Zi Fengyi heard that this rule is relatively simple.

When I came to the backyard, Zifengyu saw a small martial arts performance field. At this moment, many fighters are waiting here. In the martial arts field, two fighters came to me to discuss.

Watching Fatty and Uncle Midnight come in, on the edge of the martial arts court, a middle-aged man in a purple robe said with a proud expression: "Fatty, you are not looking outside. Looking at the guest house, what are you running?"

The fat man said, "Deacon Dangde, this person is called Zifeng, who was recommended by Ye Yeqing. I have prepared the procedures for him, and he brought him to participate in the guest evaluation!" Zifeng, this is Tang De's deacon, He is Qingqing’s guest and is responsible for the evaluation of the guest’s residence.

Zifeng immediately smiled and said, "In the next Zifeng, I met Tang De's deacon!"

Zi Feng could easily see that Tang De, the deacon, was a great achievement, a great cause of death and adversity.

Tang Deyi, Zi Feng, frowned and said, "So young, does he have this kind of power?"

The fat uncle smiled, this is where he is curious.

Ban Ye can recommend that Zifeng has this kind of power.

Hearing the conversation between Tang De and Fatty, the soldiers waiting on the edge of the battlefield also turned around and looked at Zifeng. He whispered privately: "When you were young, come here as a guest? Do you have this kind of power?"

"It is estimated that this is a generation of people who are in trouble. Eight families have seen more people like this!"

"Wait a minute, wait for an evaluation, he can't support even one round, he will be defeated!"

"So young, what's the skill!"

These fighters actually came to participate in the evaluation, at this moment, they even said one after another.

Tang De looked at Zifeng's eyes blankly and heaved a sigh of relief. He said: "Since it was recommended by Ban Ye, let you try, but my husband will tell you in advance!"

"If you have no real ability, but want to fish in this place, then I can't spare you!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "This is natural."

Tang De nodded: "Wait aside, wait for them to evaluate, you will come!"

Zifeng looked ahead, and there were nine others waiting by the side of the martial arts field. Zifeng smiled and walked over, standing behind the nine.

The strength of these nine people, Zi Feng is also in the eyes, most of them are seven-fold eight-fold warriors, lifeless, heavy adversity, strength is still acceptable, in such a barren northern continent, there are not many such troops.

At present, the two fighters in the fierce battle have won the game.

A warrior wearing an animal skin robe wiped the blood from his mouth and said, "I lost!"

His opponent is a naked middle-aged man, his muscles are like a dragon. He smiled and said: "If you lose, your strength is acceptable."

"If you want, you can stay in Tang's house, be an ordinary guest, and get a lot of spiritual and planting resources every month. How about?"

The animal warrior said: "I do."

His opponent said: "That's great, brother, let him go through the guest formalities."

"The next assessor will appear!"

This person said.

With the appearance of the animal skin warrior, another warrior on the edge of the martial arts field entered the battlefield. The two clenched fists to each other, and then they started a fierce battle!

Zifeng stood on the edge of the martial arts court, watching the fierce competition between you and me on the court. He seemed calm, without any pressure.

On the contrary, there are several other people on the fringe of the martial arts field. Looking at the inspectors, their faces are full of dignity. It seems that the strength of this person puts a lot of pressure on them! At this moment, in the middle of the night, he slowly walked to Zifeng's side and said softly, "The person in charge of the Haiqing assessment is the legal protector of the Tang family, and his name is Tang Long!"

"In the adversity of death, power is a great success! Don't underestimate it!"

Soon, in a battle in the past, three of the nine people in front of Zifeng passed the assessment, while the other six ended in failure!

Finally, Zifeng appeared!

"Next, come on!"

Tang Long, the guardian of the Tang Dynasty, shouted loudly at the moment.

"I'm going, Uncle Midnight." Zi Feng smiled.

Ban Ye reminded: "Be careful, if not, don't be stubborn."

Zifeng nodded slightly, carrying the black wooden sheath, and then went to the martial arts field.

Tang Long stood on the martial arts arena, looking at Zifeng step by step. A white man, who looked like a young man in his twenties, was very young, with a small smile on his lips.

When Tang Long saw Zifeng's face, he frowned and thought to himself: How can such a young warrior come to take the guest exam? Does he have this power?

However, when Tang Long saw Zifeng holding the black wooden sheath in his hand, his eyelids shrank significantly, because he felt that there was a sword in the black wooden sheath that made his heart cold. Send out a terrible killing!

This stock is very weak.

But this is because this stock is very weak, which makes Tang Long look at Zifeng.

Because a warrior wants to distribute killings, this is very simple, but it is very difficult for a warrior to collect killings that is imperceptible!

A warrior who can restrain his will at will is a terrible figure.

Zifeng is just such a person, he has gathered his killings to the point of almost nothing!

"Return to the truth? When I was young, I didn't expect martial arts to be so high!" Tang Long looked at Zifeng, looking at him in surprise.

Zifeng walked to the scene and stood opposite Tang Long. He smiled and said: "In Xia Zifeng! The old people have participated in dozens of games. Do you need a break to restore your mental strength?"

Tang Long chuckled: "Your child's heart is very good. The other assessors will be here soon. I hate having to give me any time to rest and restore my mental strength!"

"You are very kind, take the initiative to ask me if I want to return to my spiritual power!"

"On your verdict, I will look at you!"

"No, guest reviews are not a foe, I will not die for you, of course, I also believe that you will not die for me, will you?"

Tang Long said with a smile.

Zifeng smiled, and his heart was dark. This Tang Long is an old fox, but Zifeng still said: "Since it is an assessment, we must order!"

Tang Long nodded slightly, posed a pose, and said, "That's coming!"

Zifeng smiled and nodded, preparing to shoot. ,, ..

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