"Shameless!" Yunyun said in his heart. "In Princess Li's sense, this is my earth sacred pavilion. Can this power not protect these resources?" Zifeng's expression remained calm, with a smirk in his mouth.

"This palace does not represent this, but the Silver Wolf Palace is under the jurisdiction of Huihaizong, and Huihaizong belongs to Zhenwuzong. If my Silver Wolf Palace cannot bear any trouble, Huihaizong and Zhenwuzong will also come if they can Cooperating with my Silver Wolf Palace, who else would dare to offend the border of Yunyang County?" Li Yuanyue said, even more proud.

In his opinion, Zifeng would definitely agree to himself, because the Earth God Pavilion now relies on Han Yunzong, but if it can be used to smash the real Wuzong tree, then no one dares to provoke it.

Zifeng was silent, silently ignoring him. Instead, he glanced over the others present. He said: "When you come today, do you want to talk about cooperation with Tusang Pavilion?"

No one is open.

After a while, Xiangyang stood up and clenched his fists: "Master Su, Zou really wants to talk about cooperation with Tushen Pavilion, but it's not such a cooperation."

"Then let's talk." Zifeng patted the chair.

"Zou Mou meant to let Luo Luozong and Tu Shenting form an alliance, coexisting with life and death!"

For Fuyang this person, Zifeng's impression is good, not arrogant, but also kind. Although he has the strength of Long Dan, he has never been a little bit.

Xiangyang clearly knew that Tushen Pavilion had eliminated the Gorefiend Sect and offended Zhen Wuzong, but still wanted to form an alliance with Tushen Pavilion. This proves that Fuyang is not just talking about it.

"This is good."

Zifeng thought for a while, and said, "There are only three ancestors' gates that are allied with my Tusi Pavilion. You are the first."

Xiangyang didn't expect Zifeng to be so happy, after all, he also had his ideas.

Among the ten ninety-six sects just established, Luo Luozong is almost in the lowest position. With the strength of Luo Luozong at the moment, he could not retain the land of resources.

However, if the resources are not reserved, Rollo will not be able to develop and will sooner or later announce its dissolution.

Therefore, Xiangyang wants to form an alliance with Tushen Pavilion.

The Tushen Pavilion has its shortcomings, that is, it provoked the Zhen Wuzong, and Luo Luozong also has the shortcomings, that is, the basic strength is not good.

There is no such thing as Luo Song in the Tushen Pavilion. It is likely to be destroyed by Zhen Wuzong, Luo Luozong does not have a tusi pavilion. It will also be the end of the disintegration of the sect.

This is cooperation in the true sense. This has nothing to do with resources. It does not involve any interest. What can be given to each other is just good.

Therefore, Zifeng will promise.

Of course, without Luo Luozong, Zifeng would not be afraid of Zhen Wuzong. He agreed to support Luo Luozong.

"Does anyone else want to work together?"

Zifeng looked at the others.

No one is open anymore at this moment.

Compared with Luo Zong, the power of these sects is still very strong. It does not rely on Han Yunzong or Zhenwuzong, and does not worry about being destroyed. "If so, eat some food."

Zifeng got up and smiled: "I have told you to let me go, and people have prepared good dishes. If you have time, you can definitely drink here for three days and three nights!"

It is said that these people are smiling and nodding, but they secretly said: "Does Zifeng ignore Li Yuan directly?"

Sure enough, Li Yuan looked a little depressed and stood up and said loudly, "Su Ge, you haven't given a positive answer to the cooperation mentioned by the palace."


Zifeng looked at Li Yuan: "What answer do you want?"

"Naturally is the best cooperation." Li Yuandao

"Sorry, this court can't promise you." Zifeng shook his head.

"The situation of the Tushen Pavilion has now begun. If you want to come to the Supreme Court, you should know what you are doing. With the style of Zhen Wuzong, you will not be willing to give up. If the Supreme Court can cooperate with my Silver Wolf Palace, mine The Silver Wolf Palace can also help the Tushen Pavilion tell the story. In addition, how to say, the Silver Wolf Palace also belongs to the jurisdiction of Zhenwu Sect.

Li Yuan said: "If the Tushen Pavilion can be transferred to Zhenwuzong's jurisdiction, Zhenwuzong must be trained to cultivate vigorously. It will soon develop to the level of Huizong and Su. It will be clearly considered."

"Did Princess Li talk or laugh?"

Zifeng stared at Li Yuan and shook his head again. He vaguely said: "When I was Princess Li, I was just joking. The most annoying thing in this class is the threat of others."

"be honest!"

Seeing Zifeng leave, Li Yuan sighed again: "Zifeng, True Wuzong, but there is a powerful dragon god, is it incomparable to the blood demon? This, in the hands of Zhen Wuzong, is completely a problem when you take it. You can kill it when you turn it over. If you don't seize this opportunity, you will regret it!"

Li Yuan was really anxious, because he really saw the two blood vessels belonging to the blood demon.

Now the resources of Silver Wolf Palace are almost exploited. If you don’t look for other ways, don’t talk about improving religious disciples, and even the resources you give to Zhenwuzong every year will not be available.

"Promise to cooperate, I can tell you the feelings, do not agree to cooperate, the Tushen Pavilion is waiting to be destroyed!" Li Yuan said loudly.

Zifeng turned his head, looking cold.

"It seems you just said what you said in this court."

"Zifeng, don't insist, take out a little resource in exchange for the survival of the Divine Pavilion, you should know how to decide." Li Yuan sneered.

"Hold your gold card and get it out of me."

Zifeng pointed to the gold card on the ground and pointed to the door of the House of Representatives. The tone returned to calm.

But in this calm, there is another kind of cold that makes people feel cold.

"I do not know what to do!"

Li Yuan said coldly: "Zifeng, you really don't want to face your face. If so, don't blame me."

"call out!"

The voice did not drop, and Zifeng's figure suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, it had already reached Li Yuan. When Li Yuan could not respond, he grabbed his neck and immediately forced him to lift his body.

"I let you go, don't you understand?"

Sen Han's voice slowly spread from Zifeng's mouth.

At this moment, Zi Feng, his eyes were cold, and his body was full of intense suffocation. Zifeng discovered the murderous murder in the sky. This calm and handsome young man was completely different from the sky and the earth.

That murder case, if it comes from Jiuyou, from hell, will make people feel cold inside.

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