The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 365: lunch time

"If you don't want to say, then three thousand."

"Get out, get out!"

Ping Yuzi opened her mouth quickly, her face was cold and sweaty.

What he worried most was that Zifeng told him about 30 million gold coins.

Go find his **** Chen Feng, he caused the disaster himself, let him bear it!

"Is it finally cleared?"

Zifeng's eyes began to say: "Even if I don't even listen to me, Ling Qinghai still seems to care about his own disciples."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole deputy chamber became quiet again.

What does it mean?

It looks like a sect of the Hanyun School, a great powerhouse among the dragon gods, can you still listen to Zifeng's failure?

Ping Yuzi is sitting here. If Zifeng brags in front of everyone, Ping Yuzi would definitely say this to Ling Qinghai. Isn't Zifeng afraid of Ling Qinghai's anger?

That is Dragon God strong!

"It seems that the relationship between Tushen Pavilion and Han Yunzong does not seem to be as simple as we thought."

Everyone looked at each other and his heart beat.

They couldn't believe that a sect would really listen to the words of the Nine Streams.


Time passed, two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Someone came in from outside, respecting Zifeng: "Master, lunch is ready."

"it is good."

Zifeng nodded, and immediately looked at Li Yuan: "The palace of your Silver Wolf Palace doesn't seem to care about others!"

Li Yuan's face changed, and she showed a smile that was more ugly than crying: "Su Ge, I think. It's still early, and I can wait for lunch."

When he fell, he asked other monarchs for help.

The lord indulged slightly and said: "Sovereign Lord, I ate something in the morning, and I am not hungry at the moment." "If I were a man, I don't want to eat it."

"I haven't said enough about Master Su Ge. It's not too late to say it now."

Others are also considering opening up to Zifeng.

"Hey, because you are not hungry, let's wait." Zifeng nodded.

In fact, Zifeng also knows that the church gate station of Silver Wolf Palace is tens of thousands of miles away from the Earth God Pavilion. Even if it is transmitted to Tushenting via a transmission array, it will take at least several hours.

Compared with Li Yuan's mind, Zifeng still felt the reality of 300 million gold coins.

In this way, time passed.

At this moment, Li Yuan was almost like a year. He didn't understand what Zifeng was talking about with others. He hated it in his heart. How could the people from Silver Wolf Palace not come?

In the blink of an eye, another hour passed.

"Master, lunch is already cold, do you want to reheat it?" Someone came out from outside.

After hearing this news, the atmosphere in the agency was silent again.

Their eyes were watching where Zifeng was sitting.

But when they looked at it, everyone changed their faces because that position was empty!

In the next moment, they saw the white image of Zifeng in front of Li Yuan.


With a magical light condensed in Zifeng's hand, he turned into a knife and went directly to Li Yuan.

"Do you really want to kill?"

Everyone was stunned.

They originally thought that Zifeng just wanted to shock him. This is not really killing Li Yuan. After all, Li Yuan said that he was also the owner of Silver Wolf Palace and was sheltered by Zhen Wuzong.

Today's Tushen Pavilion has killed a Gorefiend faction. If you kill Silver Wolf Palace, it is really against Zhen Wuzong.

However, Zifeng's shooting was like lightning, and he did not make any response at all.

"Suge, wait a minute, they will come soon!"

Li Yuan's face became very big, and he could clearly feel the astonishing power of the Purple Wind Knife, which he couldn't resist!

"There are a lot more!"

At this time, a sharp voice came from outside the House of Representatives.

Zifeng had a meal and then turned around to look at it.

I saw all the silver wolf palaces left before, and now they came back one by one, panting, sweating, and seemingly ran away desperately.

"Supreme Lord, there are 300 million gold coins in it, and the Supreme Lord can check it out." Lao Long took the gold card.

Zifeng took it, dripped a drop of blood, and then glanced at it slightly. Even though the gold card was put away, he slowly walked to his seat.


Li Yuan was breathing heavily. He really wanted to thank the ancestors of the eight generations of Longtan. If they were late, they really wanted to stay in today's Tushen Pavilion.

"Since lunch has been prepared, everyone will have dinner with Zifeng."

A smile appeared on Zifeng's face without a word. The appearance of the murderer caused the hearts of the people present to jump. The expression on Zifeng's face is really that day in June. Nima said it will change! "There are still some things in Li's palace, I'm leaving now."

After Zifeng, Li Yuan stood up and clenched his fists. He is about to leave.

"Princess Li."

At this moment, Zifeng's voice came again.

Li Yuan's figure trembled, and he almost ran away subconsciously, but in the end, his reasons were still depressing.

"Shu Gezhu, please." Li Yuan's mouth twitched and smiled.

"Listen to me, don't confuse real Wuzong's dissatisfaction with Zhenwuzong, because the consequences are not within your reach. You will stay in Silver Wolf Palace safely and continue to be your palace lord, although you cannot speak about it. The world is up and down, but you You can also enjoy the prosperity of the world, don't you say? "Zi Feng is dizzy.

"Yes Yes."

Li Yuan nodded quickly.

"Then the cabinet will not be sent." Zifeng waved.

Li Yuan didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Tu Shenting!"

Outside the residence, standing here with others in the middle of the month. There were a few huge potholes in front of them, all of which were Li Yuan's anger.

"Do you think Li Yuan really counts this? Do you think the 300 million gold coins of my Silver Wolf Palace are really given to you?"

Li Yuan turned and looked at the ancestral house of the Tushen Pavilion. His face was shocked and his face was distorted.

"Since the beginning of self-cultivation, this sect has not suffered such humiliation."

"Don't destroy your earth **** pavilion, don't abandon your purple wind, I will be with Li Yuan and him with you!"

Next is lunch time.

But apart from Zifeng, no one seems to really taste these lunches.

As the patriarch, high-ranking figures and the food prepared by the earth **** pavilion, they have all eaten.

Initially, I was considering borrowing gifts and talking about cooperation with Tushen Pavilion in order to obtain some substantial benefits.

However, Li Yuan's idiot was embarrassed, not to mention the benefits, and had to pay for these gifts.

After eager to eat, the people at the gate left.

In the end, only Yunxiao and others, and Ping Yuzi and others remained.

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