A middle-aged man suffocating his body stood up and waved, suddenly a golden card flew towards Zifeng.

This scene made some people watch the scene frowning.

Give a gift, but this gift is too arrogant, right?

The people of Wanbaoge and Luoluozong generously presented gifts. The owner of the Silver Wolf Palace was thrown directly into Zifeng, as if it were charity.

"I've heard of Silver Wolf Palace returning to Haizong, and returning to Haizong is relying on Zhenwuzong, the performance is extremely arrogant, now it seems that it really deserves its name." Someone secretly thought.

Zifeng is very calm. When Jinka flew towards him, he looked to the side, as if he hadn't seen it, he hadn't picked it up!

Jinka spun several times, and finally landed on the ground with a bang. "it is good?"

Zifeng shrugged and said immediately: "Leave it there for a while, let's talk about us."

When I heard this, Li Yuan suddenly became angry.

He is the owner of Silver Wolf Palace. Except for the sect directly supported by the Blood Witch, it is the only one of the ten ninety-six sects that have just been established, and the Silver Wolf Palace is the strongest.

There are more than 10,000 disciples in the Silver Wolf Palace, and Li Yuan is the Silver Wolf Palace, the strongest in the end of the Dragon Pill.

In Li Yuan's eyes, there is only power.

If Zifeng's training was also a dragon pill, then he would be a little polite, but there was a trace of dragon spirit radiating from Zifeng's body, which made Li Yuan very disappointed.

With this kind of practice, can you still be the boss of Tuss Pavilion? Can also destroy the Gorefiend?

If there is no support from Han Yunzong behind him, he would kill Li Yuan, don't believe it!

Even Li Yuan felt that the Blood Demon Sect was destroyed. Everything was planned by Han Yunzong. Han Yunzong shot, this earth **** pavilion is just a black pot.

However, in the face of so many people, and Zifeng didn't say anything unpopular, Li Yuan was not too angry, but cried coldly and shut up.

"Suge, this is a gift God wants me to bring. I hope Supreme Master will laugh."

Another old man stood up. When he saw him, Zifeng couldn't help smiling.

This smile is to make the old man tremble.

Because this old man is the main internal elder of Han Yunzong, Ping Yuzi!

"What gift?" Zifeng has a happy way.

"The gold coin is 100 million, and the fifth-order beast has ten drops of blood."

Ping Yuzi said, taking out a silver card and a jade bottle.

"Thank you, my master."

Zifeng nodded slightly, and someone immediately took the golden jade bottle in Ping Yuzi's hand.

Ping Yuzi also breathed a sigh of relief. When Zifeng looked at him, he was really afraid that Zifeng would ask him for money.

At the same time, his heart is also a bit embarrassed.

A few months ago, the little guy who was still choosing Han Yunzong is now the owner of this book.

After Han Yunzong, several sects all took out gifts.

Most of them are gold coins and spiritual items. As for medicinal materials, weapons, equipment, etc., they were really embarrassed to take them out.

Who doesn't know the people in the pavilion of the earth god, their lowest level of weapons is silver?

It is too expensive to send gold items. I am worried that the silver team will not like it.

As for remedies.

Compared with weapons and equipment, the owner of the Earth God Pavilion is still a master of alchemy. Everyone knows.

After Tusang Pavilion became famous, the sacred sect of this sacred sect

When Han Yunzong chose his disciple, Zifeng spent a short time and refined ten high-end medicinal materials within half a minute. They naturally know this.

Therefore, the pill will not be delivered!


After all the sects gave gifts, Zifeng finally said: "Since you can all enjoy the light, then today I will put a feast on the Tusi Pavilion. Everyone wants to drink and enjoy." "After the banquet is over, I will come today. Go to Silver Wolf Palace. In addition to congratulating Tushen Pavilion, there are also things related to Tushen Pavilion." Li Yuan said suddenly.


Zifeng eyebrows: "I don't know what Princess Li intends to discuss?"


Li Yuan said: "This palace means to combine with the Earth God Pavilion. Of course, the Earth God Pavilion is still the Earth God Pavilion, and the Silver Wolf Palace is still the Silver Wolf Palace. The combination of the palace is the two main sects of the land. This combination."

"Princess Li meant to jointly develop the resources of the two sects?" Zifeng asked.


Li Yuan smiled and said that Zifeng was still very smart.

"It is said that the number of Earth God Pavilions is not large. The palace can transfer some people from Silver Wolf Palace to help Earth God Pavilion dig these veins, whether it is the veins of my Silver Wolf Palace or veins. Earth God Pavilion, but after mining, This is a little bit, what is the boss Suger's thoughts?"

"Oh, it's great to think about it!"

"This Li Yuan is really kicked!"

"I don't know what is tall and thick, is this not blackmail?"

After Li Yuan's remarks declined, everyone except Zifeng was secretly secreted.

Cooperation? Joint mining? Half a minute?

Each sect is a place with its own resources, perhaps a vein, or perhaps a place with more spiritual things.

The place of resources for all the main gates is also known to other sects.

For example, the Silver Wolf Palace is regarded as a gold mine by the real sect of Lingshizong.


Both veins of Silver Wolf Palace were mined by True Wuzong, and then they were dug back to Haizong, and finally fell into the hands of Silver Wolf Palace!

It can be said that there are indeed gold and spirit stones in the two veins, but the quantity is very rare, which is equivalent to waste mines.

The Tushen Pavilion is different.

Although the two resources from Han Yunzong to Tushen Pavilion have been exploited, they have not yet been fully developed.

The most important thing is that after the Earth God Pavilion destroyed the Gorefiend, it had two stripes, two stripes, gold mines and spirit stones. It was really high!

In contrast, the mineral resources of the two are high and low.

Li Yuan said that he hopes to combine the two sects and jointly open mining veins.

Isn’t it obvious to catch this?

The vein content of Tushen Pavilion may be ten times that of Silver Wolf Palace. Silver Wolf Palace sent some people to help mining, and can divide these veins?

Compared with the extracted spirit stones and gold coins, how much does it cost to hire multiple mining talents?


Li Yuan said again: "If you want to come to the Supreme Court, you should also know that resource plundering between sects often occurs. If the Supreme Court promises to cooperate, my Silver Wolf Palace will also send some people to guard these resources, but everyone Dare to come. Catch and let them have no return!"

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