The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 361: Spirits

Luo Luozong is also one of the ten nine-class sects that have just been established. It is not too powerful, but not too powerful.

However, Luo Luozong and Tushen Pavilion are in the same location, that is, there is no background, all of which were developed by the monarch.

According to legend, the outside world is Tushen Pavilion supported by Han Yunzong, and Han Yunzong has no explanation. In fact, only both sides know that it does not depend on Han Yunzong's earth **** pavilion. Indeed, the monarch of Han Yunzong has been in the cold of Zifeng several times.

The master of Luoyang School, named "Yangyang", is a middle-aged man led by Fuyang.

Next to Fuyang, following Luo Luozong's deputy, at the moment, following Luo Luozong, almost all of them are high-level.

Walking towards the monarch, until the elders, they have now come to the earth **** pavilion.

"This kid, the monk Luo Zongzong, the king of the sun, wants to see the master of the earth **** pavilion, please tell me."

Xiangyang went to ASUS and clenched a fist, very polite.

The planting of Fuyang is in the middle of Longtan, and Luo Luozong's deputy is also Long Dan, but this is just the beginning.

His polite attitude is similar to Zheng Huan before.

Zheng Huan is just the leader of a small adventure group. This is just the beginning of Long Lingjing. Fuyang is far higher than Zheng Huan's practice, but not as crazy as Zheng Huan.

Low-key, not incompetent.

"It turns out that this is a lord, and the younger generation is rude."

Asus quickly got up and returned to the ceremony, and immediately smiled: "You have to worry about the lord waiting here. The younger generation is looking for someone to ask the owner."

"Okay." Xiangyang smiled.

In fact, Fuyang has already seen how Liu Yun and ASUS treat Zheng Zheng. He originally thought that Tushen Pavilion had become famous. The disciples in the cabinet must be very proud. The nose may have to rise to the sky, even if it is facing me, it will not be too polite. I didn't expect ASUS to be so polite, which greatly increased Liyang's love for Tushen Pavilion.

The people in line are also understandable. Asus is not crazy at all. It's completely that people don't promise me that I don't commit crimes.

If Zheng Zheng is very rampant, ASUS will attend class because it is very polite, and ASUS is also polite.

Soon, someone ran out of Zongmen Station and hurried to Fuyang: "Master, the master has prepared tea and is waiting for you in the conference hall."


Fuyang took a deep breath and entered the Tushen Pavilion with Luo Luozong.

In Fuyang, I just entered the Tushen Pavilion, and a group of people came from the same place.

There are not many of these people, only six people. Who is a beautiful woman. The cunning and charming woman is exuding her body, and the people behind are dragons!

"what do you do?"

Liu Yun looked at the group of people, five dragons, he didn't have any fear, only that the latter was inevitable, especially women, only dragon souls.

"Wanbao Pavilion Yunxiao, come to congratulate the establishment of the Tushen Pavilion."

This woman is the cloud.

Five dragons, they seem to be guarding ordinary people.

"It turned out to be Miss Yun. The master has told me that Miss Yun and the boss are both old-fashioned. If you come to the Tushen Pavilion, you can go directly. Please follow me." Liu Yun smiled.

"Does he already know that I will come?"

"Miss Yun wants more."

Liu Yun smiled and said: "The host specifically told me that he is waiting for Miss Yang herself. I also said that I would like to thank you for the box that you kept when I thanked Miss Yun for auction."

When I heard this, Yun Xiao's face suddenly flushed.

Her length is very beautiful, and under the blush, the clouds are more charming, and even the clouds look a little bit.

However, after the reaction, the flow of the cloud was a bit chaotic.

The owner just wanted to thank what happened. What is blushing?

Yun didn't know it. The cloud blushed, not the box, but in the box, Zifeng played a role.

Next, the stream and clouds enter the Tushen Pavilion.

After Wanbao Pavilion, another sect person came to the Earth God Pavilion. Most of them are the ten 96 sects that have just been established.

There is another tributary gate, Han Yunzong.

Tushen Pavilion did not send any invitation to any sect, nor did it think about celebrating the establishment of that sect. These sects are entirely voluntary.


Tushen Pavilion, Deliberation Hall.

Zifeng was dressed in white and sat in the main position. The first place next to him is Su Yunming, and opposite Su Yunming, he is even Yuze.

Even Yuzawa is the first elder of Toshinjeong. Relatively speaking, it is even higher than the person in charge of the four protected areas. In addition to the cabinet boss and the deputy head of the cabinet, he has the most power. The persons in charge of the four protected areas have their own affairs. They are not practicing or dealing with other things. They will not participate in such meetings.

"You can visit the Tushen Pavilion, it really makes Tushen Pavilion shine!"

Zifeng smiled and waved: "Let's go have tea."

Someone poured tea for everyone in the room.

"Su Ge host is polite, Zou came today, nothing else, just to congratulate the establishment of Tushen Pavilion."

Liyang got up and took out two large boxes from the space circle.

Luo Luozong immediately opened the box. The first box contains a lot of spirits, and the second box contains some jewelry.

In addition to these two big boxes, Fuyang also took out the gold medal of Wanbao Pavilion.

"There are 50 million gold coins in this gold card. Although this is not a big deal for Su Ge, it is also a wish, but I hope Su Ge can laugh." Li Yang smiled.

Zifeng was a little addicted and smiled: "If this is the case, I will be welcomed."

When the words fell, Zifeng waved, and someone lifted two boxes.

"The lord has already sent out a gift. If I don't talk about Wanbao Pavilion, it would be a bit shameful."

Yun smiled, and a gold card appeared in his hand.

"I don't have to worry about Wanbao Pavilion. There are 100 million gold coins in it, and I smile at Su Ge."


Zifeng stared at Yunxiao and smiled deeply: "It seems that in Wanbao Pavilion's hands, there is a more suitable gift than gold coins."

"More suitable?"

Yun banged and reacted immediately, his face flushed, he felt ashamed, and said, "Don't face it!"

Yun Xiao's shyness seemed to be spoiled in the eyes of others.

Sitting on the scene are all senior figures, which one is not very eye-catching?

Zifeng's words and Yun Xiao's appearance clearly told them that there seemed to be some embarrassment between the two.

"Su Ge, my Silver Wolf Palace has just been established, and it can't be compared with Luo Luozong and Wanbao, but this ten thousand gold coin is also a small palace, Wang Suge said with a smile."

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