The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 355: Arrogant person

"What are you talking about?" The floating clouds frowned, and Bing's appearance became cold.

"I said that based on your practice, you are not qualified to talk to me!" Zheng Huan said coldly.

"Evil* pen."

Seeing Zheng Huan's high posture and not waiting for the flow of clouds, ASUS shook his head and uttered two words.

There were a lot of people waiting in line. Some people came from the early morning and waited until now. All morning, they have never seen a madman like Zheng Huan.

"Tu Sang Ting is really a big pie!"

Zheng Huan said coldly: "Your training has been completed, but this area is full of blood. I dare to speak to me like this. The Earth God Pavilion is so powerful that it was rejected by Lian Long Lingjing?"

"Oh, there is no one in the eyes, but Tusang Pavilion is the one!"

"If you want to be a strong person, you should choose these wastes. It seems that the Tusi Pavilion is not as good as we thought."

According to legend, the outside world is the genius of Tushen Pavilion. Now it seems that this rumor seems to be a bit misnomer! "

The middle-aged man behind Zheng Huan is also open, and these words are contemptuous and contemptuous. Looking into the eyes of those in line, they were full of irony.

To their eyes, those in line are angry, but they dare not speak.

Because Zheng Huan and the others are indeed much stronger than them, they can kill them by changing hands.

"You said your cultivation is powerful and you are a genius. What do you mean?" Liu Yun looked at Zheng Huan.

"Not to mention whether it is a genius, at least it has been repaired, it is much stronger than you." Zheng Huan dismissed it.

"This is good."

The flow of the cloud smiled slightly and Wang Shuo said: "Since these powerful people are so confident, let them see, Tushenting Mingyue Guardian, is this a vain name?"


Asus nodded, patted the dust on his body lightly, and walked towards Zheng Huan and the others.

"Is it one after another, or together?" Asus said flatly.


Zheng Huan looked angry and said coldly: "Wu Cheng, let him see the strength of the bloodthirsty adventure team!"

"Hey, Little Wawa, it's dead, don't blame me for being too embarrassed!"

A middle-aged man walked out from behind Zheng Huan with a smile on his face. When the sound fell, his figure rushed directly to Asus.

"Come out, Yanyang Beast!"

In ASUS's mouth, he recited a mantra, and when Wu Cheng was about to bomb himself, a space door suddenly appeared beside him. From the door of the space, a huge figure full of heat rushed out, and the sharp claws shot directly in Wucheng. Wu Cheng didn't even have time to dodge.


There was a low voice, Wu Cheng's eyes widened, and blood spurted out.

At the same time, sharp claws swept across the chest, and the wound appeared five times. A lot of blood flowed out of Wu Cheng's chest, and Nathan's bones could even be seen inside him.

"it is good?"

Zheng Huan and others are sinking. When they saw the behemoth showing all the corpses, their faces became ugly.

In addition to Asus, there is also a monster that emits heat.

The body of the beast is five feet long and its hair is white. When it sees Zheng Huan and others, it gives a threatening low-key, but when it sees Asus, it becomes very docile.

"Tier 3 monster, Yan Yang beast!" Zheng Huan's face was a little dim.

No wonder Wu Cheng will be hit and he will be seriously injured. He is almost a Tier 3 monster.

Tier 3 monsters are equivalent to the spiritual environment of human dragons. At the same level, monsters are much stronger than humans.

Even Zheng Huan was consciously not an opponent of Yanyang Beast.

"What, isn't it?"

ASUS lightly patted Yanyang Beast’s head and sneered: “Aren’t you very arrogant just now? Why don’t you talk now? I tell you secretly, I have three heads like a Yanyang Beast, but inside me is Under the control of the monster, Yanyang Beast is only the lowest level."

Yanyang Beast is a low-level monster of Tier 3, the same as the early stage of Dragon Soul. However, if you encounter Yanyang Beast in the early days of Dragon Soul, you will never want to fight it.

"Actually, you should have been together just now. If you get hurt, you won't get hurt."

Asus pointed at Zheng Huan and sighed and said, "It's a pity, because your arrogance will hurt him so badly. I think his dragon vein seems to be broken. The dragon's **** peak is repaired. It seems I must keep it."


Zheng Huan's face was gloomy, his fists clenched. He can't wait to kill Asus.

But there is Yanyang Beast in front of ASUS, where would he dare to shoot?

Those who were still in line also saw this scene, with faintly excited and angry expressions on their faces.

Crazy? Then crazy?

Isn't it crazy now? How do you become stupid now?

Zheng Cao and others insulted them, but they all dared to say that they dared to speak. At this moment, they saw the teachings of Asustek. In this attack, they were annulled, and they died very excitedly.

Even under this excitement, they joined the center of the Tushen Pavilion more firmly.

Asus is nothing but a **** world, but it has a Tier 3 monster. Even the Dragon Soul dare not move him. This feeling is very exciting.

"If you don't want to fight anymore, then leave here, Tushen Pavilion, don't welcome you like this arrogant person!" Asus suddenly cooled down. Zheng Zheng also wanted to say something, but at this moment, Yan Yangmon suddenly screamed and rushed towards them.

"let's go!"

Zheng Huan's face changed. He quickly grabbed Wu Cheng's half-dead body and left with the others.

"Dragon Soul? This is just a waste." Asus shook his head.

Yanyang's beast just rushed out, but it frightened them. If you really want to attack, Zheng Huan and others can't leave it so safely.

ASUS really wanted to kill them, but Zifeng told him that before the residents of the sect, they couldn't see blood, it's better not to see blood, so ASUS didn't have heavy hands.


As time passed, in the blink of an eye, a day passed.

However, the flow of people in front of Tusi Ting has not only decreased, but also increased.

In the early morning of the next day, dozens of people came from far away. This middle-aged man is led by this middle-aged man. This is the newly built 96 sect.

"How did Luo Luozong's people come from?"

Tushenting also investigated other sects.

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