"There must be treasure in this cave!" There is no water in his heart, and the treasure hunter in his hand shines again, pointing straight to the cave.

Also, if there is a light curtain in the cave, the treasure inside must not be obtained.

However, with the opening of the game gate, these caves are still not the first to be seen. It is not easy to just see that the treasure is taken out of this cave.

"I have to see what kind of light curtain can stop me!"

The appearance of tap water is not remarkable. In his opinion, the light curtain cannot block him, but he can be blown away by him. This little hole is completely unclear.


But when there were no traces of water and the intention was to forcibly open the curtains, a scorpion suddenly came from the front.

It was embarrassing, but when I didn't hear the water, it was a changed face, and an amazing sense of crisis came out of my heart.

"call out!"

Black shadows flashed past, and it was difficult to see in the dark cave.

The gods who had no water had caught this shadow and retreated immediately.

But the speed of the shadow was too fast and too fast, only a low voice was heard, and the waterless figure flew out directly, spitting out the blood in the mouth.

On the chest, the purple dress has been broken, there is a trace of claws on it, and five deep visible bone wounds are bleeding with blood.


The others were shocked. The two elderly people who followed the tap water were also very busy, unable to catch the water, and exited the cave.

After they withdrew from the range, Sombra did not pursue.


Under the light of the curtains, everyone finally saw the true colors of the shadows.

It is about five meters long and the whole body is dark green. The four claws will step deeply on the ground, and the **** mouth in the **** basin will exude a bit of cold.

"It's not embarrassing, it's just a mixture of cockroaches."

Duanmu lowered his head and said: "I have read it in ancient books. There are nine sons in the dragon. There are scorpions, but pure scorpions are no different from ancient giants. If this is really embarrassing, then it will be enough. Pierced through the chest without any traces of water."

"Either way, it will hurt me, and it's enough to be proud of."

There is no gloomy look in the running water. He is the genius of this huge island, mainly the body.

Although at this moment, there is no illusion of a giant spirit, but only the body of his dragon's spiritual peak, he can bear the peak of the dragon and the dragon without dying.

If the giant spirit is truly illusory, even in the early days of the dragon, it would be difficult to kill it, and even he would be killed.

But at this moment, he was actually hurt by the mixed breed in front of him.

"Take me away!"

There is no trace of running water, pushing the two elderly people next to him, wanting to photograph the mixed seeds.

"Son can't."

One of the old people said: "This cave has never been in the cave for a long time. There must be a reason. In addition, in this attack, it will hurt you and will not be slammed." "I'm just a Big idea. Otherwise, will it hurt me?"

There are no signs of coldness in the water, and his nature is very domineering. In addition, Judao’s practice also influenced thinking.

"What other people can't get is not necessarily that you can't pass without water!"

When the sound fell, the water suddenly rushed out, without any trace, and hit the mixed breed with a punch.

"call out!"

The speed of mixing cockroaches is very fast, and the numbers flicker. It escaped the attack without any traces of water. On the contrary, it was bullied again. The sharp claw slammed into the scar behind the tap water.


There was no trace of anger in the running water, and the body was shocked. There is a ray of light. His body is slightly convex, and the muscles of his body give people a strong visual impact.

"I think you can hurt me now? Give me a death!"

There was no violent drink in the tap water, and it rushed to the mixed cockroach again.

"call out!"

The mixed breed dodged and wanted to attack from behind the water, but when the water was behind the water, I saw the light was shocking and nothing happened.

On the other hand, there was no trace of running water, and the corners of his mouth sneered. He turned around and grabbed the mixed cockroach's paw, and then slammed it shut.


The ground vibrated, dust splashed, and the huge figure banged on the ground.

"it is good!"

The others are blind and stunned.

Although they did not fight the shackles, they could feel the intense arrogance and pressure of the latter. If they go outside, they may be enough to fight the dragon's early days.

But at the moment, this is something that makes it difficult for tap water to be thrown on the ground.

"Formidable power, you will be my mount!"

There was no trace of running water, it was like a giant with a roar from under its feet.


With a loud noise, it turned into a black shadow, avoiding waterless feet.

It is much faster than before. At this time, it was bombed several times on the light curtain without any traces of water. Finally, the light slammed into the air, and the water was tracked. Go back a few steps.

"Why so fast?"

The appearance of tap water has not changed.

Behind it, the old man's anxious voice came: "Son is going to retreat, this is not a cockroach!"


At the moment the sound fell, several black shadows appeared, all of which were attacked by water.

"Five heads?"

The water is ugly, the face is ugly. After he retreats from the cave, he will no longer pursue it.

"How come there are so many?"

The others frowned.

They finally understood that it was no wonder that this cave was completely placed here, and in the early dragon's period, the five heads were equivalent to the dragon guard. Who can go in?

"Do you want to shoot together?" Duanmu asked.

"no need!"

There is no trace of cold water. "There is no water in the treasure in this cave. No one can catch me!"

"You can't get it." Just then, a dull voice came from behind.

There were no wrinkles in the running water, and I turned around and saw a white figure with long shoulders slowly coming. After the hands are negative, it looks like a fairy.

"How do you know I can't get it?"

"Because these are all mine." The white man smiled.

This person is naturally Zifeng.

"Yours? Hahaha."

Without traces of laughter and water, I dismissed one sentence: "I can't even cure these animals for a while, because you have a dragon and want to enter the cave?"

"Naughty animal?"

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