The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 306: Chatted all night

"So, they naturally think of independence and independence!"

"Because now, in the family of the Sword God, you can cultivate the swordsmanship of today's hegemony. You can kill the sword of the 18th Heavenly Pride with one sword, only one sword!"

"Independence depends on the sky, and naturally it is the object of their suspicion!"

Zifeng suddenly realized his nod.

"Since the family didn't think of your head, you should be quieter these days. Don't cause trouble. I have to deal with family affairs. I won't come to Flying Dragon Forest these days!"

Doffey said.

Seeing the meaning of flying alone, Zifeng hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"

Dophie asked, "Do you have anything else?"

Zifeng looked at Du Gufei and said, "I want to see Jianzun!"

Du Gufei blinked and said in a low voice, "You don't need to use a sword to call the police for this. Otherwise, once the Sword Sovereign intervenes, I am afraid that simple things will become more complicated!"

Zifeng smiled lightly: "You misunderstood, I want to see that Jianzun is not for this thing, but for other things!"

Du Gufei shook his head and said: "Impossible, just like you are now, you are not qualified to see Jianzun!"

Zifeng smiled slightly, took out a token from the storage bag, held his hand, and lit it in front of Du Gufei. He smiled and said: "If I were the identity of the Dongzi Academy, I would see the sword of the Sword God family. I don't know if I have the qualifications!"

Du Gufei was frightened, looking at the mark Zifeng took out.

Above the token, there are eight aggressive men: "Dongzhou Academy, Shengzi Zifeng".

"Dongzhou Academy, Saint Zifeng!" When Chen Chen and Yuxi heard this, they were very scared, and they couldn't help but look at the spell in Zifeng's hand.

At this moment, Yu Chen and Yu Yu were shocked and surprised. "It turns out. He is the son of Dongzhou Academy!" Zifeng put his identity mark aside and said, "I think the lone flying elder would have guessed my identity a long time ago."

Du Gufei smiled painfully and said, "When I saw you in Tianjian City, I knew it."

At the same time, Zifeng took out a letter of worship from the storage bag and handed it to Du Gufei, saying: "I am now looking for the swordsman family of martial arts, as the son of Dongzhou Academy."


Zifeng said calmly.

Du Gufei looked at the invitation, took it away, and said, "Okay, I will tell Jianzhong to invite Zifeng's son to come!"

After that, he turned and left alone.

This time, Zifeng did not stop flying alone.

After leaving alone, Zifeng looked back at Lin Chen and Yu Juan and saw their big eyes and small eyes staring at Zifeng.

Zifeng smiled faintly and said, "If I don't enter the House of the Sword God in the way of Heavenly Sword City, I can't come to the House of the Sword God at all!"

"Sorry, you should be the first one in Tian Jiancheng!"

Lin Chen was shocked. "Are you really the son of Dongzhou Academy?"

"Brother Zifeng. You."

Zifeng nodded and said, "Yes! I am indeed the son of a sage from Dongzhou College! Lin Chen smiled painfully and said, "This is not surprising. I still want to know why the eighteen prides of Dragon Forest are so strong that they are like the cabbage in front of you and cannot be hit! "

"So you are the saint son of Dongzhou Academy!"

Yujuan also looked at Zifeng in horror.

Du Gufei accepted the invitation and returned to monopulse.

Enter that dark hall.

When Du Gufei just walked into the hall, a cold voice came from the hall: "Did he do it?"

Du Gufei clasped his fist and said, "Yes, after I found him, he frankly admitted that he killed the eighteen prides in the Flying Dragon Forest!"

The voice laughed softly, and said: "I have long heard that the Saint Son of Dongzhou College is lawless in East Asia. Looking at it today is really extraordinary!"

Du Gufei said, "Jianzhong, the Ye family blamed them on being alone in heaven. They all felt that they were alone in the hands of the world."

Jian Zun said: "You don't have to pay attention to the Ye family. Even if they are angry, they dare not shoot at the same time. Also, are our two families getting old? Are they in love?"

"It's okay, let them go!"

Jian Zun smiled slightly.

"As for the independence of the sky, don't pay attention to them. If the Ye family wants to retaliate, let them find the independence of the sky, relying on lonely practice, the Ye family will not come out, but now Ye Jianjun has not closed it yet, otherwise, Even if it is, it will be killed by loneliness!"

Here, Du Gufei took out the note from the storage bag and said: "Jianzun, Zifeng sends the worship message of the son of Dongzheng Xuegong, want to see Jianzun!"

"I don't know if the sword was seen?" Doffey said.

Suddenly, there was a sword in the dark hall, and Du Gufei's prayer was picked up and read in the air.

After reading it, the note flew into the darkness, and the sword sovereign's voice came: "Do I still have a choice?"

"Dongzhou Academy is one of the superpowers on the ancient continent, and it is also consistent with our sword **** family!"

"As the son of Dongzhou Academy, he is naturally qualified to meet the swordsmen of the Swordsman Family!"

"Now he has sent a note. If I don't see him, I'm afraid I will pass it to the ears of Dongzhou Academy. The old monster will think that my Sword God family looks down on his Dongzhou Academy!"

"So, as long as Zifeng reveals his identity, I naturally hope to see him!"

"Duo Gufei, take him to Gujian tomorrow and let him see me. I also want to know that the son of Dongzhou Academy is not far from the land of Beizhou. What's going to happen to the sword god's house?"

The sword is weak.

"Yes!" Duo Fei nodded.

In front of Zifeng's wooden house, Qi Chen and Yu Yu sat down and chatted with Zifeng for one night. Most of them are talking about cultivation.

And the chaotic pattern of North State is mentioned from time to time in the morning.

It must be said that it is the dissatisfaction of the royal family and Zhennan Wangfu.

For example, the father in the morning wants to start.

When I talk about these things in the morning, I want to win a sense of purple wind.

However, Zifeng made it clear that he was only going to the north of the country. He will not help any party to fight for hegemony. After several trials in the morning, Zifeng did not intend to do so, and he did not continue discussing Beizhou.

And what Yuxi makes Zifeng ask the most is. Are the girls from Dongzhou beautiful? Isn't it good? Is this big place big?

In this case, Yuxi didn't know how much to ask.

Zifeng also smiled and answered two sentences. ,, ..

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