The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 320: Public enemy

The bald old man said: "Is this photo familiar? Is this a photo of fighting Wujiang Nine Snakes?"

"You don't have to deny, I know you!"

"As you practice, don't talk about the head of Nine Snakes, even if it hurts Nine Snakes, it is very difficult!"

"Finally, it is a shocking sword, it is a dragon skill!"

"Are you still arguing?"

"In Qingyun Mountain, the legacy of ancestors and dragon-killing skills fall into your hands!"

The bald old man's voice said in an unusually firm voice.

Zifeng protected Ye Suxin and said coldly: "Look at you, you are ready, even if I have passed down and killed the dragon skills, then what do you want?"

The bald old man smiled and said: "The old man wants to invite you to join the Celestial Tribe!"

Zifeng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested!"

The old bald man smiled and said, "Don't rush to refuse. I know that the Tianji tribe is only a small tribe above Nanzhou, but behind our Tianji tribe, it faces the Nanzhou God Gate!"

"How? Are you interested?"

Ask the bald old man.

Zifeng asked suspiciously, "Nanzhou Shenmen?"

The old bald man smiled and said, "Yes, Nanzhou God Gate was created by Nanzhou Gods!"

Zifeng was very puzzled.

Ye Suxin whispered in Zifeng's ear at this moment: "In the flood years, when wild beasts were rampant, some warriors used to worship giant beasts. They were sent to warriors to swallow them. It is dangerous to guard the tribe!"

"During that time, the warriors did not have much prosperity. Many tribes in Nanzhou have dedicated a behemoth to pray for the blessings of this behemoth. Every year, thousands, even thousands of human races swallow it. This behemoth. Behemoth!"

"The warriors in the tribe are limited, so these tribes that worship these giants will begin to invade and expand, defeat other tribes, and worship these giants with other tribal warriors!" "Later, after the martial arts boom, dragon technology appeared, warriors We began to resist the slaughter behemoths, and the dragon's skills continued to kill the behemoths under the sword!"

"The era of giant beasts is gradually ending!"

"These tribes who once worshiped these giants did not want to see the behemoths they worshiped being killed. They began to rebel, and they were killed together with the tribes that slaughtered these behemoths!"

"In the end, these behemoths were slaughtered and killed by the dragon, and these tribes worshiping the behemoths, the tribes that regard the behemoths as gods, are gradually being extinct by other tribes in Nanzhou!"

"There are still some tribes who worship these behemoths and survive!"

"After the Flood Era ended, these embers claimed to be Nanzhou Divine Gate, trying to restore the era of behemoths!"

"You must know that the tribes that worship these giants are the supreme hegemony on the land of Nanzhou, but the emergence of dragon skills has killed a large number of giants, not only the death of giant beasts, but also the tribes of these once overlord levels. Fall, they naturally hate it!"

"Almost every time in the land of Nanzhou, the Nanzhou God Gate that was destroyed will be resurrected and resurrected on the land of Nanzhou!"

"Whenever Nanzhou fighters want to kill all the warlords, there are still some people who will survive and lurking in the land of Nanzhou, waiting for the rise of that era!"

"Linzhou, Nanzhou Shenmen is the public enemy of the Nanzhou Warriors!"

"Not only is the public enemy of the Nanshu warriors, but once Nanshu Shenmen almost reaches its peak in Nanshu martial arts, then, it happened to be a poisonous family, which prevented the Shenmen's conspiracy and undermined their plans. God. Door hole!"

"And this family is at that moment, it is the family of the poisonous god!"

Ye Suxin said vaguely beside Lin Baier.

When I heard Ye Suxin's words, Zifeng also had a simple understanding of Nanzhou Shenmen.

After the flood years, these tribes dedicated to these behemoths were slaughtered, but then the embers were endless, wind and waves rolled up again, and were finally crushed by toxic families.

At that time, the family of the poisonous **** settled in Nanzhou and became the mythical family in the hearts of Nanzhou warriors, because they once saved Nanzhou from a fire!

Zifeng smiled and looked at the bald old man and said, "You dare to tell me that you are a Nanzhou sect in front of me. Don't I dare to say it?"

"You know, since the flood era, your Nanzhou Shenmen has been the public enemy of the South Island!"

The old bald man smiled and said, "Hahaha, the gods will not be destroyed and will eventually flourish! Starting from the flood era, our gods want to subvert this martial arts world and return to the orthodox era of that year!"

"But in the end, even though it failed, can the Nanzhou Warriors destroy the gods for so many years?"

"I can't see it!"

"God's door has not been destroyed, this is God's blessing, this is heavenly!"

"This also proves that our God is right!"

The bald old man said honestly. Zifeng smiled contemptuously: "Forget it, I have no interest in Nanzhou, I am not very interested in Shenmen!"

The old bald man smiled and said, "Are you really not going to think about it?"

Zifeng shook his head and said, "No need!"

The old bald man said helplessly: "Well, if this is the case, then don't blame us for being welcomed!"

During the speech, Liu Yuan, scholar Ye Jing and violent woman Qin Yijun gathered together and surrounded Zifeng and Ye Suxin.

"How? Do you want to start?" Zi Feng sneered.

The bald old man sneered: "The dragons and dragons on your body and the sacred beasts are things that my **** must have; now that you know our identity, we seem to have no reason not to do this for you!"

"The scenery here is pleasant and it is best for burial!"

"As far as Wu Jiang is concerned, I don't know how many soldiers died here. You will die here, and you will not be alone in the future!"

The old bald man looked at the scenery on both sides of the Wujiang River with a faint smile.

"Today, this is not my death!" Zi Feng smiled coldly.

The bald old man smiled happily: "Do you think you have the ability to resist the old man's doubts?"

Zifeng smiled and said, "There are six problems in this district. What qualifications do you have to yell in front of me?"

When the bald old man smiled coldly, scholars Ye Jing, Liu Yuan, violent women, and Tianji tribe, more than 20 people have died in adversity, surrounded by Zifeng and Ye Suxin!

"Lin Ye!"

Zifeng whispered a word.

Lin Ye, who was asleep in the room, suddenly opened his eyes and flew to Zifeng's side. ,, ..

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