The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 284: recruit

"But I know a word, it's above the North Island, above the sky, the house of the sword god, the city of swords!"

"So, the warriors on the North Island feel that the position of the Sword God Family is above the sky!"

"As for that? No one knows."

Ban Ye said with a smile.

Zifeng heard Ye Ye's explanation, and said vaguely: "In other words, if the Sword God Family did not come to us, would it be difficult for us to enter the Sword God Family?"

Banye nodded: "Yes."

Zifeng said, "Is there no other way to go to the Sword God's House?"

Ban Ye said: "Yes, there is only one way!"

Zifeng asked curiously: "What is the solution?"

Ban Ye smiled and said, "You are a fighter invited by the Sword God Family!"

Zifeng frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ban Ye said, "Little brother, I just said that the Sword God Family closed the mountain gate, but they didn't ask the world!"

"There is a special group of people in the Sword God family who have chosen outstanding geniuses in the ancient continent. Once they are valued, you can be invited!"

"At that time, you could go to the swordsman's home to practice naturally!"

"Since then, I have become a disciple of the Sword God Family!"

"Generally speaking, the Sword God family recruits more talents in Beizhou, while Dongzhou, Nanzhou, Xizhou, and even the Central Saint Kingdom have fewer disciples!"

"After all, Dongzhou has a super strength, called Dongzhou Academy, whose foundation is not much worse than that of the Sword God Family!"

"Nanzhou has a family of poisonous gods. Xizhou has Buddhism. The central sacred kingdom does not need to be said too much. Talents are naturally taken away by the central sacred land!"

"In Dongzhou, Nanzhou, and Xizhou, unless they are really obsessed with martial arts, they are rarely willing to leave their homes and join the family of the sword god!"

"Therefore, the focus of the Sword God Family in the past few thousand years has been to choose disciples from Beizhou!"

Ban Ye said with a smile.

Zifeng asked, "How can I be invited by the Sword God Family? Can you find a contact for the North Island Sword God Family?"

Ban Ye shook his head and said, "No, only the Sword God Family knows the contact person!"

"Little brother, if you want to go to the Sword God's house, that's easy!"

"As long as you have a reputation in the North Island and you have made extraordinary achievements in Swordsmanship, you don't have to go to the Sword God Family, the Sword God Family will come to you!"

Ban Ye said with a smile.

"The result proves this." Zifeng suddenly realized that he nodded.

Ban Ye continued: "A year ago, there was an undisputed arrogance in the land of Beizhou, named Li Wenyuan. This man was born with the spirit of martial arts, an 18-year-old awakening spirit, a 20-year-old flying, 21 years old. It will reach the end of the world! "Even more than 13 strong men who lost their lives on the border. They are valued by the Sword God Family. A year ago, the Sword God Family invited Li Wenyuan to practice in Cangwu!"

Zifeng nodded silently.

Ban Ye continued: "In addition, every time the ancient country of Lunan Tianjian City will hold world swordsmanship training, if it is a warrior with extraordinary martial arts in the competition, it will be invited by the sword **** family!"

Zifeng frowned and asked, "What is the match in Heavenly Sword City?"

Ban Ye said: "According to the legend, the Heavenly Sword City was also secretly arranged by the Sword God family. The purpose is to give the swordsman family the opportunity to enter the swordsman family!"

"Little brother, you must know that the fighters in this world are not as good as Li Wenyuan. When they were born, they were emperor-level martial arts. There are many martial arts martial arts that are at the heaven and county level."

"But they are indeed a firm pursuit of kendo, and hope to enter the sword **** family!"

"But on weekdays, the Sword God family rejected this, so they held this game!"

"If you surpass your competitors and achieve extraordinary achievements, the Sword God Family will still invite you!"

"Just, why is this dangerous!"

Ban Ye said with his tongue.

Zifeng asked: "Why?"

Ban Ye said: "Tianjian City is located in Yunmeng Daze in the ancient country of southern Shandong. It is surrounded by poisonous fog insects, which can instantly wipe out adversity. It is more powerful than a powerful beast!"

"This is a restricted zone!"

"Ordinary fighters are very afraid of this. If you want to go to Heavenly Sword City, you must first pass through Yunmeng Daye!"

"For many years, I wanted to go to Tianjian City to join the fighters. Two-thirds of the fighters basically died in Yunmeng Daye, and only a few people entered Tianjian City!"

"You can walk through Yunmeng Daye and walk into the warrior of Tianjian City. Can you become a generation?"

"The key is to win this group of fascinating first place, in order to be invited by the Sword God Family to enter the Sword God Family!"

"It's hard to reach the sky!"

Ban Ye shook his head.

"But even so, every year, Heavenly Sword City is a competition, there are still countless warriors from all over the ancient continent, and want to enter the sword **** family to practice!"

"It's not just them. Every year, the sword repairmen on the North Island are preparing and eager to try!"

"During the development process, everyone is proud to be able to step into Tianjian City!"

"Even some sword repairs are aimed at Heavenly Sword City! Stepping into Heavenly Sword City shows that they have extraordinary powers and means. Naturally in Beidao, they can become famous!"

Ban Ye said.

Zifeng heard Ban Ye's weak explanation, and now he also understood that going to the Sword God's House was not so easy.

Or, you have an extraordinary talent in kendo, and you are born with great arrogance.

Either you must pass through Yunmeng Daye and enter Tianjian City. After defeating this group, you will be invited by the Sword God Family.

Both of them are difficult to climb! When everyone was resting, Ban Ye gave Zifeng a lot of rumors about the North Island Sword God family, and also gave Zifeng a new understanding of the Sword God family.

On the ancient continent, there were three families that lasted forever.

One is the Sword God family, one is the Poison God family in Nanzhou, and the other is the Wealth God family in the Central Holy Land.

The years of their existence are still not counted. There are even rumors that these three families existed on the ancient continent when the ancient continent was still chaotic.

The Central Holy Kingdom was able to become the master of the ancient continent mainly because of the support behind the Fortuna family.

Poisonous Protoss and Sword God family are different. These two big families only have peace of mind. One is to practice poison and the other is to practice swords. They have no disputes with the world and rarely intervene in disputes on the ancient continent.

At this moment, he blinked and thought for a while. "On the calculation day, there are more than three months of competition time for Tianjian City. At this time, there should be many warriors starting to enter the Northern State Continent."

"Little brother, I see your swordsmanship, you also come to Heavenly Sword City?"

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