The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 339: standard

"So come so soon?" Zifeng hesitated for a while, and finally opened.

"Fortunately, I hurry up. After coming back, your child won't stop the food here?" The God of Time is still full of suffocating feelings. If Zifeng doesn't understand what it means to stop cooking, he still doesn't care.

Zifeng suddenly threw a storage bag at the God of Time and Space, and the old guy opened it and looked at it. After discovering that it had all crystallized, it suddenly became very exciting.

"Yes, it is very capable." Thank you very much for the time and space.

"Aren't you curious why I can get this kind of thing here?" Zifeng asked.

"When I opened the cross-border passage, I realized that the power of time and space here is wrong. It is not surprising that there is a pale yellow family." God of Time and Space explained a word, and then I still felt it. Emotion: "I just didn't expect it, it's not enough. Can you get that much in a year?"

"It depends on their help." Zifeng pointed to the hunting demon army behind him.

The God of Time and Space looked at the hunting hunter very seriously, and finally said: "It's really good, you finally understand that relying on your brain to fight is much easier than a barbarian."

After feeling the emotion, the **** of time and space directly said: "Let's go, let's leave." "Will this be okay?" Zifeng asked slightly unexpectedly.

"Otherwise, if I stay here, what should I do?" asked time and space.

"You can't come once, why don't you take us out and let us hunt down the Guangyin Warriors?" When he said this, Zifeng used the voices of the gods.

Time and Space immediately shook his head and replied: "This place should not be left for a long time."


"It will be broken." God Time and Space said weakly: "You also find that this is not a standard broken time and space. It can even be said that it cannot be a broken time and space. The behemoth in the distance is the best proof here. , The scattered power of time and space is violent to the extent that monsters mutate, which means that it can also be destroyed. The space barrier here has collapsed, and the Yuan Dynasty will not face too long. Super disaster. It is."

"The most important thing is that I came here. Although my strength has been damaged, God is still there after all. Because of my appearance, this field may quickly perish at any time. If you don’t leave, it’s an accident if there is one. , Even if there is an accident, there is nothing I can do." God said last time and space.

After hearing this news, Zifeng finally understood why the **** of time must be in such a hurry. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that time and space God cannot enter the broken space-time boundary. It seems that all unstable time and space, once time and space come in, will have no small impact.

"Well, let's go now." After considering this, Zi Feng nodded decisively. Although he has never seen the horror of the Yuan Dynasty's ultimate destruction, it is certainly not a joke to consider it.

"Okay." The God of Time and Space nodded, grabbed Li's arm, and flew into the sky.

"Okay?" Zifeng suddenly opened those beautiful hands and asked: "Will you go? How are they?"

"I can only take you alone." God of Time and Space said calmly.

Throughout the process, they used voice communication. They looked at Zifeng and Time and Space God very seriously, but it is not yet clear what happened. Zifeng was a little angry when he heard the answer of God's time and space. Dissatisfied people said: "These people are my friends who can easily gather here. I can't give up on them."

"What kind of partner is just a group of people. But for more than a thousand profound stone areas, unfortunately, your journey is still very long, and some opportunities are more than this large black stone army."

"You let it go." Zifeng was almost smashed out, but when he thought of the identity of the **** of time and space, he understood that this was not time and space, but the ordinary Xuan clan in his eyes didn't deserve too much attention. In desperation, Zifeng could only test and ask: "Is it possible to take them all away?"

God's eyes were filled with disappointment in time: "Are you serious?"

With a heart, Zifeng asked immediately: "How much do you need?"

"Thirty or fifty words is enough. Of course, if there are one hundred and eighty words, it would be even better." Time and Space God measured the demon core in his hand and said slowly.

Wenyan and Li Badao can only smile, and they want thirty-five and one hundred and eighty. This hand is not easy to get together a dozen times or after a **** battle, even if you want to reach the minimum standard of thirty At the very least, they must fight the size of the previous one. But the problem is, if you actively attack monsters outside the volcano, seeing them is really not enough.

When I saw Zifeng’s expression, I knew it was difficult, but he had no choice but to say: “I can’t bring it here. I’m not lucky. Once I’m shot, it will be destroyed in an instant. Anyway, you'd better try to solve the problem of the number of demons. I will start to arrange more space-time channels. I only give you three days. If you still can’t get enough after three days. More demonic cores, When I get there, I will only take you alone."

"Well, you can do it." Zifeng waved his hand and immediately turned to the other side.

Both Lin Hui and Shen Ju look at Li's tyranny with complex expressions. Although the dialogue between Weird and the disciples will always result in one sentence, only from these few sentences can they judge the general situation.

"Li Shuai, can our people not go together?" After hesitating for a long time, Lin Hui finally asked.

"It's difficult, but there is a chance." Zifeng said: "Everyone is thinking about it. Is there a way to kill dozens of behemoths? If you can get more demon cores, our people can go together. "

When I heard about Lee's tyranny, everyone was silent. The conclusion of Li's first sentence is indeed very accurate. It is really difficult to hunt dozens of giant animals to dig the core of the devil, but I have to admit that this is an opportunity. do it. It’s just that everyone understands that if you want to seize this opportunity, you won’t despair.

However, when everyone was unable to do anything, Zifeng suddenly raised his head and said: "We can go to other mountains to change the demon core."

In the camp of the Royal Heavy Armed Forces, Tang Xilin suddenly received a report from his subordinates: "The report said that some people at the foot of the mountain said they wanted to reach an agreement with us."

"Make a deal?" Tang Xilin asked suspiciously, "What kind of deal? Is it difficult to buy someone?"

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