The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 307: Continuous war

However, Zifeng thought about it. The land in the Northern Zhou Dynasty was too desolate. The soldiers in this place were wild, but compared with the land of Dongzhou, the land and the people’s land, the cultivated resources were abundant, and the women of Dongzhou were also better than those in the North. The state is more energetic. Too much.

Hearing Zi Feng's description, Yu Xi secretly made up his mind that after leaving the house of the sword god, he must go to Dongzhou to play.

The three people sat down and chatted all night.

On the second day of dawn, he flew back. Before coming to Zifeng’s wooden house, he said directly: "Zifeng Katsoko, Gu Jian is very happy, please come with me!"

Zifeng suddenly got up and followed Gu Fei.

Leave the Dragon Forest and enter the territory of the Sword God Family.

Soon, Duo Fei and Zi Feng flew over the layers of the house, and finally came to the desolate and dark mountain range.

This mountain range is particularly gloomy. Even at dawn, the light shines on the earth, but when the light shines on this place, it still cannot eliminate the darkness in this place.

"Gu Jian is in it, and Zi Fengsheng goes in personally!"

"According to the regulations, I am not qualified to enter this place!"

Duffy stood in front of this mountain and said with a smile.

"Where is this place?" Zifeng asked. Du Gufei smiled and said: "The Gujian is the place of bones behind the sacred sword of the dynasty. Even in loneliness, it is a forbidden place!"

"The contemporary solitary sword is an inner retreat, so you can only disturb the saint to enter."

Zifeng suddenly realized that he nodded, and bid farewell to the lonely fly, Zifeng stepped into the mountain.

All the way, all the way.

At the end of this ancient road, a cave is connected.

Zifeng walked into the cave curiously, the light was bright, there were sconces on the wall, and there was darkness in the light passage.

Zifeng saw the walls on both sides in the corridor, depicting dense murals.

Zifeng walked all the way, admiring it while walking.

In this article, the murals in the upper part are about the confusion that lonely people once evaluated on the ancient continent, while in the lower part, they depict a portrait of a lonely sword.

The family of the sword **** is unique and has existed for countless years. In this long time, countless swordsmen were born.

Moving forward, Zifengyu saw a fork at the end of the passage.

Divided into nine.

Zifeng frowned, chose a passage and walked in.

Entering this passage, there is a huge stone room. In the center of the stone room is a three-meter-high statue.

When Zifeng walked into the stone room, he saw the moment of the statue. A powerful sword is like the dragon on Zifeng. He almost turned Zifeng into the ground.

Zifeng's complexion was shocked, and the nine swords of his body were immediately stimulated and resisted the sword in the statue.

At this time, Zifeng could clearly see this. This is a young man with fluttering clothes, a free smile on his mouth, a hand-made kettle, a sword, his eyes lightly looking at the clouds, and his body has a scent. it goes without saying.

After seeing the statue, Zifeng looked at the surrounding walls of the stone house. There were some murals on it, but they all seemed to tell the story of the statue's life.

Zifeng saw the mural in the stone house, behind the white, laughter came: "This is the sword **** of my lonely family, called Du Guqing!"

"In the past few years, above the ancient continent, he can be regarded as hegemony for a period of time!"

"During that time, no matter it was Dongzhou, Beizhou, Nanzhou, Xizhou, or the Central Holy Land, it was impossible to stand side by side with him, or even dare not violate his majesty!"

"During that time, he could be said to be an invincible survival on the ancient continent, suppressing the powerhouses of the five continents!"

Zifeng heard the sound and hurriedly looked back.

I saw you at the door of the stone house. I don't know when a middle-aged man appeared. He is tall, with his hands on his hands, a black robe, and black hair behind him.

His eyes are sharp, like a sword's edge.

Even though he smiled and talked to Zifeng, Zifeng still felt the emotions of sentient beings from the rise of hands and feet! "Zifeng has seen Du Gu Jianzun!" Zifeng said respectfully with his fist.

Du Gu Jianzun is one of the most powerful people on the ancient continent.

Even though Zifeng is the saint son of Dongzhou Academy, when he sees such a powerful person, he should pay tribute to them by three points.

"I'm rude!" Du Gujian said with a smile, then walked to the statue and continued: "Unfortunately, since then, Du Gujian's family has rarely seen such a strong man!"

Looking at the statue of Du Guqing, Zifeng said faintly, "Suppress the strongman of the five continents!"

Du Gujian smiled respectfully, "In the long years of barbaric ancient continents, almost every once in a while, a powerful man appeared to suppress the five continents. In different forces, they have different names!"

"For example, my house of the sword **** is called the sword **** in the ancient continent because they are lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, etc."

"The corrupt wolves of Nanzhou Poison God family, Bai Yu, etc., they are called Poison God!"

"Buddhist masters in Xizhou, masters without demons, they are called the king of Buddha!"

"In Dongzhou, you are in a chaotic situation. The fighters of this world gather together to fight for supremacy. There are countless powerful clans here that appeared at this historic moment, and there is another place. Continuous war!"

"On the other hand, there are powerful people who suppressed the five continents, such as the ancestor of Fengjia, the Fengshen, who was called Fengshen!"

"For example, the founder of this expressionless man killed God!"

"It is also because there are too many powerful people, so there is a powerful Five Taoism on the top of Dongzhou, such as Chixianzong, Devil Sect, Dongzhou Academy, Dongzhou Kunxu Li family, Tianzhizhang family, late The Shisu family, the Song family, the devil and the devil will not cross the mountains, etc."

"The power of Dongzhou has shifted too fast. Many powerful traditions that have suppressed the five continents have been looted, destroyed and destroyed, and few of them have been passed on!"

"There is also the sacred land of the central government. There were seven great emperors. At that time, the power of the central government reached the peak of hegemony in the barbaric ancient continent!"

Du Gu Jianzun smiled and said to Zifeng.

"The great emperor of the central government!" When Zifeng heard this word, he was very nervous.

Dugu Jianzun said: "Yes, the great emperor of the central government is also a powerful deterrent on the five continents!"

"If the great emperor does not die on today's barbaric continent, no one can threaten the status of the Central Holy Land!"

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