The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 347: vegetable

The firmness to Li. There is no doubt that this is true of time and space. Its real-time emptiness increasingly discovers that the kindness of a woman like Ms. Li is not a major flaw. As he said, he actually wants people around him to know that this world is not entirely evil. It can also be said that he just wants to take care of those unfair things, and this kind of enthusiasm is easy to commit suicide. However, I have to admit that although Heaven is indifferent, the world is very exciting. If a good person does not see it, there is no good news.

If Zifeng can maintain this mentality and mentality, it is uncertain what kind of gifts he will receive in the future. Of course, it does not rule out that he would touch the head bag, or even die because of the defect of this character. It can even be said that the possibility of death is far greater than the possibility of obtaining benefits. However, now, the time and space God wants Li to do these things is the difficulty of Zifeng's work.

If he can really do well, maybe Zifeng really has a chance to become the future military commander. The things in the evergreen world made the **** of time and space see the talent of Zifeng to lead soldiers. Of course, it is accurate to say that he does not have the ability to lead troops. Zifeng is a strict talent, so it is not difficult for him to lead a demon army like a black stone, and he can even do a good job.

But the so-called Li Shuai's name. But it shouldn't appear in the ranks of only 1,500 black stones. The real commander of the commander did not carry a thousand soldiers. If at that time, it is absolutely impossible to use Li's leadership style. It did a good job, and because of this, the **** of time and space wanted to understand Li's commanding ability. It was buried because it was with the demon hunter?

The size of the chaos in front of us actually exceeded Zifeng's tolerance. So this time is definitely an unprecedented challenge.

Faced with such a dilemma, Zifeng really started to burn. All he can do is divide Pancheng people into ten teams based on their close relationship. Each team is about 3000 people. This arrangement simply cannot solve too many problems. After all, most of the people who escaped from Iwaki are survivors who have already lost their lives. They are not too close. Many relatives. At this time, they are forced to become a team. In fact, it does not really have a good binding force, but Zifeng does not really want to restrain these people, but hopes to be roughly certain in the subsequent march. In all aspects. Among the 100,000 people, Li Bada also elected more than 20 small leaders. Each of the 3,000 teams has three leaders who negotiate with each other and make some decisions.

However, the irony is that even now, even if there is no leader, it is true, because their current situation is that there is nothing to discuss. Now these people are facing a problem, that is, eating.

For the first time, Zifeng realized that food is a very important thing. Although Zifeng still needs to eat after planting, at least it is no longer as urgent as ordinary people. In fact, black stone sometimes has ten days. If you don’t eat for half a month, it’s okay, but these people can’t. Zifeng is now seeing more than 30,000 people on his own. He really didn't know what to do now so these people could eat.

The initial idea was to let them dig wild vegetables. After all, I think of the poor life of Pancheng people in Pantai. I think it's too strange for them to come here for wild vegetables, but this idea was discussed with time and space. At that time, it was directly strangled by the God of Time.

"Eat wild vegetables? Your children are also very embarrassed to think, do you know what it means to let them eat wild vegetables?" The God of Time and Space almost jumped up and said, "You know this is 30,000 people, and want to dig enough 30,000 people. How many people eat wild vegetables and go out to dig? Moreover, now that these 30,000 people are together, it is difficult to disperse once. Even if you are a singer, you cannot grasp the opposite direction. To disperse them is to let them die. You must Hollow out the whole mountain. You don’t have to dig enough for 30,000 people to eat wild vegetables."

Listening to the snoring of time and space, Li Badao could only be a series of wry smiles. In this case, he really didn't think about it. Even after this, he has figured out the situation. If you let these people go out to dig wild vegetables. Even if it is actually dug out, who can guarantee that there is no poison in it, once you really eat a few poisons, then many people are now gathered together, and once someone is poisoned, various poisons will appear. I want to think about it. This idea can only be deleted.

But in addition, there is really no good way. Based on the thoughts just now, Zifeng also thought of another question. If you let these people go hunting now, the danger they need to face is even greater. First, it is impossible to determine whether there is a real beast here. Even if there are beasts, they cannot be defeated. Once they become monsters, these people will become the monster's belly food. The other is the most serious problem. In fact, no matter what method you want, you have to face 30,000 mouths. This is the most important question, once you have the problem of feeding 30,000 mouths. time. Zifeng also knew that no matter how he did it, he needed to start from the general direction.

In the end, Zifeng could only order: "Go ahead. No one is abandoned in the middle of the road. You can't leave privately. If you want to live, you will keep leaving. If you find someone who smokes, you will be able to live. Now What do you want to eat? "These methods are just empty talk. "

I heard Li's order. The people in the city didn't even complain at all, and even they tried very hard to answer them. See this situation. Zifeng also made a slight fuss. I didn't expect these people to be so obedient. Of course he couldn't figure it out. In the eyes of these people, they are like gods. If they are not themselves, they cannot escape. In this case, they will naturally listen to their orders.

God of time and space looked at the side silently, as if these things had nothing to do with him. Of course, in a strict sense, the God of Time and Space is really not interested in helping Zifeng do anything, let alone he has the ability, even if he has him, he doesn't bother to help. However, looking at Li Badao's performance, God of time and space is quite satisfied.

Although it seems that Li Baba is inactive and can finally continue to march in the next order, in fact, such a decision can be said to be the most correct right now. After all, before the conversation and after his thoughts, Zifeng must be able to understand that the situation in front of him was not solved simply by one or two small thoughts, and it might even seem like a good idea. Once the application is executed, the final result may be the result of a disaster.

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