The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 346: Logistical issues

These people were also sent out after a flash. Zifeng looked at the situation in front of him, but his thoughts were extremely complicated. He is not willing to let these people take risks, but when he sees the expression of time and space, he is not too stubborn.

After all, the time and space gods are really thinking about preparing for themselves. For the love of time and space, Zifeng also knew that he should be grateful. Thinking of this situation, after all, his heart is still embarrassing, but unfortunately, this time, regardless of Li's embarrassment, time and space, I have no intention of letting Li do stupid things aggressively.

When Zifeng opened his eyes again, his first thing was to thank him for his good luck. Fortunately, he is still alive, but fortunately, there was no major accident in this transmission. This is not Li's timid person. This is really Li's tyrannical fear, the old age of thieves is tossing. Even large families like Li's family could be killed in the early cities. Zifeng didn't think the thief had nothing to do with his family.

However, when Zifeng looked at the surroundings, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Their current position is absolutely weird. Even Zifeng can already feel that it shouldn't be the tiny one where Pangu is. On the island, the mysterious fluctuating smell here is slightly different from this place, which is better here.

However, Zifeng still did not make any decision on his own. Instead, he called several people who had escaped with him in the city and asked, "This place, have you been here?"

People only celebrate the rest of their lives. What is the point of thinking about their location? Until now, when Zifeng asked their heads, they suddenly realized where they were. It seems that I don't even know each other. let me see. These people can only shake their heads and say they don't know at all.

Zifeng has a headache now.

The joy of just escaping from the city disappeared at this moment. The God of Time and Space looked at it and asked with some doubts: "What are you doing, this has escaped, what else is good?"

Looking at time and space, God is a careless look. Zifeng smiled helplessly and said: "You don't have to eat by yourself. I can also endure long-term hunger, but how can these ordinary people not eat? More than 30,000 people have fled us. If you don't eat or drink, it is estimated that you You will die half in less than three days. It is estimated that you will die in the wild in six or seven days."

"Oh, then?" God continued to ask.

Whenever Zifeng saw this attitude of time and space, he did not fight in one place, but in the end he insisted on burning and said: "Then, of course, I have to quickly find a way to bring people out of this wilderness, how about? Maybe life. You Food must be found."

Now Zifeng is actually very clear about what he should do. In fact, if this happened in his "last life", he estimated that he would not have such anxiety now. After all, although Zifeng's brain is still flexible in the "Last World", he has not experienced so many major events. In the past, he was just a lonely ranger. When he is in various dangers, he cannot change his appearance, but if he wants him to control so many people, it is definitely impossible. However, after being reborn, Zifeng encountered many things he hadn't encountered before being reborn. The most important thing is that he met the Demon Hunting Army, and he already has experience in commanding the Demon Hunting Army. Although he led the Demon Hunting Army, more time was spent on the overall situation of the old people in the Demon Hunting Army like Lin Hui and Shen Ju. But at least in the operation of the entire demon army and the plan of all operations, Zifeng still clearly knows. These things do not have to be done by themselves. But it will definitely let you know.

So the most important thing now is to solve these logistical problems. Zifeng looked at the people in the city and asked, "Did you bring food with you when you came out?"

Hearing Zi Feng's words, those who were still giggling suddenly did not smile, and even their faces seemed to show panic expressions for an instant. They looked at me. I look at you, because I have seen each other for a long time, so I haven't seen each other. In the end, I could only cry, looked at Zifeng and said: "General, we have nothing to bring. Just ran out."

Hearing the name of the general, Li's heart lashed out, and he immediately prevented these people from calling himself a general. He also knew why these people called themselves because they were in Pantheon City. There is such a name, but Zifeng doesn't like these people calling themselves, after all, such a name is not a good name.

But now, Zifeng has not considered how others call him. He just wants to think about food. Although the time and space gods are on the side, although they don't care about all of this, they seem to be full of interest in what Zifeng is doing.

"Will you continue to take these people?" asked time and spirit curiously.

Zifeng nodded and said without hesitation: "Well, if you bring these people out, will you throw them here? In this wilderness, God knows that there is something nearby, not that it is a monster. Even if some beasts are rushed out, it is estimated that these people will not be able to stop it."

When I heard Li's tyrannical remarks, the **** of time and space was very serious and nodded in agreement. Look at the wolf of ordinary people. Although they have a population of 30,000, the people who really use it can even be said to be no one. The qualifications of these people have not been explored by time and space, but it is also conceivable that they have not been found to have cultivated talents in Pancheng, and this time they may have discovered their cultivation talents after escaping. Therefore, if Zifeng wants to carry these 30,000 people and cultivate his own strength from them, it will definitely not happen, which is absolutely stupid for going home.

After carefully observing time and space, I found that Zifeng had no such thoughts, but Zifeng still stubbornly wanted to take them away. Faced with such a situation, the old problem of the **** of time and space has occurred, and subconsciously wanted to warn Zifeng. Don't do this stupid thing anymore. However, after thinking about it, he didn't say anything, and even planned to cooperate with Zifeng. The time spent with the God of Time is also unchanged. When he saw the changes in his eyes and eyes, Zifeng saw some changes in his heart. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but smile and asked, "Why, you seem to want to change your mind?"

The time and space gods were not hidden, and he smiled and said: "Yes. Change my mind, I must see how old you are to bring these people out and let them live."

"I don't know if I can do it, but I must do it." Zifeng said very firmly.

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