The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 406: Incoherent

What made Zifeng feel distressed was that Nangongyu was just cursing him.

"Ugly and ugly, Zifeng, you are ugly, if you don't come to see me, I hate you!"

In Nangongyu's hand, holding a puppet, a small fist kept swaying on the puppet.

"I killed you, killed you, killed you ugly!"

Purple Wind: "."

After Nangongyu left here, Zifeng came to another palace.

Here, it is the palace where the cloud is.

Yunxiao did not cultivate, but licked his chin with his white hands, quietly looking out the window.

Black hair was scattered from her beautiful figure, and her very charming and moving face became mature at this moment.

Although Yun's family is also in the dry land, Yun Yun has always stayed in the palace belonging to the Phoenix blood. As for the reason, it goes without saying.


With a sigh, Zifeng shook his head and left.

In the early morning of the next day, Zifeng walked into the transmission array.

The disciples watching the transmission array did not notice it at all. He knew that someone had left the transmission array, and he could only see a little ripple on the transmission array. For them, these people are at least strong people above the Dragon King, so naturally they won't ask too much.

The place where Zifeng went for the first time was not the Xiliang area, nor the Nanhai area, but the Dongtian area.

Here, it is the earliest place where Phoenix ancestors originated.

The original residents of the Phoenix Sect had been completely destroyed by the alien demon. However, after the opening of the new era, the Phoenix branch of the Eastern Territory came here again and gave the residents of the sect here. Rebuild, bigger than before.

In the four main areas and the middle class, each ancestral house of the Phoenix ancestors can be comparable to any super sect.

From this aspect, we can also see how powerful the current Phoenix Sect is.

In the transmission array, Zifeng concealed this number. Looking at the disciples of the transmission array, only the ripples were seen, and he immediately knew that there was a strong person.

"I met my ex."

No one spoke, Zifeng had already left.

Around the ancestral house of the Phoenix ancestors, I turned around and recalled that Zifeng couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

He passed the Zongmen Station, came to the evil mountain range, and saw the hidden cave.

In silence, Zifeng walked out and walked in slowly following the cave.

After walking all the way, he saw that green light, but he didn't improve it because it had already been upgraded once.

Finally, Zifeng stood in front of the transmission array at the end of the cave.

"Shake gently."

Zifeng stretched out his hand and seemed to be able to touch the old man lying on the stone platform, but he had never seen it for tens of millions of years.

He cannot reach it.

Even if it is the transmission array, he dare not touch it.

At this moment, when I think Liu Qingyao is under control on the stone platform, Zifeng has a heartbreaking pain.

But his strength is too low!

Through this transmission array, there are three levels of intermediate boundaries, which control Liu Qingyao's powerhouse. Between terror and hand, he can kill Zifeng.

"I want to go in and see you, but I can't!"

Zifeng's eyes were a little red. Fortunately, at least he knew that Liu Qingyao was still alive and did not really die.

At the beginning of the strong man's warning, Zifeng remembered the new memory. If he walks into the center of the world again, it is really no good for him or Liu Qingyao.

The sky gradually darkened.

At night, Zifeng came out of the cave.

It happened that at this moment, two middle-aged men were walking towards the cave. Zi Feng swept away, and immediately saw that they were all repaired by the Dragon King.

He didn't hide his figure anymore, came out of the space and stood opposite the two men.


The moment the two middle-aged men saw Zifeng, they immediately screamed, and the breath of their bodies rose directly. The restoration of the Dragon King's territory broke out immediately.

"You, are you a novice to join the Phoenix Sect?" Zi Feng slowly opened.

After listening to this statement, the two middle-aged men frowned, a gleam of light flashed in one of the heads, and a portrait appeared under the palm of his hand. He looked at the portrait and looked at Zifeng again. He looked frozen, his body stiff.

"you you."

The two men were shaking at the moment, their faces filled with excitement. For a while, they were incoherent.

"Looking at this place, no one is allowed to enter this cave."

With the wave of Zi Feng's palm, there were twenty Ling Jing floating in front of these two people immediately.

"Yes!" The two answered enthusiastically, but did not bring Ling Jing.

When they looked up again, Zifeng's figure disappeared.

"Sovereign. Sovereign!"

The middle-aged man with a portrait said: "This is the legendary Su Zun, Scorpio. I didn't expect that I actually saw him!"

The two of them had just broken through the Dragon King and had never seen Zifeng. Even if they are used to it, they have only heard some stories about Zifeng.

Today, Zifeng's position is at the pinnacle of Longwu Continent. When they see it suddenly, it is naturally not exciting.

"Be sure to look at this cave, even if it is a battle, you can't let anyone in!"

The two looked at each other and nodded.

It can make the Dragon King so excited. Just look at it and you can get rid of people's lives. This entire Longwu Continent is just a purple wind.

On Zifeng's side, he left the transmission array without hesitation. When it reappears, it has reached an island.

This island is the ancestral home of the original giant island, but at the moment it has become the object of Phoenix.

"Look at the old man!"

The disciple guarding the transmission team can't see Zifeng, but he still respects it.

The reason Zifeng hides his figure is that he is afraid of doing too much. His character is low-key, and he doesn't like publicity. If every time he shows up, the entire Phoenix branch will come to the reception desk, which is a bit too much.

This is the first time Zifeng has come to the South China Sea. Even before he had no status today, Zifeng had never traveled to the Southern Heavenly Chaohai Sea.

When I want to destroy the giant island, I will go to the giant island base camp in the South China Sea. I didn't expect Giant Island to enter the final directly through happiness, which also saved Zifeng's troubles.

After the entire island, Zifeng left the island and came to a port.

Almost all of the South China Sea is in the sea, even between islands and islands, it is also a big ocean.

In this way, if you want to travel, you must use this ship.

Not all monks can fly, but if they are far away, even the Dragon God and even the Dragon King are reluctant to fly, because they still have their own things to do, so it is impossible to waste time. Above the flight.

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