The black fat man said: "Me? My name is Zhao Ba!"

Everyone lives in Huolianshan for a few days.

Finally, Du Gu and Du Gu Yi left Huolian Mountain one day and headed to the upper reaches of Nanzhou.

Li Jiuge and Lan Yuxin also went separately, and Li Jiuge and Du Gu went with Du Guyu one day.

As for Lan Yu's heart, she said she was going to an ex in Nanzhou so that she could be separated from Li Jiuge.

In just a few days, all the people who came to Huoshanshan and Shou left.

It turned out that Zifeng planned to stay in Huolianshan in the first half of this year to see if Wanbao Zhenjun could recast the magic sword within half a year.

But on this day, Tiger Qi came to Zifeng’s residence, found Zifeng, and said, "Zifeng, have you heard of it?"

Zifeng asked curiously: "What did you hear?"

Hu Qi said in surprise: "It is said that a dragon tomb has appeared on the land of Nanzhou!"

"Dragon Tomb?" Zifeng frowned.

Lin Zhou already knew about the Dragon Tomb in Nanzhou.

When I was in Dongzhou Academy, the old tortoise took Boa to Nanzhou. This is what the Dragon Tomb is.

However, Zifeng did not express his feelings. He asked curiously: "What is the Dragon Tomb?"

Huqi whispered: "Because the geographical environment of Nanzhou is different from that of the other three continents, the landforms are all high mountains and mountains, and the topography is complex. The land above Nanzhou's land retains the landform of the times!"

"So the land of Nanzhou also has" Wanqing Forest! "The title.

"In other words, there are many tombs on the land of Nanzhou, and these tombs are all preserved by the predecessors of martial arts!"

"And this dragon tomb seems to be one of them!"

Tiger Qi said weakly: "I have heard a lot about Dragon Tomb!"

"In the land of Nanzhou, there are always legends of tombs, but few people can find the tombs of dragons!"

"Just a few days ago, a martial artist suddenly found the Dragon Tomb not far from the Daogu tribe!"

"It is said that in today's seven-star mountains, seven colors of sunlight rise in the sky, and they are not scattered. Even if night falls, the sky above the seven-star mountains can be clearly visible through 100,000 miles!"

"In the rays of the sun, it is covered by Longwei, suspected to be a tomb!"

Tiger Qi said vaguely.

Zifeng thought quietly.

Tiger Qi smiled and said: "If it is Master's retreat now, a few brothers and sisters are assisting. Huo Lianshan needs me to preside over the overall situation. Otherwise, I really want to see if this is a grave!"

Zifeng smiled lightly: "Then I will help you see what's good, and I will help you get it back!" Tiger Qi smiled: "Hahaha, too!"

Zifeng watched, these people were shocked by the Celestial Tribe led by the bald old man. Scholars Ye Jing, Liu Yuan and the violent woman Qin Yijun also accompanied.

"This is great, Zifeng, are you planning to leave Huolian Mountain today?" The bald old man stepped forward and glanced at Zifeng, then made a fist and smiled.

Zifeng smiled and said, "Yes, after spending a few days on the Huolian Mountain, I still don't want to go. They have to leave first and go to other places in Nanzhou mainland to play!"

The bald-headed old man smiled and said: "Well, the landscape of Nanzhou Earth is also one of the few on the ancient continent. Every year there are other warriors from several continents!"

Zifeng smiled and sneaked away with the old bald man, and then everyone returned home.

The old bald man walked into the cabin, and Liu Yuan immediately whispered: "Old man, when do you start?"

The bald old man blinked and said coldly, "Don't worry, wait until you leave Huolian Mountain. If you start from here, you will attract the attention of Mabao Zhenjun. I'm afraid we have to bring a basket of water!"

"But it's okay. It's almost a dozen days since the birthday. The soldiers of the Fire Lotus Mountain have basically left!"

"This time on the passenger ship of the Tianbao Building, there are not many strong players. Even if we wait for it, we can win the game!"

The bald old man is very cold.

Three hours later, the passenger ship docked at the Qianlong Ferry at Tianbao Building slowly left.

Because the soldiers who came to Huolianshan and Shou basically left Huolianshan in the past few days, there are not many soldiers on the Baolou passenger ship today.

There are only a few hundred soldiers.

Among them, the most striking are only the group of people from the Tianji tribe and Zifeng.

Two days later.

The passenger ship from Tianbaolou sailed calmly over the Wujiang River. Although there are monsters on the road, these monsters are passenger ships that dare not attack Tianbaolou easily.

Along the way, it is still peaceful.

At dawn of this day, Zifeng and Ye Suxin stood beside the passenger ship, watching the rising sun over the Wujiang River.

"It's nearly three days before the Dao ancients." Ye Suxin smiled lightly.

Zifeng smiled and stroked Ye Suxin's hair, and asked, "We are all going to Nanzhou. How do you know so much?"

Ye Suxin took out a scroll from the storage bag, smiled and said, "Because I bought a map!"

"There are 1,800 ferries on the Wujiang River, almost half of the mainland!"

Zifeng opened the map and looked at it.

At this time, the bald old man and Liu Yuan came to the splint. After seeing Zifeng, he walked to Zifeng's side and said with a smile: "The sun in Wujiang is not very beautiful!"

Zifeng smiled lightly: "This is indeed a rare sight on the ancient continent."

The bald old man smiled mysteriously at this moment, and asked: "Brother Zifeng, I don't know if you still remember Qingyun Mountain. Have you ever been to the ancestors of Dragon Dragon God and King Beast?" The bald old man suddenly Turned his head and asked Zifeng.

Upon hearing this, Zifeng frowned suddenly and looked at the old bald man.

Ye Suxin also felt something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Zifeng whispered out Ye Suxin's subconscious mind behind him, and whispered: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Hearing that the bald old man suddenly mentioned the inheritance of Qingyun Mountain's ancestors, Zifeng suddenly felt bad.

At this time, Zifeng recalled that the people of the Tianji tribe left Lin Bing and Ye Suxin when they left Huolian Mountain. This is no accident.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" Zifeng said to the old bald man.

The old bald man smiled and said, "I know you won't admit it!"

During the speech, the old bald man took out a shadow bead from his storage bag and placed it in front of Zifeng. There is a flickering picture, which is a photo of Zifeng's fierce battle against Wujiang Nine Snakes.

And the last sword, Zifengjun's Nine Snake Head, shocked heaven. ,, ..

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