At this moment, the scabbard behind the sword demon was sprayed out.

Squat forward with a sword.

I saw a savage white sword scurrying in the stone room, and with a loud noise, the stone room collapsed.

In Jianguang, Zhang Tianqing's head was directly smashed by the sword.

Then, the sword demon took off the sword, turned and left the stone room.

"I have to leave Dongzhou for a while. During this time, I will not accept any tasks." After that, the swordsman walked out of the headquarter of the faceless man and disappeared.

The young man saw Zhang Tianqing under the stone ruins and smiled painfully: "What do you think you are, dare you to yell here? This is the killer headquarters of faceless people. The killers here are cruel and merciless. Role! Not to mention you, even if the sacred son of Dongzhou Academy is here, I dare not think of you like this. Seeking death! "The vast Lingdong is somewhere in the dark underground palace.

These five poisons taught cold, and asked: "How is the situation?"

Xuanbo said lightly: "Returning to teach the Lord. Half a month ago, Shengzi had been shot and killed among all the royal families of Lingdong. It is estimated that the master of Miracle Ridge is coming now."

"According to reliable news, Ye Wuhuan and Du Guiyun, the two magical ridges, are now in the sacred dynasty period. There are more than 5,000 senior elders and Wufeng Shengzi Zifeng."

"It's a pity that after Zifeng came to Lingdong, he left the Holy Night Dynasty. Our spies didn't dare to get too close. After all, the owner of the Son of Five Peaks could easily find us."

These five poison teachers sounded very cold: "Zifeng is back, hey, he must return to Wu country for the first time."

"How is the situation of Shenwu?"

Xuanbo replied: "The son and Xu Wei have gone hand in hand. It is estimated that it is difficult for the royal family to find a living mouth?"

When the five poison masters heard it, they immediately caught a cold: "What? I didn't say it, don't you want to move the gods of the country of Wu?"

Xuanbo's eyeballs were very delicate, and said: "More than a year ago, his son was seriously injured and returned to the Five Poisons. His subordinates have found that Zifeng is hurting his son. I am worried that his son will have revenge."

Five poisons teach the Lord's cold voice; "Hey, nursery, he also has this. You wait, the Shenwu royal house is destroyed, and Zifeng will not let him go. It seems that it is time for us to choose our next son. That's it."

Xuanbo stood quietly below.

These five poisons taught a weak lord: "Forget it, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Now we don't think about this. How many masters are there on Miracle Hill?"

"Can the saints start?"

Xuanbo replied: "Teacher, in the past 20 years, the development of Miracle Ridge has far exceeded our expectations. Today, only half of the masters brought by Ye Wuhuan and Du Guyun have come out, and there are still miracles in Wufeng in general."

"If the saints are in a hurry at this moment, I am afraid they will be noticed by other masters!"

"After all, he left alone, he must be prepared."

Xuanbo said.

The five poison masters said: "Well, let Ye Wuhuan, Du Guiyun, and Wufeng Shengzi have some news, let all the five poisonous Lingdong rudder warriors, after completing the task, go to the Fengyun Dynasty, and let the kindergarten look at the wind and clouds. Imperial City."

"Leave Ye Wuhuan and Du Guiyun."

"Dissipate the prepared vitality and spread it to the Fengyun Dynasty!"

The five poison masters vaguely said.

"Yes, teach the Lord." Xuanbo said: "But the leaders, Du Guiyun and Ye Wuhuan are the masters of Feitian. If they shoot, I am afraid that their son and other believers will not escape."

The five poison masters said: "Okay. Let the blood poison to death."


Xuanbo Yingdao.

"In addition, after you give the order, go to prepare the team immediately. You must not delay; then tell Po Meng to ensure that the bones are handed over, and then immediately return to the headquarters." The five poison masters finally said.


Xuan Bo sighed and turned around.


Shenwu City, in a dark secret room.

Princess White and the five princesses cried, and Zifeng came in.

"Sword King, my subordinates are finally waiting for you to come back."

In the secret room, there was a man with bruises on his face, his face was pale, and his left arm was lost. He looked at Zifeng with tears in his eyes.

"Chu River."

Zifeng hurriedly walked over, took out a remedy from the storage bag and sent it to Chuhe!

At this time, Egret also came to look at Chu Jiang. With dignity on his face, he asked, "Master Chu Wang, what happened here?"

Chu He shook his head with a smile: "His Royal Highness, we can't resist them. They have been repaired around Tian Dan, and they will start to kill when they enter the imperial city."

"The thousands of Chu army I brought, barely resisted for half an hour and were killed by them."

Chu He said lightly.

The princess sneered: "Who is this?"

Chu Jiangliu said: "Xu Yanxiang and a young man are called Miao Wei!"

When Zifeng heard the names of the two men, a cold color appeared on his face.

After hearing the white, his eyes flashed sparks: "Xu Yanxiang! I shouldn't have thought of it at first. When I leave Shenwu, I will kill him!"

Chu Jiangliu said: "His royal princess, even if there is no Xu Xiangxiang, the kindergarten will not let go of the Shenwu Kingdom."

Zifeng said at the moment: "This matter has something to do with me. I know this nursery. When I entered Miracle Ridge, I fought with him. I almost killed him, but I was saved."

"I am worried that he will come to destroy the royal family of the gods. This is not just the order of the five poisons. I am afraid there is also my factor."

Bai Yan looked at Zifeng and said, "Don't blame you. These are the five major poisons of education. Even without Xu Yixiang and Miao Wei, these five poisons will not make the royal family king!"

"Chu He, how many soldiers do you have?"

Bai Yu looked at Chu Jiang

Chu Jiangliu said: "I came to support the royal family only to bring the army to the mansion. The Chu Family Army is stationed outside the city and can still mobilize nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses!"

"In addition, the military ban has died, and there may be about 30,000 soldiers in the ban."

Chu Jiangliu said.

Bai Yu said: "If you take a break and wait for my order, immediately mobilize all Taiwanese troops to surround the emperor, encircle the emperor, and order the Chu family to enter the city. The whole city is guarded!"

"If you are an opportunist, hehe!"

"The man will clean the palace. After counting all the deaths, the princess will be punished at the end of this battle!"

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