In this way, if you ask God, you will not be shot, and you will be handed over to the high priest of the sword and the high priest of the sword to deal with Zifeng. It's just that they and Zifeng have a **** battle!

The high priest smiled and looked at Zifeng and said, "Zifengyou, we have met again. That day, the Tiandao tribe was different. Now, goodbye, the children were not weak at first!"

Zifeng looked at the high priest of the sword, and naturally recognized this person.

After the Battle of Longshan, several core disciples of the Li family were arrested. Therefore, Li Zhengyi even panicked, and a large number of powerful Li people went to the Tiandao tribe.

The priest of the knife proposed to use martial arts to solve the problem. At that time, Zifeng defeated the Tiandao tribe in front of the high priest of Blade's Edge, and even gave the knife knife a vile method to defeat Zifeng, and even the priest of the knife swept the entire face.

"How did the Tiandao tribe deal with the question of God walking the dog? You are also a descendant of a spiritual warrior. If you do this, don't you feel ashamed?" Zi Feng said coldly.

The priest of the knife smiled and said, "Now, even Kunming's spiritual world has become something for others. What use do we have for those who are called the descendants of spiritual warriors?"

"Zifeng Xiaoyao, I'm afraid you still don't know this friend by my side."

"He is the high priest of the sword!"

"Oh, you may not know the priest of the sword, but you should know the sword tribe. You have killed so many powerful people in the sword tribe. You should remember it deeply."

Dao's knife laughed.

Zifeng's gaze slowly looked at the old man in the **** robe without saying a word, his face gloomy.

With the appearance of Zifeng, the high priest of the Remnant Sword Tribe looked even hotter, especially when he remembered that a large number of warriors in the black sword of the sword department died in Zifeng's hands, which made him very angry!

Zifeng's face was gloomy.

"The priest of the sword, you are getting more and more nonsense. Since you are willing to make money with him, then I am not worthy of you!" The remaining sword wizard snorted and raised his hand. From his length, A **** long sword flew straight to the forest.

The **** long sword, broken and smashed, if there is a kind of spirit, sharp and extraordinary Zifeng body.

A sword pierced Zifeng's soul.

"He can really play the blood sword easily!" Zifeng was taken aback at the sword clan high priest.

In the past, when Zifeng fought with the swordsmen of the sword clan, they sprayed blood on the sword to make the sword fly, but the high priest of the sword did not. He directly raised his hand. Flying, the **** flying sword flew out, like an ordinary flying sword!

The **** flying knife flew into the air.

Soon, the blood was so beautiful.

Zifeng was taken aback, and smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth: "Hey, the door is open!"

"Flying sword!"

Zi Fengxin watched an action, and the two flying knives immediately slammed and hit the **** flying knives.

Both of these flying knives carried the power of the border mountain peaks, and they collided with each other, and an earth-shattering vibration spread all around.

The high priest of the broken sword flashed his eyes and immediately held the sword in his hand, and said coldly: "Blood sword! Ten thousand Buddha!"

The **** flying sword immediately swelled in the red light and was stinged.

Don't ask the special envoy of the Central Holy Land, stand behind the most powerful force in the Central Holy Land of the ancient continent!

Don't ask God's cold voice: "If it is another warrior, you must let him go, I don't care, I don't want to control it, but Zifeng, this person, now has a big suspicion!"

"Don't you know?"

Don't ask God to say it coldly.

Li Zhengyi smiled and said, "What is suspicious? But your guess is, what evidence do you have?"

Don't ask God's cold voice: "There was no evidence before, but now there is!"

Li Zhengyi smiled and said, "Then you take out the evidence!"

I asked God coldly: "Well, Li Zhengyi, I ask you, do you encourage Zifeng to practice Kunming's 72 techniques and let Zifeng go to Kunshan Tower to pick any treasures?"

Li Zhengyi nodded calmly: "Yes, because Zifeng rescued the core figure for the Li family before the Tiandao tribe. This is what he deserves!"

Don’t ask God’s cold voice: “Kunming’s 72 techniques and the treasures of Kunshan Pagoda are the basis for your foothold in the Kunming market. Ordinary warriors must practice the 72 techniques of Kunming’s market. It’s hard to go to heaven!"

"Lin Dan, before the Tiandao tribe, he saved some core figures who are insignificant in your eyes. Have you qualified him to practice the 72 skills of the Kunming market?"

Li Zheng said very calmly: "I didn't handle this matter properly. Later, the Presbyterian Church also questioned me. For this reason, I organized a battle of ten children and selected ten potential Li Jiawu. Go. Practicing Seventy-Kunming's Two Skills!"

Don't ask God to laugh and say: "Well, Li Zhengyi, I already know that you are very convincing and eloquent. I didn't expect many years to pass. Your tongue is very good, not so!"

Li Zheng said: "I only tell the truth!"

Don’t ask God’s cold voice: "Then I’ll ask you! You promise Zifeng, as long as Zifeng asks for it, Kunhui Li’s family will unconditionally do this for Zifeng within the power range of Kunming. Things!"

Li Zheng nodded: "Yes, this is because of Zifeng's secret in the bones. During the three **** days, he has made outstanding contributions to the Li family. Li Jiawu believes in Zifeng!"

"If I don't behave a little, what else can Li Jiawu believe?"

"But later, Zifeng also used this promise, and I also fulfilled his promise!"

Don't ask God's cold voice: "Then you don't have to make such a promise to Zifeng!"

"Li Zhengyi, are you paving the way for Zifeng?"

"Have you made this promise? Do you think Zifeng will be useful in the future?"

"Or, do you think Kunming will stand on the side of Zifeng sooner or later?"

Li facelessly said: "Don't ask God, this is my reward to Zifeng in Kunming. I am the owner of the Kunming market. I want to reward Zifeng, this is my business!"

"Do you have anything to do with you?"

"You also said that I paved the way for Zifeng? Why should I do this! I have any reason to do this!"

Li Zhengyi said coldly.

Don't ask Li Shenyi's face: "You have! Of course you have a proper reason!"

"Because you are Li Subai's brother!"

"If Zifeng is really the son of Zifeng and Li Subai, then Zifeng is your relative! Li Buzheng's cousin! Li Buxian's cousin!"

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