Whether it was Long Danjing of Wanbao Pavilion or everyone in the room, from top to bottom, they couldn't help shaking.

"Is he really a dragon?"

In everyone's mind, there is such a problem.

They felt Zifeng's breath several times carefully, and it was obvious that the dragon was undoubtedly.

However, the speed of Zifeng's talent shocked them.

Even the dragons realized that they couldn't achieve this speed at all.

This is just a teleportation!

Most importantly, the murder and suffocation shown by Zifeng did not match his own temperament. It is like a super demon that has passed through the bones and slaughtered mortals!

All of you, except Han Yunzong and Wanbao Pavilion, are all senior members of the 96th Sect. They are not masters or deputy masters, the lowest is the elder.

When I saw Zifeng, especially when I felt the kind of dragon veins of Zifeng, they all looked down on Zifeng, they only thought that Su's dragon veins had fixed the rumors and it was a bit hypocritical. As the owner of Tushen Pavilion?

Almost everyone thought that the reason for killing the Gorefiend was definitely the reason why Han Yunzong shot and killed.

But at this moment, they are all in the cold, and finally understand that Zifeng can become the master of the earth **** pavilion, and naturally also has the strength of the master!


Li Yuan's face turned red and she coughed out.

Zifeng grabbed his neck and choked him.

He wanted to resist, but he felt that he was generally imprisoned, his heart was not enough, and he couldn't shoot.

Feeling the chill of Zifeng, Li Yuan caused an inexplicable horror in his heart.

"Let the palace go!"

The others in the Silver Wolf Palace quickly spoke out, but they dared not shoot because Zifeng's killing machine apparently locked them.

They have no doubt that as long as they dare to do this, Zifeng will not only solve Li Yuan in an instant, but even their head will be cancelled.

"As for your strength, I also want to share resources with my Earth God Pavilion? Do you pay for it?"

Zifeng's eyes narrowed, and he fell to the ground with Li Yuan.

The entire chamber of commerce was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Li Yuan coughed violently, her mouth gasping.

Finally, he glanced at Zifeng, raised his head and said: "Go!" "There are many more."

Zifeng suddenly said: "I just made you roll, don't roll, want to go now?"

"What do you want?" Li Yuan frowned.

At this moment, he never dared to say anything that threatened Zifeng. He knew that if he didn't know what to do, Zifeng might kill him.

"You can go to the remaining Silver Wolf Palace, and you will stay here temporarily."

Zifeng glanced at Li Yuan, then glanced at the others in the Silver Wolf Palace. He said: "Before the lunch starts, take away 300 million gold coins to exchange for your palace boss."

"Three hundred million?"

When everyone in the Silver Wolf Palace heard the news, they couldn't help but shrink their eyes and gritted their teeth.

Li Yuan's face was even more dim to the extreme: "Su Ge, my Silver Wolf Palace has just been established, with few resources, and it cost a lot of money to do the sect mission. How can I get so many gold coins at once?"

"That's your business."

Zifeng's murder and suffocation converged, and he regained his seemingly peaceful temperament.

"Before lunch, if you wait for 300 million gold coins, then you are waiting to collect your body from your palace."

The voice fell, and Zifeng waved his palm.

This light and fluttering wave is a scene of dragons and dragons in the Silver Wolf Palace, and the digital dragon souls all fly out.

As if hit hard, when it fell to the door of the House of Representatives, it was a burst of blood.

"Palace Master, here."

Some people still want to talk, but Zifeng screamed: "Get out!"

After hearing this, the man trembled, and immediately said nothing, and quickly left the Tushen Pavilion with the others.

"Princess, please sit down."

Zifeng looked at Li Yuan again and smiled slightly: "It takes 300 million gold coins to eat lunch at my Tusi Pavilion. It's worth it."

The water on Li Yuan's face was ugly, but he didn't feel it at all. He just sat there and said nothing.

The others in the sect are really the means to see Zifeng. These people are not idiots, but they are very shrewd. They knew that Zifeng seemed to be teaching Li Yuan, but in fact, they were also showing it to them. of.

It's just that Li Yuan's idiot was too arrogant. He took the lead and was taken away by Zifeng to kill the chicken and monkey.

"Is there any unequal cooperation with my Tusi Ting?" Zi Feng's eyes scanned the crowd.

No one spoke, even if some of them planned to cooperate with Tosog in the same way as Luo Luozong, they dare not speak anymore at this moment.

I am worried that Zifeng will regard their conditions as unequal, and then let their own sect people hold 300 million gold coins to redeem themselves.

"Since it has disappeared, you will talk here for a while, and the lunch is still being prepared. Although the tea in the Tushen Pavilion is not very good, it is not too bad. It should be able to adapt to your taste." Laughed.

"This tea is delicious."

"Lunch is not in a hurry. If Su Ge has something, you don't have to be with us."

People of these sects screamed and smiled openly, with a vague smell in their speech. "very good."

Zifeng nodded and looked at Ping Yuzi suddenly.

Seeing Zifeng's gaze, Ping Yuzi's body trembled, a reluctant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she asked: "Sovereign Lord. Is there anything wrong?"

Zifeng didn't speak, but looked at Ping Yuzi calmly.

This gaze makes Hira Yuko almost like being fired and boiled. This is very uncomfortable.

"Isn't this because you owe some money? Why this kind of revenge."

Ping Yuzi must cry. As long as he knew this, he would not arrogantly create Haikou and promised to help those people accept their lost bets.

"I once told Sect Master Ling that if Chen Feng is out, I will notify me as soon as possible."

Finally, Zifeng said: "So, it has been a few months now, should Chen Feng's experience in the Crazy Hall end?"

"Chen Feng?"

Ping Yuzi breathed a sigh of relief, but was entangled.

The relationship between Su and Chen Feng, Ping Yuzi knew that Chen Feng was also a disciple of God, and his talent was very outstanding.

Chen Feng did go out of the custom, but Sovereignty did not notify Zifeng immediately. Can he tell him?

If Zifeng really has a heart for Chen Feng, then the master knows that he tells Zifeng that I am afraid Ling Qinghai will eat himself!

"This." Ping Yuzi hesitated whether to open.

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