The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 340: arrange

"It's not a buyer, I want to buy a devil core." Tang Xilin's voice did not fall, and Zi Feng's voice sounded here.

"Funny, who told you to let him go." Seeing that there was suddenly an outsider, Tang Xilin had to blame the guard first. He didn't know that Liba Island now walked at least three or five feet with each step, which was almost instantaneous. Who could stop him.

This is also attributed to the **** of time and space, but it is impossible to use it here, but it does not prevent the use of some "small means". Knowing that Zifeng is going to change the core of the demon, the gods of time and space bless him with hanging techniques. In other words, now he seems to be walking on the ground. In fact, he was all floating in the air, less than half an inch from the ground. Although it only lasted half an hour, it was enough for him to talk about the deal. "Mr. Tang, the deal I want to do with you this time is very simple. I have a map. I can arrange a series of powerful firepower based on this array. With this array, you can definitely be good at dealing with giants." Zifeng said bluntly , He has mastered the map of the law.

Tang Xilin didn't expect such a deal, but after reacting, he immediately felt it. During the last world war, he observed the conditions of several volcanoes around the world. At that time, he was most impressed by the situation of Zifeng Volcano. Although they are far apart, he can see that these people are easy to win, and they have an inseparable relationship with the fire that appears at the critical moment.

"This is a map of the battlefield. Can it come out of the flames around you?" Tang Xilin asked.

"Indeed, Mr. Tang still seems to know me."

Tang Xilin didn't bother to pay attention to Li's jokes. He stared at him and asked, "I want this, what do you want to change?"

"I want this." Zifeng said directly, taking out the devil core.

Tang Xilin stretched out his hand to try to get it, but was flashed by Zi Feng. After getting angry on his face, Tang Xilin said: "I have a dozen of these things from giant beasts."

"Yes, what I want is their demon core." Li said.

"I will give you this, can you give me that map?" Tang Xilin glanced at Li Ba.

"What do you want, I want all the demons in my hands."

"What do you want to do with this?" Tang Xilin began to smother the demon core with his hands.

"This has nothing to do with you. This time I will talk about the deal. I took the map and exchanged monsters with you. If you change it, let us change it now. If you don't want to change, I will leave now." Zifeng Some people said impatiently.

"How do I know?" Tang Xilin also wanted to talk nonsense. As a result, he said that Zifeng had already turned and left. He was silly at once, and then quickly shouted: "What are you going to do, I haven't finished talking yet."

"You can't change it." Zifeng asked coldly after turning around.

Tang Xilin's face became even more ugly. At this time, his eyes became a little weird. When he saw this, Zifeng's right hand suddenly began to moan. When Tang Xilin didn't even react, he saw that he was a random hand, but with his movements, a dragon suddenly appeared in front of people. Earth Dragon Technology, although this mystery becomes a little tasteless after reaching the yellow level, at least it is not weak at all.

"What are you doing?" Tang Xilin's face changed again. Although the power of this mystery is not too great, the casting speed of Zifeng is indeed too fast.

"I want to change everything. I finally ask you again, change, or not change, and give a letter." Zifeng narrowed his eyes and said: "If I dare to come, I will prove that I absolutely can leave this, don't try to be sure .Those things that can't be done." Tang Xilin's face hesitated for a long time. Finally, he finally took a bite: "Well, I changed with you."

Zifeng finally smiled. After satisfying Tang Xilin's a dozen huge monsters, he even introduced some doubts and difficulties in the fire formation to Tang Xilin. Zifeng did not hurt. Heart, if they really have the ability to arrange this series of things is a good thing, although the possibility is very small.

He still had a dozen demon cores, but it was embarrassing that he reached the standard, but Zifeng finally boarded the volcano where Shen Jiajun was. Coincidentally, Yanagawa is also here.

When Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan saw Li's hegemony, they had lost their hearts for a long time. They didn't know Li Badao, but they saw this Li family son, especially Liuchuan. It can be said that Liu Jia and Shen Jia have completely come to the front. There are indeed many reasons for this young man. If it wasn't for what he did, then the Liu family would be too embarrassed, and Liu Shixun, the owner of the house, would not do it.

But now that Zifeng suddenly appeared in front of them, the two were even more curious, but that's why the child did it. Shen Qianming had always stubbornly believed that Li Shuai in the Demon Hunter was just a name, but now once the facts are in front of him, Shen Yueming can't do it even if he wants to deceive himself again.

"How did you grow it?" Sure enough, Liu Chuan asked the first sentence after all. Huang Yi's reconstruction was not what they saw, but they really remembered that Liba Island was just an orange three-headed man before entering the Qing Dynasty. Even if he killed Shen, he still had to fight hard. Row.

Zifeng smiled without giving any explanation. He just threw the array of fire arrays and said: "This is a third-order composite fire array. We are giant beasts relying on this array. Now I will use this array to change your things, and change?"

"The third-order composite fire array?" Shen Yueming was broken. He knew something about the formation, so he was very aware of the value of the third-order composite array, but he did not expect to encounter it here: "Your Li family is I am willing to invest for you".

After listening to Shen Yueming's words, Zifeng immediately understood what he meant. He didn't explain much. He still calmly said: "This is a real Tier 3 composite fire formation. How can you believe that you have seen it? I want to change all the behemoths in the hands of the two of you. Can't it be changed?"

"What do you want that thing to do?" Natural things will be very hearty, but Shen Yueming also asked Tang Xilin the same question.

In this regard, Zifeng asked as always whether it could be changed. His attitude has angered Shen Yueming, and even his eyes towards Liu Chuan have become a little weird. Seeing such a situation, Zifeng didn't bother to do other things. Shocking-in fact, there is only one earth dragon without much impact. He just said very calmly: "I can use monsters to create a better way to deal with these monsters. As long as you are willing to change it, I won't mind sharing it with you after you finish it.". "What are you talking about?" Shen Yueming stared at Zifeng.

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