"The Tang family is one of the eight major families, but the Tang family has gradually declined in the past few years and ended up only in the eight major families."

"Now, the city boss of Heishui City is the Zhao family, one of the eight major families in Heishui City!"

"Brother Zifeng, you know, for the sake of this city, the eight big families have broken their blood!"

Ban Ye said with a wry smile.

Zifeng asked curiously: "Why? Is it so good for the boss of this city?"

Ban Ye smiled and said: "There is nature. In Heishui City, the city lord is equivalent to the emperor. It has sufficient power to say that for the owner of the city, the other eight families must also obey!"

"With so much power, you naturally have to consider your family!"

"So, in the past few years, it is also because the current city owner is the Zhao family. In recent years, the Zhao family's influence has grown!"

"If you don't say anything, you can say that every month is assigned to the soul of each family, Zhao Yousancheng!"

"Zhao family three of ten! He said: "This is a good choice. "

"The other seven families are divided into three thirds!"

The remaining two tenths are allocated to other small families in the city, two tenths of which are used to maintain Heishui City, or powerful recruits.

Hearing Ban Ye’s explanation, Zi Feng smiled slightly: “Listening to Uncle Ban Ye said that it’s really a temptation to become the master of a city. Zhao Jiaran is the only one of the three most divided souls!”

"The other seven families account for three-tenths of the other family!"

"This is not the same level at all!"

Zifeng said with a smile.

Ban Ye said: "Yes, the most important thing is that in the past few years, during the battle between Heishui City and Houtu City, the current city boss was seriously injured. It is said that the Zhao family spent a lot of money and did not Effect!"

"It is said that today's city boss will not die!"

"The other seven families are also eager to try, choose the strongest in the family, and become a city!"

"So, it is estimated that it will take a long time. If there is news about the city boss's illness, it is estimated that the other seven families will have something to do!"

Speaking weakly in the middle of the night.

Zifeng smiled and said: "If it were me, I would not let the soldiers of the Zhao family become the master of the city again. This city seat must compete for something!"

"The competition has failed. The result is a detour, and it doesn't make much difference!"

"If you win, the fighters of this family will become the masters of the city, and you can save the steady growth of your family for hundreds of years!"

"This auction will not lose!"

Zifeng nodded.

Ban Ye smiled and nodded: "When you arrive, the Tang family will be in front!"

Zifeng raised his head. At the end of this street, there is an endless group of palaces. The luxury of this building is the master of this city.

Ban Ye said: "Some young ladies have gone to work all the way, you go back to rest first, I will take Brother Zifeng to complete guest reviews!"

The young men and women are exhausted. When they heard Tian Ye's words, they saw that they had arrived home, and they walked into the house with tired bodies.

Zifeng said to these young men and women: "These are the descendants of the Tang family? If this is the case of the Tang family, then it seems that the Tang family will not be able to stay in Heishui City for a long time."

Ban Ye whispered: "Yes! For many years, the Tang family has not had a few geniuses. The only arrogance that can be used to obtain it is today. Tang Yuezhi!"

"Except for Tang Yue, it is almost impossible for the contemporary young people of the Tang family to pick out talented Tianjiao!"

"Don't say this, let's go, Brother Zifeng, I will take you to the guest to comment."

Ban Ye said.

"Good!" Zifeng followed in class.

In order to stay in Heishui City, Zifeng must have an identity and a place to live.

At this moment, I talked with my uncle in this class and became Tang Jia Keqing. Zifeng also felt that it was not wrong!

Soon, Zifeng followed Benye's back and forth in Tang's high-walled courtyard to a palace where the guest's residence was written at the door.

Ban Ye immediately walked in with Zi Feng.

"In the middle of the night, you came back. I heard that you received a beautiful difference and went out to play with a few little dolls?"

"This is a good difference. I went out to play and won my spirit."

Walking out of the hotel, a middle-aged obese man smiled and said to him. Ban Ye shook his head and said: "Fatty man, don't mention it, I was scared to death. I thought it was a bad thing, but these juniors have to go to the snake forest, I can almost come back!"

The middle-aged obese man was surprised: "I rely on you, you are crazy, take them to the snake forest!"

In the middle of the night, he said helplessly: "You don't know these little ancestors? Can I resist their request?"

The middle-aged obese man said with a sigh of relief: "It's great to come back safely! Is there anything I can visit you this time?"

Ban Ye smiled and said: "This is the Zifeng brothers. I want to join the Tang family as a guest. I will take him to complete the guest review!"

"Brother Zifeng, this is mine. You can call him Fatty. Anyway, we call him that way!"

Zifeng said with his fist: "Zifeng has seen Uncle Fatty!"

The chubby uncle frowned and looked at Zifeng, and whispered to Ban Ye: "Ban Ye, what's the matter with you? So I asked him to be a guest. Look at this child. He is younger than my son. He is a qualified guest. "

"Can you pass the assessment?"

Ban Ye whispered at the moment: "Fatty, don't underestimate him. Although he is not very old, his sword skills are everywhere!"

"I tell you, don't provoke him, otherwise you will be abused by him!"

Ban Ye said with a smile.

When I think of the purple wind in the snake forest, where one person kills the dark scene with one sword, the field is the chill of the soul.

Even at the end, the Snake King of Snake Forest actually gave a gift and apologized!

These advantages are simply shocking!

Uncle Fat said: "Well, since you recommended it, let him try it, but Brother Zifeng, I want to remind you that the guests of the Tang family are not something that anyone can do. You must have the strength to pass the evaluation. !"

"In the evaluation, neither I nor Midnight can help you!"

Zifeng nodded and smiled: "I understand that I will do my best in the next step!"

After the fat uncle gave Zifeng a good procedure, he took Zifeng and Ban Ye to the hall.

Along the way, Fatty’s uncle said: “The evaluation of the guests of the Tang family is very simple. When you arrive in the backyard, there will be a host of the Tang family discussing with you. Because they think your strength is very good, you are eligible to be a guest. ,you can.",,..

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