The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 341: Huge crisis

"Nature is real."

Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan looked at each other. The eyes of these two people are now very complicated. They were also born in Luotian World. They are also considered to be big families. They naturally know the value of the matrix mapping of the third-order composite array. If you can't say anything else, if you can use such a map to return home, you will surely get a lot of rewards. And they can also understand that these behemoth monsters are now in their hands and have no value. It is better to exchange them first.

"Well, I will change it with you." Shen Yueming took the opportunity to throw the demon core directly. When Yanagawa saw it, he was not to be outdone. He also threw away all the demon cores.

Zifeng is not an opportunist. He knew that if he wanted to scam now, he would only make himself more dangerous. He saw Liu Yu's eyes, and Zi Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, I want to change the things in your hands. A series of maps are naturally divided into two parts, so you won't be unevenly distributed because of battles."

In short, both Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan's faces were red, but their faces immediately became angry. After Zifeng threw the map to the two of them, he turned and fled at almost the same time. In fact, when Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan looked at each other, he had already noticed the killing of the two. The subsequent performance may just confuse yourself.

Sure enough, Zifeng had just begun, and Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan had already been killed. Zifeng didn't want to jump off the volcano directly, even the flying sword was useless. Seeing this scene, Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan were dumbfounded: "Is this kid crazy?"

"This kid would rather commit suicide than let us kill?" Yanagawa also chased the cliff in disbelief. As a result, they were stunned and saw Zifeng jump from a peak of hundreds of feet, and finally fell to the ground without any harm. Just sitting on the ground a little awkwardly at the last moment.

"What is this mystery? Is there such a method in the yellow level field?" Yanagawa's eyes were almost smashed.

When Zifeng was slightly unfamiliar and shook his flying sword, the whole person was still a little dizzy. Although he didn't use the suspension technique to fall to death, the impact still made him a little unbearable. Just looking back and seeing Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan on the volcano, his heart was full of murder. If you don't think these people will eventually be trapped in the Evergreen World, he will definitely report this character after he is reborn, and he will definitely find a way to kill them.

"The demon core is back, almost fifty years old." Zifeng threw the demon core to the ground, finally couldn't help looking at the pain.

"What? Do you like to eat this thing?" Time and space tilted him.

"No, you take it." Zifeng shook his hand. He didn't bother to explain whether these demon cores could be taken away, how bad it would be if he went back, knowing that he relied on this special demon core. However, you can engrave the second-order mark, and you should eventually show a special ability reward. Regrettably, in the face of life and death, the mark of holiness can only be put aside. With enough demon cores, the time and space speed of the expansion of time and space channels has also been accelerated by a few points. Although the hunting demon army on the mountain did not have the opportunity to ask questions, many of them have already noticed the key points.

"Li Shuai, do we have a chance to go out?" Lin Hui asked with a smile.


"Where are you going next time?"

"Luo Tianjie!" Hearing these three words, Zhao Jie's "噌" screamed, looking at Zifeng excitedly and said: "Li Shuai, can you really go back?"

"It must be." Zifeng was also affected by his emotions, patted his chest and said: "My teacher is not serious, but the methods are still amazing."

"Cough." The sound of time and space warning came from afar.

Zifeng couldn't hear it. He said to those around him: "It is no longer suitable for living again. It is not only the demons and behemoths, but also the irresistible power of heaven. The so-called Rising Dragon battlefield seems to be over this time."

"It's over, well, it's over." Zhao Jie shook his hand abruptly, and Zhao Jiajun was smiling behind him.

Zifeng looked at them, and he could see that these generals were not only lifted, but the faces of ordinary hunters were also very complicated. After all, this is their hometown, but soon it will become a hometown.

"When the manpower is not good, the manpower is poor." Li's domineering and helpless feelings, he can only comfort these iron soldiers in this way. Zhao Jie, they are also aware of the decline of Shen and others, and they have consciously integrated their joy.

But at this moment, the scout burst out a slogan.

There is an enemy attack!

"The enemy's attack?" Seeing this, Zi Feng's brows immediately frowned. This was the last thing he wanted. However, due to one's preferences, the world will never change. Zifeng was calm, walking towards the best point of view, and finally saw who the enemy was.

Fortunately, fortunately, it is not the monsters who can't stand the attack, but Shen Jiajun and Liu Jiajun have completely reached a joint posture. Looking at the Profound Stone Alliance rushing over from two volcanoes and finally gathering together, Zi Fengmian said with a complicated face: "If you die, can't you stop for a while?" Shen Yueming and Liu Chuan naturally couldn't listen. . For Li's voice, they think they are dead, or they can realize that they are close to a huge crisis, so they plan to take the initiative to fight for more opportunities.

Seeing this happened, Zifeng really didn't know whether he should be happy or worried. Suddenly, the time warrior who was killed together was really a disaster, but thought of being in the city center. Those who attack the moat in the inner city of the city, the hero of the city, Zi Feng always feels somber.

Sure enough, just like Zifeng was still considering the situation in front of him, the Pangu City Xuanshi outside was already worried, or it could be said that some people were already afraid of going crazy. This time, the number of Light and Silver Warriors coming back even exceeded the last time. Zifeng is also curious why there are so many light sound warriors here.

But now, when these time warriors have been killed, Li is aggressive and they are of course very worried, but they can have an inner city moat to protect themselves, although Zifeng is very clear in the face of so many light and sound warriors, even with this now The moat, it is also difficult to have any impact, but at least it can still withstand a period of time. However, one thing is certain, and that is that those who have not broken through the moat of the inner city are really dead.

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