, how about you? Blood God robe, although anyone can wear it, it can have peak power!"

"But do you really think this kind of borrowed power can hit me?"

Don't ask God to speak in a low voice.

"Can you fight? You will know when the battle is over," Zi Feng said coldly and mercilessly.

In the speech, Zifeng took out the sword of the devil, and a handful of swordsmen were ruthless with Mo's body.

The sword came out, the world is cold!

"Slashing dragons and swordsmanship!"

This sword is the second stage of Zifeng martial arts.

When a sword fell, Mo Wen was suddenly shocked, and now Zifeng used the blood **** robe to display the Dragon Sword. The power can be different. This sword has a smashing power!

Don't ask God to show his body quickly and avoid it. At the same time, Mo asked God to take a sword from the storage bag.

Zifeng looked at the Mo Jian in God's hand and was surprised: "The spirit of the king."

Do not ask God to sneer, a sword screaming at Zifeng.

The two met in the fierce air.

Zifeng wears a blood **** robe, and has the power to demand the pinnacle. And the power of Mowen God turned out to be the peak of the peak, and Lin Bai is now even more indifferent.

Two swords, a pair of fierce sparks in mid-air.

Li didn't seem to be stunned in the distance. He never thought that Zifeng could even greet you and me with Mo!

"Split Heaven Swordsmanship! Open the mountain and break the mountain!"

After a hundred rounds, Zifeng gnawed his teeth and took out the measuring foot from the storage bag. At the same time, the terrifying power of crack swordsmanship immediately roared between the sky and the earth, facing Mo's death.

"Feijian! Taiji Erle Sword Array! Kill, open!" Zifeng's heart roared, two flying swords flew out of his body, screaming fiercely and asking God's body.

Zifeng's three swords are already full, the horror is unparalleled, and at the same time killing Mo asks God.

With the combination of the three swords, Mowen God has an irresistible feeling.

A loud noise!

Mo Wen God was beaten by Zifeng with a sword and shook back one hundred meters. He was pale and looked terrible at Zifeng. He said coldly in his heart: "This kid has also cultivated Tyrannosaurus and spiritual swordsmanship, as well as a strange and unpredictable flying sword!"

"Now under the power of the blood **** robe, let them perform their power perfectly!"

"Let him let the borrowed power be able to play with the strong who is my good friend!"

Don't ask God to watch Zifeng again and again.

Zifeng squatted on the measuring ruler with his left hand and held the ball with his right hand. Two flying swords continued to flow around, screaming swordsmanship flowed from Zi Feng's body, and a shrewd sword was falling.

And Zifeng is now more and more fierce and unstoppable.

When you lift up the ratio, you will be shocked by the fierceness of God.

Mo Asked At this time, God did not collide with Zifeng, but he avoided the kilometer and watched Zifeng go away.

Zifeng was surprised to see Mo Asking God, he really didn't expect Mo to ask God to retreat.

"Don't fight?" Zi Feng asked coldly.

Don't ask God to sneer and say: "You are not qualified to let me do this!"

"The high priest of the sword, the high priest of the sword, I know that your two tribes have hatred against Zifeng, now I will give you a chance to abolish Zifeng!"

Saying coldly, God is not required to stand in the air at this moment.

When Zifeng heard the news, he was shocked and said: "Did he bring his assistant?"

When Mo asked God's words that he had just fallen, waves appeared in the void around him. Out of the waves, two old men came out, one wearing a **** robe with a pungent **** smell.

This person is the high priest of the broken sword!

And another person, always smiling, this person is the high priest of the sword!

After these two men appeared, their eyes were so cold that they could see purple wind.

As the high priests of the tribe and the Tiandao tribe appeared beside them at the same time, they retreated with a sneer, and had no intention of starting again!

Obviously, God is not required to know the power of Zifeng's clothes in today's descent dress, plus the swordsmanship that can be regarded as a lone step in the world, even if it is a God borrowed from the blood dress, unequal. In a short period of time, Mowen God couldn't accept Zifeng. ,, ..

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