"Are you here for fame and fortune, or for the family of the sword god?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "What is fame and fortune? What is the family of the sword god?"

Ban Ye smiled and said, "If you can step into Yunmeng Daye, then you will naturally become famous and famous!"

"If you come to the family of the sword god, you still need to walk into the sky sword city, and the kendo geniuses of all parties will decide!"

Zifeng smiled and said: "I am also very interested in today's Sword City, but I also have more interest in the Sword God Family."

Ban Ye smiled and said, "I understand that you are a young warrior. Naturally, you want to enter the sacred place of swordsmanship you dream of, and this is how warriors in the world are!"

Zifeng and Ban Ye sat down to chat and laughed.

Soon, the night is over.

At this time, Zi Fenghua turned around and asked, "Uncle Ban, when I saw you dealing with snakes, my body was full of black thunder. This is very special. What kind of supernatural power is this?"

Uncle Banye smiled and said, "This is Heishui City School, called Heishui God Lei."

Zifeng looked at each other, and said weakly: "Black Water God Thunder."

Ban Ye said: "Little brother, the distribution of power in the Northern State Continent is different from that of the other three continents!"

"Dongzhou is divided into more than ten thousand, Xizhou is divided into ten thousand Buddhas, and Nanzhou is divided into ten thousand."

"Divided into Wancheng from Beizhou!"

"On the North Island, there is only one dynasty, an ancient country called Lounan!"

"The ancient southern country occupies one-third of Beizhou's territory, and its power is also the most powerful!"

"In Beidao, apart from the Sword God family, the greatest power is the ancient country in southern Shandong!"

"On the North Island, there is another city!"

Banye said weakly.

Zifeng also listened carefully.

Zifeng, who has just arrived in Beizhou, is also very strange to Beizhou. It’s good to hear more rumors about North State.

Ban Ye said: "Brother, you also see a desert on the land of Beizhou. It is not grassland, it is very poor, and the army lives in cracks!" "Therefore, the pattern on the land of Beizhou has formed a city! "

"And this black water **** Thunder" is the foundation of our black water city, and it is also an extremely powerful law. We need to make outstanding contributions to Heishui City to get it! "

"I have been to Heishui City in the past, and I have participated in many battles in the city. I have the opportunity to train Heishui God Thunder!"

Ban Ye said with a smile.

Zifeng nodded and asked, "I want to join Heishui City. Can I practice this Heishui God Thunder?"

Ban Ye smiled and said: "This is natural, all Blackwater city fighters can be trained for the Blackwater God Thunder", but the required conditions are difficult!

"This is not a casual fighter that can be cultivated!"

Zifeng nodded slightly: "It can be cultivated!"

Now Zifeng's heart is basically determined. The Black Water God Thunder is one of the second volumes of the Five Elements and Five Elements of Thunder. It is the same as the Qingmu God Thunder cultivated by Zifeng now. The same source.

If you can train Blackwater God Thunder, then Zifeng's strength will increase a lot!

After a night of chat, Pan Ye gave Zi Feng a lot of enthusiasm about the feelings of the Northland.

"Yes, little brother, I don't know if your name is." Ban Ye said with a smile.

Zifeng said: "My name is Zifeng!"

Ban Ye said with a smile: "We are gone, Brother Zifeng, we are back to Heishui City."

During the negotiation, Ban Ye looked back at a few undecided teenagers, and said weakly: "They rarely go to the sinister place in the snake forest. In yesterday's scene, they should be frightened."

Zifeng nodded slightly.

"Let's go back to Heishui City."

Ban Ye returned to Heishui City with a few juniors and Zi Feng.

Three hours later.

Zifeng saw a magnificent city in the wilderness. Standing on the mountain, it is like a giant in the sky.

In urban swimming pools and urban swimming pools, there are martial artists who come in and out.

"Dongzhou Wanyu, Beizhou Wancheng, Western Zhou Wanfo, Nanzhou Wanbu." Zifeng whispered in his heart. Now Zifeng is considered a powerful teacher on the ancient continent. A new understanding.

Before entering Blackwater City, Banye and several other teenagers walked into Blackwater City and came to the gate of the city, took out their identity tokens and proved their identity.

Colinbo does not have an identity token.

At the gate of the city, there was a group of warriors in armor. They looked at Zifeng eagerly and waited for Zifeng to show her ID card.

Ban Ye smiled at this moment: "Several little brothers, this is Brother Zifeng, who is the first to come to our Heishui City. He wants to join us in Heishui City!"

During the conversation, Ban Ye said to Zifeng, "Brother Zifeng, I remember you said you want to join Heishui City?"

Zifeng nodded slightly.

Ban Ye said: "So how about coming to our Tang family and becoming a guest of the Tang family?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "Okay!" Ban Ye nodded slightly, and immediately took Zifeng to go through the immigration formalities and received the token.

At the same time, it also shows that every month, Blackwater City fighters need to pay Blackwater City Mental Liquid.

The soldiers under the Feitianjing pay one hundred pounds of spirit fluid every month.

Warriors below the leaning kingdom pay 500 pounds of mental fluid every month.

Ask the soldiers below the border, they pay a thousand pounds of spirits every month.

Warriors who demand this situation do not need to pay for mental fluids.

Hearing this request, Zifeng couldn't help swearing that the mental liquid paid by each soldier was enough to reach an unpredictable level.

In Blackwater City, there are hundreds of millions of warriors living in it, and everyone can reach an unimaginable level!

But now that Zifeng wants to join Blackwater City, he still needs to pay a thousand pounds of spiritual liquid.

After paying for the spirit, Zifeng received his ID card and walked into Heishui City with several people from Banye.

Zifeng smiled and said, "Uncle, does this Heishui City pay so much mental fluid every month?"

Banye nodded: "Yes, this is not a small income!"

Zifeng asked, "Where did these souls go?"

Ban Ye smiled and said, "Basically everyone is separated by the big family in this city!"

Zifeng frowned.

Ban Ye said: "Brothers Zifeng are also distributed in Heishui City!"

"The first one is the city owner. The city owner is the first strongman in Blackwater City. He is very powerful and is responsible for all things in Blackwater City, such as plundering other cities and presiding over defense!"

"In addition to the city boss, Heishui City has eight main families!"

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