The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 342: deceive

Outside the city center, those who are still attacking and defending martial arts are now yelling, especially those with the strongest voice in Zifeng. When Li Chaoba asked to open the moat of the inner city, let them in.

"You let us in, let us defend against the attacks of these monsters together." Now, the so-called General Xuanxi couldn't help shouting to Zifeng.

In the face of this guy, Zifeng seemed to have never heard the same words. It was just cold and cold, and then not only did it fail to open the moat of the inner city, but it continued to strengthen the moat. When he saw Li's domineering, the general finally realized that he was impossible. Have the opportunity to return to this city. He is really indifferent now, why he must choose to come back.

Now that they are caught in this situation, they can really be said to be in a desperate situation. With this in mind, no matter who the other people are, this guy first fled the battlefield quickly with a flying sword.

But at this moment he just flew up. In the camp of the Silver Warriors, a team suddenly appeared like a bat-like monster. These huge bats are much larger than usual, and people are dizzy as they rush towards the general. I have guessed the ending. Sure enough, when people were still thinking about these things, the general had already let out a scream in mid-air. Finally, the whole person fell from the air to the ground like a gourd.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the great general has become a corpse. This speed of death caused the other i who had good luck in the past to completely cool down and see this situation, they only know how dangerous this situation is. But now, these people couldn't help thinking that Zifeng was alone in such a situation, but not only did he not die, but instead killed the Guangyin Warrior. The most important thing is that he can guide Guangyin fighters to break the moat of the inner city, which is the most important point. But now it is their turn to face this situation. And their situation can actually be said to be better than that of Zifeng at that time. After all, they are still quite a few people. Unfortunately, these people's performance is not as good as Zifeng's behavior.

The Silver Warriors will not let them leave, because these hearts of Panchez have been desperate. In the eyes of these time warriors, as long as they are human, it is natural to kill them. In fact, what these people don't know is. Zifeng will guarantee that he will not die in the war, not only because he is resistant. Because his cultivation is empty, he cultivated the power of space. It is also a long time to get along with time and space, so for those light and silver warriors, Zifeng is not even completely different. If it were not for Zifeng's active attack, he might even be lurking in the camp of Guangyin Warriors.

This is not an exaggeration. Li Gongdao's martial arts practice is like this. So when he encountered this situation, Li's situation looked very bad, but it was much better than these people. Because of this, Zifeng can do things that these people cannot do together. However, seeing these people now being massacred by Guangyin soldiers, Zifeng has no regrets at all.

Even Zifeng subconsciously looked at the Pancheng people next to him. These people are now full of fear, but Zifeng still sees a great hatred in their eyes. To ensure a smooth feeling, yes, Zifeng saw this, on the one hand, these Pancheng people were very worried, on the other hand, they wanted to see the profound stones of Pangu city being killed by these monsters. In their view, these monsters are terrible, but the people in the center of the city are real demons. They want these demons to kill first and then kill.

However, when Zifeng followed them and watched Paneusian City Xuanshi being chased by Guangyin fighters, his mood gradually became heavier. He began to see these people being killed by Guangyin soldiers. Of course, I was very happy, but when he realized the strength of these light and sound warriors, he suddenly woke up. This time, if you want these people to stay in the moat of the inner city, you are really crazy.

Thinking of this, Li's head immediately began to hurt. After all, in the face of this situation, people in Pantai City can watch the excitement, but they cannot follow them with their hearts. You can basically see the last thing in development now. In this case, if you want to simply think that you can use a self-reinforcing moat to withstand the attacks of so many time warriors, then this is the most absurd idea. Thinking of this situation, Zifeng was also embarrassed, because now he was really not sure what to do.

slow. Zifeng retired first, and Time and Space followed Li's side. He naturally saw the abnormality of Li's hegemony, and whispered: "What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking. How should I go in the end?" Zifeng said very seriously.

A natural glimpse of time and space, and then naturally said: "How do you go, you will go out directly, even if you can't completely disguise yourself as a light-skinned warrior, at least for now almost, as long as you are enough, be careful. Leave this Surrounding is not difficult."

Listening to the words of time and space, Zi Feng nodded. In this case, he is also very clear. He had discovered this when he broke the moat of the inner city, and he was now in the power of space. The planting is very good. In this case, you can leave here naturally. More importantly, there is time and space around you. It is difficult for him to help him deceive some time warriors.

Thinking of the people around him, Zifeng finally looked at the God of Time and Space after a long period of adjustment, and then asked, "Can you let these people leave with me."

Time and Space God seems to have always thought that Zifeng would ask this question. There was no blasphemy, and he looked directly at him coldly and said, "Are you starting to become stupid again?" Time God looked at Zifeng with very rude eyes. They became a little different: "Li, you are aggressive. I don't want to be a good person. I don't want you to always play your kindness indiscriminately. In the evergreen world, you want to hunt." The people of the demon army came out. At that time, with those conditions, those people can indeed be your powerful help. I can naturally try to help you do these things, but now these people want to save, what do you want to do? "

When I heard the words of time and space, Zifeng really didn't say a word for a long time. For the temper of time and space. He is very familiar with it now. To say whether the God of Time is a good person or a bad person, this judgment itself is a very absurd thing. Because the **** of time and space was originally a god, as a god. Of course, he will not be too pity for anyone. Gods and creatures seem to be in his eyes.

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