The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 308: growing up very fast

Hearing Du Gujianzhong’s narrative, Zi Fengwei smiled and asked: "What is the way to suppress the strong on the five continents?" Is it a Taoist martial artist who surpasses the victory kingdom?

Du Gujian shook his head respectfully.

Zifeng looked at Dugu Sword Sovereign suspiciously, and asked, "Isn't this Taoist cultivation?"

Du Gujian smiled respectfully and said: "I shake what I mean. I don't know!"

"Maybe only when you really understand the so-called absolute power that suppresses the five continents!"

"I remember when I went to the central sacred kingdom to greet the emperor, and when I looked up at him in the golden palace, I could feel the suffocating power fluctuations from him!" "It feels like standing. In front of you, with a godly presence!"

Seeing Long Beibei's arrival, Zifeng turned around and walked to the door to sit down, and said to Long Beibei earnestly: "Come here, kneel down!"

Long Bei looked at Zifeng with big eyes, surprised.

She just arrived, how did Zifeng make her kneel!

Long Beibei's dissatisfaction came over, cautiously squatting in front of Zifeng, aggrieved: "Master, what did Beibei do wrong?"

Zhao Yue was sitting at the table drinking tea, and he was curious to see Zifeng, wondering what he wanted to do?

Zifeng said to Long Beibei earnestly: "I am admired by you, and you call me a master. From now on, you are a disciple of Zifeng!"

When Long Bei heard Zi Feng's words, he was suddenly surprised, with joy in his eyes.

You must know that Long Beibei is a dead skin, following the practice of Zifeng. Even if Zifeng pointed out some of her swordsmanship, it was just Zifeng's randomness.

Now Zifeng said, because of your worship, you call me a master, you are my disciple!

This also shows that Zifeng will collect Long Beibei as a disciple.

When Zhao Yue heard this, he seemed to be one of them, looking at Zifeng in surprise.

After a short surprise, Long Beibei smiled and bowed: "The apprentice sees the master!"

Zifeng sat on the threshold and said solemnly: "Well, since you worship at my door, I will hide it. I will learn as much as I can and teach you as much as possible!"

"As for how much you can learn, it depends on your creation!"

"But before that, I must tell you something first!"

Zifeng said to Long Beibei very seriously.

Long Beibei squatted in front of Zifeng, listening to Zifeng carefully.

Zifeng said: "I also have a master, but he is not here now, so you worship under the door. When you go to worship him, but he is not here now, I will find Master in the future, and I will take you to see him! "

"My master is called the slash sword by the powerful people in the martial arts world. The world is four."

"So, I have two brothers and one sister, that is, you have three teachers!"

"Master brother inherited Master's alchemy!"

"The second division inherited the master's sword!"

"Three brothers inherited Master's way!"

"I inherited Master's kendo!"

"According to these three departments, I am the youngest disciple under Master."

"So, your three departments, but very powerful!"

Zifeng smiled slightly.

When Long Beibei heard these words, she was shocked and Zhang Da, and said in surprise: "Master, you are such a powerful sword, these three teachers actually said that you are the youngest disciple of the master?"

Zifeng nodded painfully and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, I know he is telling the truth!"

When Zhao Yue heard these words, his appearance was one of them.

This is the first time Zhaoyue has known Zifeng and Master, but he is proficient in the four swords of the pill sword, he has taught four disciples, and Zifeng is the youngest disciple under his school! Zifeng said: "What I just told you was the elder at the door. Although you can't see them now, you need to know their existence!"

"Wait a minute. If there is a chance, I will tell you to watch them!"

Long Beibei asked strangely: "Master, where are the master and the three teachers?"

Zifeng frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Yes. Forget it, you still don't know!"


"Start practicing today!"

Zifeng stood up and looked at Long Beibei.

Long Beibei immediately stood up from the ground and took out Jianfeng from the storage bag. Under the guidance of Zifeng, start to exercise the sword!

Day after day, Long Beibei began to grow rapidly under the training of the Zifeng Devil in the Zifeng Little Yard.

It has been more than a month in the blink of an eye.

The battle between Long Beibei and Long Yu's little patriarch is gradually approaching!


Inside the Qinglong tribe, a gloomy palace.

Today, in the palace, there are more than 30 strong men gathered in the dark.

For the first person, it is Dragon Eagle.

Longying whispered: "Long Beibei did not practice in the sky above Tianchong Peak during this period. On the contrary, he obtained the permission of the dragon to go to the Qinglong tribe to find a mortal to practice?"

"And this mortal is still higher than the peak of Tianzhu, and has defeated many strong people?"

"If you mention these things, you will know how embarrassing it is!"

Longying said gloomily.

Immediately, a figure emerged from the darkness and came to the front of Dragon Eagle, revealing his face. He is a teacher who teaches Long Beibei at Su Dingan on the top of Tianding Mountain.

Su Dingan said with his fist: "Although this person is a mortal, the sword has been completed, and I am also confused. He has such a powerful sword, how can he be a mortal?"

Dragon Eagle asked: "Su Ding'an, it is said that you were not only defeated in his hands, but also Qingleijian, the king of the sword pavilion tribe, was taken away by him? Is this okay?"

Su Ding'an thought about this, his face was angry, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There is indeed this problem! If I don't care about our plan, I'm afraid I will find murder in the Qinglong tribe!"

Dragon Eagle whispered: "It's a good thing that you don't be impulsive. If you are at such a critical moment, you will find the handle of the dragon, I am afraid you will leave the Qinglong tribe!"

Su Dingan said: "But now we can't teach Long Beibei. The plan we made before was the abandoned Long Bei method, so that she could not succeed in inheriting the Qinglong tribe!"

"But now, mortals teach Dragon Baby, if it doesn't work, it will rebirth Dragon Baby!"

Su Dingan said with some worry.

Dragon Eagle was also very gloomy when he heard it.

At this time, he reappeared a character. Before he came to the light, he showed his face. He is Longyu. ,, ..

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