Zi Feng asked coldly.

The nine elders smiled and said, "Do you have to fall in love with someone?"

Zifeng gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense. I ask, buddy?"

During the speech, Zifeng's hand flashed, holding a wooden sword in his hand. The sword on his body was full of faint killings. The nine elders saw Zifeng take out the wooden sword. When he knew that Zifeng had lost his patience, he looked dark and whispered: "She's dead!"


The short three words of the nine elders are like those given to Zifeng and Wu Lei, and they lashed out at Zifeng's heart.

When I heard these three words, Zifeng's face was "brushed" pale.

"What did you say! Say it again!" Zifeng gritted his teeth.

The nine elders said: "I brought Ye Suxin back to the poisonous God's house, but it coincided with the emperor's visit on the 17th, so the boss meant to temporarily leave Ye Suxin on the ninth floor."

"But I went to the ninth floor again ten days ago to see if Ye Suxin was still there, but I couldn't find anyone on the ninth floor."

"On the ground, there is only one **** corner left."

"I even found bones and flesh and blood."

"I guess he was eaten by the poison on the ninth floor."

During the speech, the nine elders took out a blood-stained white cloth from the storage bag and threw it beside Zifeng.

Zifeng looked at a piece of white cloth in horror, this was indeed Ye Suxin's breath.

Zi Fengqi tightened the white cloth and said coldly, "I have been to the ninth floor. Although the poison is strong, Ye Suxin is a repairer of death and adversity. Where is the poison, can you kill her?"

The nine elders said: "You are not the disciples of this poisonous family. Of course, you don't know that the poison in the poisonous cave sometimes comes down from the top, just like the emperor inspects the world, sometimes the most powerful. The bay. The poison will also appear. In the top ten."

"Maybe Ye Suxin's luck was too bad. He met a poison king who came down from the top to check the world, so he was killed."

The nine elders opened their hands and said helplessly.

Zi Fengqi held the white cloth tightly, looked at the cool color, looked at the white cloth, looked at the blood on the white cloth, looked at the smell of the leaves on the white cloth, all this made Zi Feng angry.

The nine elders smiled. "Since Ye Ye is dead, Xia Qiu's death can be over. You can go back to Dongzhou. You are still one of Dongzhou's best talents!"

Zifeng's face was distorted, he whispered. "Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

"You said Ye Suxin died? Then she died? Did you find the body?"

"You must see people, you must see dead people, don't you understand?"

Zifeng said fiercely to the nine elders.

The nine elders said: "You are not a warrior of the poisonous protoss, so you don't know that the warriors who usually die in the poisonous cave, no matter who they are, can't find the body, because the body has been eaten."

Zi Feng said coldly: "Yes, I am not a disciple of a toxic family, but you are!"

"You are a disciple of the Poison God family. You are the nine elders of the Poison God family. You naturally have a way to find Ye Suxin from the potion!"

"In addition, you are just holding a white cloth with blood stains, as if to make me believe that Ye Suxin is dead?" "That's impossible."

Zifeng stared at the nine elders.

The nine elders whispered: "What do you want?"

"Ye Suxin is dead but not dead? These are the words of your poisonous family."

"I hope the poisonous **** family will hand over Ye Suxin!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

The nine elders said silently, "Zifeng, I just said, didn't you hear? I said very clearly, Ye Suxin is dead! The bone was eaten by the poison in the poisonous cave, how do you want me to hand it over."

"I don't care!" Zifeng gritted his teeth and looked at the nine elders. His face was shocked, he roared. "You just said that you are not a disciple of this toxic family. I found Ye Suxin in this short period of time." It was too easy. "

"But you are a disciple of a poisonous family, you can find Ye Suxin."

The nine elders looked at Zifeng, shook their heads slightly, and said contemptuously: "This old man has no time to hang out with you! If this old man has something to do, he will leave."

After that, the nine elders turned and left.

"Stop! You don't agree to me, you don't want to leave today!" Zifeng immediately shot a sword, and an earth-shaking sword rushed through the backs of the nine elders.

The nine elders looked at each other and demanded the perfection of the great development of the great world.

There was a loud noise.

The two confronted each other for the first time, and they were shocked in all directions.

The whole world was trembling at this moment, trembling violently.

Now, the soldiers on the top of Genting Mountain are shocked and face each other. Do you understand what happened?

Jade and glanced up, looking up to the top of Yunding Mountain.

"Good swordsmanship! Heavy conspiracy! Strong anger! Who angered the sword repair!" Sitting behind the seventeen princes, Mo asked God, whispered in surprise, and immediately looked outside Yunding Peak.

"Is it from the top of Genting Mountain?"

"Who dares to do it here?"

"Aren't you dead?"

"Go and see who it is?"

The soldiers above Yunfeng have already seen Yunding Peak.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Zi Feng and the nine elders.

The nine elders have greatly improved the development of the great world and have become the brightest stars in the world.

Zifeng's swordsmanship is also very eye-catching.

The soldier above Yunfeng whispered.

Seventeen emperors said, "It seems to be from outside Yunding Mountain, Yulu's predecessor?"

Nodded slightly and said, "This seems to be the atmosphere of the nine elders."

The seventeen princes were stunned, "Nine elders? He is a great and great cultivator in the world. Who doesn't know the warrior who dares to succumb to success? Go, go and see!"

During the conversation, the seventeen princes stood up from their seats and walked out of Yunding Peak.

Yu followed.

At the same time, the warriors had already stepped out above Yunfeng, came into the air, looking at the nine elders and Zifeng.

In the crowd, when Shang Guancun saw Zifeng, his eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly. "Sure enough, this disaster has something to do with you."

"But Ye Suxin has died in Wancao Cave, but he just doesn't believe it. He had to confuse him and ask me to hand over Ye Suxin. This is not the case, just do it!"

The nine elders simply explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"Zifeng!" whispered softly. "Oh, I remember it, the son of the former Eastern State!"

The nine elders nodded. "Yes, it is him. Although he was expelled from Dongzhou Academy, he is a disciple of Dongzhou Academy after all, so I want to give Dongzhou Academy a face and be patient.",...

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