The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 368: shackles

Zifeng shook his head slightly: "You are wrong, they are not animals, but like us, they are all lives."

"You must leave, this son will give you a chance, but when you die, don't say that this son will not save you."

Zifeng said nothing, and calmly walked forward.

Everyone had a sneer on their faces, dismissively, they all seemed to want to see how Zifeng died.

I saw Zifeng walking slowly forward and gradually approaching the cave.

The five mixed breeds all spoke in a low voice in Zifeng, looking fierce. It seems that Zifeng will attack as soon as it enters the cave.

"Do not you know me?"

Zifeng smiled slightly and walked directly into the cave without hesitation.


There is no sneer in the water.

The others stared at Zifeng, waiting for the five heads to tear it to pieces.

But this scene did not happen. I saw that as Zifeng progressed, the image of the five heads trembled, and it kept shrinking in the tremor. It seems that something terrible has been encountered.

"what happened?"

Duanmu said in surprise: "Five heads mixed together and didn't attack him?"

"This won't be this person, what is it that scares the monster?" The others were confused.


Zifeng stood in front of the cave and hooked five heads.

He seemed to understand his language, but he shook his head and flinched in a weakened manner.

"In the ancient kingdom of Hanlin, you have nothing to do and **** people's blood. I sealed your cultivation. You have been trapped for thousands of years and you regret it."

The purple wind faintly opened, not afraid that Liu Shui and others would hear it.

"Now, thousands of years have passed, and the first light curtain of the shocking seven-light array is about to dissipate. Now is the time to let you go."

After hearing this news, the five heads of Scorpion screamed and screamed, seemingly excited and seemingly free.

They ran in front of Zifeng, shook their heads, and stood there. This scene made Shui and the others stay in place in shock!

These five heads are similar to the early **** of the Dragon God, like a pug, they shook their heads at the dragon on their heads?

This simply subverted their worldview!

Even the fierce faces of these five heads reveal something that everyone can understand. Loveable! They woo the white people in the context of this dragon!


"it's out of the question!"

"I don't understand what this person is saying, but it means. It seems to know the minds of these five people?"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Zifeng, but he stretched out his palm and gently patted his head on the heads of five heads. It seemed to talk to them, he seemed to mutter to himself.

"After going out, it is best to re-enter it first, otherwise, it will be sealed for millions of years."


The five mixed breeds quickly spoke in a low voice, shaking their bodies a little.

No one knew, in their opinion, there was a scene that shocked them all their lives.

Tens of millions of years ago, they were fierce. They passed through the ancient Hanlin Kingdom and absorbed the blood of hundreds of millions of people. People were unhappy.

White people appeared, and they suppressed and sealed them. They caught them and banned them permanently.

For those who like freedom, there are tens of millions of years of history, and it is more uncomfortable than killing them.

But they couldn't help it, their stature was too strong, and their original palms, even if they recalled now, made them tremble.

"Guard here, I will take my things back."

After saying a word, Zifeng walked into the cave.

"go in?"

Everyone was stunned.

Even though they are both large forces of the younger generation, they are well informed, but at this moment, they still cannot believe what happened in front of them.

Especially there is no trace of water and Duanmu. They can clearly feel the thunder of the hole. It is absolutely impossible to enter easily. Even if they are, I worry that they will spend a lot of money.

But the white figure, so it went in, there seemed to be no obstacles, even if it was there, the curtains condensed, it opened a place for itself.

They were shocked and roared.

The white man in front of me is just a dragon!

"Everything in the cave is mine, you can't move!"

There was no trace of the current, his face sank into the water and violently crashed into the cave.


Seeing this, the five mixed breeds are once again exposed to ferocity, and this number fluctuates. Obviously, if there is no trace of water, they will immediately launch an attack.


Duanmu is also open, but this time it is not an inquiry, but very firm.

After all, they are the younger generation of superpowers. They are charming and talented. They are so bold that they will never see the background of the dragon and put the treasure in front of them.


A figure rushed out, and this wonderful attack brightened the hole.

The five mixed breeds also rushed out of the shackles. At this moment, their figure is a big circle, and the pressure on them is even more amazing.

"not good!"

An old man who protected the water from leaving traces changed his face and shouted: "These five hybrid cars have evolved!"

If you have said five mixed heads before, then the early dragon **** will only be cultivated. At this time, they are absolutely beneficial to Dragon God's mid-term cultivation!

Although it is only a small area, the gap between them is huge.

In the middle of the dragon god, it is easy to smash the early days of the dragon unless it is metamorphosed like a purple wind.

"how so?"

There are no traces of teeth in the water: "Has it evolved into the mid-term domain of the Dragon God? It is still five minds that have evolved together!"

"Will it have something to do with the person who just entered?" This young man has a second-rate sect.


There is no trace of running water or cursing: "Dragon's blood vessels, can the five mixed species evolve directly from the early stage of the dragon to the middle of the dragon? Is your mother's brain terrible?"

The young man was silent, but his heart vaguely knew that the evolution of these five mixed breeds was related to white people.

In fact, this is also true.

The cultivation of these five mixed varieties is very bad.

In the original Hanlin ancient country, there was a **** who suppressed the country, and there were more masters of the country.

But they have been rampant for thousands of years, sucking the blood of hundreds of millions of people, making the ancient kingdom of this country extremely headache, wanting to chase, but has been unable to kill.

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