The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 326: Swordsman

"If you insist on finding death, then my Poison God family doesn't mind sending you there."

"Leave my way, don't be our way."

The six said fiercely.

Zifeng took a wooden sword and walked towards the six people. He said, "One of them, you don't have to die."

The six said coldly, "What are you talking about?"

Zifeng looked at six people and saw a relatively thin soldier. When the six of them appeared in front of Zifeng, only the thin warrior did not say a word from start to finish, nor did he laugh at Zifeng.

"Only you." Zifeng said to the thin man.

At this moment, Zifeng's sword began to get cold.

The six men whispered, "Because he is looking for death, we will send him a trip."

"Zifeng, you haven't dealt with the soldiers of the Poison God family. I can tell you that disciples of our poisonous family should not regard our cultivation as a kind of strength."

"The warrior of the poisonous God family, even in a bad adversity, can still easily kill the strong man who demands the world."

"Because we planted it, it is poison."

"Let you take a look and see the family of poisonous gods." A sword, passing the ball is dark and dark.

Then, Zifeng took out Ling Zhou and took Lin Ye directly outside Dushan City. No one knows where Zifeng has gone.

At the top of Linzhou, Zifeng looked at the direction of the Huandu Mountains. His eyes were always cold and he said, "I don't believe Ye Suxin will die. She must be somewhere in the poisonous god's house, or she hides herself, or the poisonous god's house hides her."

"But anyway, after twelve days, I must take my heart away."

"I said that after 12 days, if I didn't take away the heart of my heart, it would be a day of toxic family destruction!"

"I plan to do this."

Zifeng's face said coldly.

Ling Zhou slowly left Dushan City, and Zifeng returned to Lingzhou.

In the room, Zifeng knelt on the ground and calmed down.

Zifeng's thoughts sank suddenly, and his heart weakly said: "It's been too long since we separated from the avatar, it's time to call them."

"I don't know how long the magical body and the giant **** have been cultivated in this field."

"The devil went to the unnamed realm and joined the faceless people as killers. The magic "Dao Heart Seeds Demons" technology should not be too low, it is probably faster than me!"

"As for the God of Giants, within the Bronze Gate, the power of Dongzhou gathered for hundreds of thousands of years is enough to speed up the cultivation of the Titans. The last great witch dynasty, the Titans possessed powerful power. It has been almost a year."

"The cultivation of the giant **** should be the second purple gold crystal!"

"bring it on!"

"I should also do some preparation!"

Zifeng's face condensed, and he began to summon two incarnations in his heart.


Anonymous domain names, the killer headquarters of faceless people.

A sword wore a black robe, a mask and a long sword on its back, and walked into the dark passage.

As he walked by, the lights on both sides of the stone wall flickered with the wind.

Both sides passed by his killer in horror and tried to keep a distance from him.

"He is swordsmanship!"

"One of the most powerful killers among faceless people today!"

"Yes, the Sword Demon took 120 orders, and almost no one missed them."

"Yes, in one hundred and twenty singles, 30 of them were strong assassins, but he still did."

"This time he came to the killer's headquarters in no man's land. I don't know what task I will accept?"

They quietly rounded the murderer around the sword.

Jian immediately walked to the door of the stone house.

The door of the stone house opened automatically, and a young man walked out. He smiled and said, "Sword Devil, please be here."

During the conversation, the young man's side position allowed the sword demon to enter.

Came to the stone room, behind the table in front, sitting on a frivolous face, hugging a beautiful guy.

After the sword demon came in, he was silent.

The young man said: "Sword Demon, I will introduce you to you. This son named Zhang Tianqing is from the Zhangjiatun department of the Optimus Prime First Family. This time, he also let him go. It's done." Zhang Tianqing Seeing the sword demon coming in, he immediately hugged no one in his arms, stood up and smiled and said, "You are a sword, as long as you promise to help me assassinate a few people, I can satisfy you for what you want!"

The swordsman did not look at Zhang Tianqing and said: "Name, character, origin, location, planting, bounty."

The young man smiled softly: "Zhang Tianqing's son, you said you want to see the sword demon if you want to say you want to assassinate the person, now the sword demon has come, you can say it."

Zhang Tianqing smiled and said, "I want you to kill the second uncle in my family, who is my father's younger brother."

"He's repaired it, ask the tripod tripod!"

"As for the bounty, as long as you kill him, what do you want, what should I give you!"

"A hundred million spirits and a hundred beautiful people, how about it?"

Zhang Tianqing asked.

"Don't pick it up." Sword Demon refused directly and turned to leave.

Zhang Tianqing glanced at the sword and asked, "Swordsmanship, live!"

The young man smiled and said: "Zhang Tianqing's son, according to the investigation of faceless people, is it the first time you came to assassinate a soldier? Why don't you know the rules?"

"Any warrior, one is a hundred million spirits."

"Every time you enter a field, you will have more than 100 million spirits."

"The person you want to assassinate is to ask the three fighters in the world. According to the rules, it should be 300 million spirits."

The young man said with a smile.

Zhang Tianqing looked white and looked a little cunning. After half a dozen, he said: "As long as the sword can kill my uncle, there will be 300 million for 300 million!"

I heard that Zhang Tianqing agreed.

The young man looked at the sword and said, "Swordsman, what do you think?"

If swordsmanship is thoughtful, he shook his head and said: "I have said it before, but I won't find it!"

"I still have something to do."

After that, the sword demon turned and left the stone house directly.

"Stand up!" Zhang Tianqing screamed immediately after seeing the sword demon not showing his face.

The Sword Demon stopped and looked at Zhang Tianqing.

Zhang Tianqing said angrily: "I can only afford to give you money. Do you want to know how to make money? If you are angry, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Jian turned around and looked at Zhang Tianqing.

The young man smiled painfully, his footsteps receded slightly.

When Zhang Tianqing saw the sword demon looking at him again, he whispered: "Back to my heart? Hey, how good is it, so I must scream and turn my head? This is really a bone."

The Sword Demon looked at Zhang Tianqing coldly. ,, ..

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