Nodded slightly, looked at Zi Feng, and shouted, "Zi Feng Xiaoyao."

Zifeng looked at Yuru and made a fist, and said, "Predecessors of Yuru."

He said softly, "Your fiancee Ye Suxin is indeed dead. It turns out that my poisonous family brought her back. I just want to investigate Xia Qiu's death, but I think I have to investigate her death in the poisonous mouth of the poisonous cave. "

"that's too regretful."

"In order to express the apology of my poisonous family, and to express the good relationship between the poisonous family and Dongzhou College, my poisonous family is willing to give some compensation. This matter has passed, how?"

Lin Bian did not say, "I don't believe Ye Suxin will die on the ninth floor of Wanbaodong. I don't believe what your poisonous family said."

"I only have one sentence. I want to see people die and see the dead."

Yuru said with a blank expression, "Zifengyouyou, my Poison God family is unwilling to do more entanglement with you, please also Zifeng Xiaoyao, not an inch!"

Zi Feng said coldly, "Please hand over the Poison God's house to Ye Suxin!"

Said coldly, "She is dead."

Zi Feng said coldly, "Please Poison God Family! Hand it over! Ye Suxin!"

Zifeng's words started to get hot.

Yulu gradually lost his patience and looked at Zifeng coldly. "If this kid is still so entangled, then the family of the poisonous **** will not give Dongzhou Xueguan the face."

Zi Feng said coldly, "Please Poison God Family, hand over Ye Suxin!"

Yu Yu looked at Zifeng indifferently. After silence in the middle of the night, the sleeves left and said: "Boom!"

When the nine elders heard what they said, they smiled slightly and took a step forward. "Zifeng, did you hear what our family said? If you know each other, now you are leaving, or the old man will shoot you, and then your face." It can be considered a home. "

Zifeng saw the attitude of the poisonous protoss Yuru and the nine elders, and his face gradually picked up a cold color.

Zifeng's sleeves immediately turned and left, with a loud voice, spreading to the Mandu Mountain Range.

He said, "I give Poison God's family a month to think about it. After a month, I will come to Poison God's house. If Poison God's family can't pay Ye Xin, then don't blame me!"

After that, Zifeng turned and walked out of the Poison God's house.

"Chee." The nine elders received indifferent contempt, and did not put Zifeng's threat in their hearts.

Jade's warriors and other poisonous gods are even more contemptuous. "Cut? I want to see how popular he is."

"Is it a problem to be a fighter in a region?"

"Dare to be scattered in the family of poisonous gods. If it weren't for the Dongzhou Academy behind you, would you let us go so easily today?"

"Is it looking for death?"

"Dongzhou Academy? He was expelled from Dongzhou Academy, but now he is just a dog who has lost his family."

"A dog that has lost his family, dare to call it that way? Looking for death!"

When Zifeng walked past these soldiers, he heard a lot of cold words.

But Zifeng didn't pay attention to it.

When Zifeng walked out of Yunding Peak, he roared again. "Poisonous God family, you remember, you only have one month!"

"One month later, I didn't see Ye Suxin!"

"I will level the Poison God's family!"

Zifeng's roaring teeth echoed across the entire Yuntian Peak and echoed in the ears of all warriors.

"One month later, I didn't see Ye Suxin. I will treat this poisonous family."

"Get out of the toxic family!"

"Get out of the toxic family!"

"Get out of the toxic family!"


This infinite reverberation sound seemed to ring in the ears of all soldiers.

After hearing this voice, Yulu silently looked back at the direction where Zifeng had left. He shook his head boredly and said to the seventeen emperors. "I'm sorry, your 17th emperor, please disturb your Yaxing, let's go, let's continue to drink at the bar."

The seventeen emperors smiled, and did not take it to heart. He turned and left.

Back on their seats, everyone was drinking and having fun.

The warrior of the poisonous **** family didn't put Zifeng's threat in his heart.

The family of poisonous gods, the ancient forces on the ancient continent, after countless years and months, countless winds and rains, can become a district warlord, a powerful warrior, can they be shaken?

Everyone turned Zifeng's words into a whisper, but only Shangguancun flashed his eyes and suddenly said in his heart: "Have you started the massacre? Today is Zifeng, is it a prelude to the Nanzhou disaster?"

Zifeng walked out of the Panyu Mountains, but Zifeng did not come back along the way.

Until the moment he walked out of the Mandu Mountain Range, when Zifeng looked back at this gray mountain, his eyes were extremely angry. He said coldly, "Sooner or later I will use the sword to open this ghost place."

"One month!"

"Poison God Family, you still remember, you only have one month."

Zifeng left the Panyu Mountains and returned to Dushan City. When he entered the hotel, he began to retreat.

Take out the refined soul flag, the constant common sense of Zifeng to convey the golden soul.

Zifeng blinked and walked towards the refining space again. Before he came to the golden soul of platinum, he said coldly, "I know you are not conscious, I know you can hear my voice."

"I don't know if you are willing to obey my task. I also know that you are waiting for the master to return."

"But I tell you, your master is dead." "Either you choose to stay here forever, or you can choose to obey me, and I will let the power of the oil refinery flag reappear in the world."

Zifeng looked at the golden soul and said coldly.

After the conversation, the golden soul didn't move, as if I didn't hear Zifeng's words.

After a long silence, Zifeng didn't speak, but turned and left, preparing to leave the refining space. Zifeng said, "I have some trouble, maybe you need your strength, I hope you can help me!"

"If you don't want to help me."

"Ha ha."

"Because I can't dispatch you, it's useless to keep you."

"I will destroy the soul banner by myself!"

Zi Feng said coldly.

When Zifeng said that he would destroy the oil refining flag, the golden soul of Platinum woke up suddenly and heard a white deafening sound to Zifeng.

The roar of the quasi-dao golden soul, refining the reverberation in the space like a mighty sky.

Zifeng's ears heard the roar of the golden soul, and he coldly said, "Oh! This may be your last roar, I will give you time to think about it!"

"You must know that if you don't use it for me, you will kill it for me."

Zifeng turned and left the refining space. ,, ..

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