The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 338: Exclaim

After the previous battle, Zifeng also realized the difficulty of this war. It seems that their hunting demon army has a thunderous method to clean up all the behemoths, but in fact the fire power is extremely limited, and it is a bit difficult to deal with a dozen giant animals. If the influence of the beast is stronger, even the fire will be stretched.

More importantly, the power of the demon hunter is severely insufficient. When he came here to take refuge, Zifeng didn’t think there would be so many behemoths here. He didn’t think the situation here would be so complicated. It was not only a huge beast, but also three different forces gathered around. The two forces want to join forces, and the hunting forces have no ability to stop it.

Zifeng hates this feeling of powerlessness, but unfortunately, there is no other solution other than hatred. The behemoth below the mountain was commotion again, and they could see that although they were still afraid of the power of the strong fire in the mountain, the nature of the killing was still a trend. They want to kill as many humans as possible. clean.

"Li Shuai, do you want to break through?" After a long period of silence, Zhao Jie said suddenly: "My people can hardly fly swords with one person. If those monsters don't chase us, let us take away the opportunity of two people. "

Zhao Jie's proposal moved everyone's heart. Li’s tyrant immediately thought it was a feasible plan, but he quickly shook his head: “I’m not sure if there is a flying behemoth. If it exists, even if it has only one head, it may cause us to fall into the abyss.”

"But if you don't try, you won't have a chance to break through." Zhao Jie is still fighting for this.

Zifeng continued to shook his head: "I am not opposed to taking risks, but if you need to take great risks, you may not do it." In short, everyone's hopes that have just been raised will be immediately dashed. But they all know that Zifeng said this is very correct. He doesn't even need to be a flying behemoth. Even the most common demon warrior can kill the Yujian Xuan clan flying into the air. After all, the Yu Jianxuan clan of Zhao Jiajun is too weak, it is almost impossible to defend the enemy when flying alone, let alone take a person away. At this time, not only the hunting demon army is considering a breakthrough method, but the royal heavy armor in the distance is also trying to design an escape route, but looking at the behemoth surrounding the broken mountain, it even holds dozens of thousands of people. Deng Xilin's heavy armor can only sigh and sigh.

Shen Yueming's assistant coach finally met Liu Chuan. After a conspiracy, he deceived himself and "deadly left." Liuchuan was still pale, and the Yunlei Sword consumed in the final battle had not yet recovered.

"Liu Shuai, what does Shen Shuai send someone to do?" Liu Chuan's deputy coach immediately asked to come up.

Yanagawa was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Take a good rest, wait for me to recover in three days, and let us attack the volcano."

"That?" Liu Chuan's deputy commander took a look and found that the volcano is the least volcano: "Liu Shuai, this situation should not be suitable for internal inf."

"I don't think so, but Shen Yueming said yes. The volcano is not only one thousand eight hundred people, but it can kill the behemoth so quickly. There is absolutely no treasure in your hand. If you can catch the baby, if you come over, maybe we People have a chance to erupt.” Talking about this, Liu Chuan’s voice suddenly dropped to a very low level: “In any case, we only need to let the shackles escape, and these shells will send them to hell. There is more than one baby in his hands. A behemoth. , So we can escape once."

Liu Chuan's deputy commander nodded silently. This decision is true. These prisoners of war were originally the purest shells in their eyes.

Just when Shen and Liu conspired to destroy the Demon Hunting Army, a large group of black and thunderclouds appeared in the sky above the green hills. The speed of thunderclouds was very fast and it didn't last long. The sky of the entire broken mountain range has been completely obscured.

"Is it necessary to be punished?" Seeing this scene, Li couldn't help sweating on his forehead. back. If it is really a punishment that can turn everything into nothingness, even with the best array layout, facing the power of heaven and earth, they are actually just ants.

Suddenly, Zifeng saw the dark clouds between the dark clouds split open. Mysterious and mysterious is that the gap they hide above the volcano has been opened.

"Enemy's attack, array!" Zi Feng didn't want to shout, and stayed in Dao Feng's hands for the next moment. They didn't seem to be aware of this scene, but with Li's roar, they immediately prepared for the battle.

But after waiting for a long time, no strange enemies fell from the sky, and no power screamed above them. People looked up at the sky and saw that their necks were sore, still as calm as before.

"Is this an illusion?" After waiting for a long time, I didn't see any reaction. Zifeng couldn't help but wonder.

"Young man, don't be innocent." Just as Zifeng raised his hand and was about to signal the demon army to disarm, there was a very familiar voice in his ears. The voice came from behind, and Zifeng suddenly exclaimed in cold sweat, and resisted the fear before he made a strange call, but still jumped to the side embarrassedly, but this action still stood beside him in horror. Not far from sinking and so on.

"Li Shuai, what?" Lin Hui just wanted to ask, but he saw the place where Zifeng just stood, but he didn't know when he was standing alone.

"You are?" Lin Huigang immediately opened his mouth and said, "How did you get in?"

"Oh, fly in."

"Fly? Why didn't I find it?"

"Let you find out, I still have farts."

"You!" Lin Hui looked at the poor old man in front of him. He raised his hand and tried to get the demon army to fight to kill the enemy.

As a result, Lin Hui's hand was abandoned halfway, and he was stopped by Li's tyrant: "Don't call anyone, I know him."

"He is Li Shuai's friend?" Lin Hui asked seductively.

"He is my teacher." Zifeng said rather embarrassedly, obviously admitting that this poor old man is his own teacher is indeed a big challenge.

"Teacher!" Sure enough, just after Zifeng finished speaking, Shen Fu and the others were shocked. They looked at the big yellow tooth's face and shook the little old man. They cannot understand why Li Shuai has such a teacher, or how such an old man teaches such a disciple.

Li's shackles only lasted for a while, and more of his heart still moved. When you say the word "teacher", it is not meant to be perfunctory, but to be sincere. Since the "rebirth", it is this desolate God who has truly taught himself.

In addition to the **** of time and space, who would cross a realm to find himself without hesitation, even if the Li family did not have such a thing.

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