Therefore, the South China Sea shipbuilding industry has always been extremely developed.

Shen Jiafu, Shen Jia's ancestors did not appear. Shen Mengli and Shen Menghan stood in front of an old man. They looked disrespectful, but they were extremely polite. Obviously, the identity of the old man was not inferior to the Shen family.

Shen Mengli told Zifeng alchemy and the "high price" of 2 million. He took a picture of the refinery catalog and told the elderly one by one.

The old man was addicted for a long time, just opened his mouth: "This person must protect and be able to defeat the spirit of the product in the real world, in order to extract the best medicine in the real world. Even if no one teaches him, he will inevitably gain the sky. In the face of adversity, this creation is likely to be the inheritance of a strong person, and this strong person is also likely to be Teacher Dan and a master of Dan Dan."

Shen Mengli felt the same and nodded.

Shen Menghan smiled at this, she always thought that Zifeng was bragging.

"Master Lu is over there, for the time being, I don't have to think about it. Even if I want to protect someone, I haven't reached the point where I can't protect someone."

The old man became addicted, his eyes swept across Shen Menghan, and then said: "Let us learn from your sister, you will always know that you will still be a guide. Your father knows you won't blame it!"

"A generation……"

Shen Menghan turned around and said, "I'm not here to find a good teacher!"

"It's luck. I won't do it next time." The old man's voice was a bit harsh.

"Yeah." Shen Menghan snorted.

After Zifeng left the auction house, he went straight to the Alchemy Association according to the map given by Shen Mengli.

To be honest, this Shen star is also very big, at least bigger than Longwu Continent, and the Alchemy Association is not in the dark city of dreams, but on the edge of the city of black dreams, if there is a transmission array, to The power of Zifeng's rate hike also arrived close to one day.

After paying ten Ling Jing, Zifeng had just entered the transmission array, and a cold voice came from behind.

"The gate of this kind of transmission is very high. Don't you feel sad?"

Zifeng couldn't help turning his head to look at it, but he saw a handsome man, but his face was a very cloudy young man. He walked towards Zifeng accompanied by a middle-aged man and an old man.

It was almost the first time that Zifeng knew who this person was.

Lu Qingyu!

Lu Qingyu was able to recognize himself. Zifeng was not surprised. When he walked out of the auction house, he was already staring out of sight.

Zifeng was silent for a while, raised his head and smiled and said, "Master Lu is a large group of adults. Because the remaining map is very small, won't you hate me?"

"An afterimage, still fake, this son is not in my eyes, but I want to know, what is the relationship between you and Shen Mengli?" Lu Qingyu sneered.

"It's ok."

Zifeng stretched out his hand and said, "Shen Mengli has taken a fancy to my alchemy and invited me to be a guest of the Shen family. I agreed, it's that simple." "Gu Qinge?"

Lu Qingyu frowned.

The middle-aged man behind him said coldly: "In the real world, is it a rejuvenating herb? I really thought your planting was hidden to the point where we couldn't see it?"

"where is it?"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and immediately brightened Lu Qingyu's eyes.

His practice is to change the spiritual environment. He didn't dare to say that he could confirm Zifeng's repair, but as a spiritual middle-aged man opened his mouth, but this made his heart immediately countless.

"So far, I dare to talk nonsense with my son here. Do you think I dare not touch you?" Lu Qingyu looked cold and cold.

Zifeng frowned, didn't plan to take care of him, and went straight into the transmission array.


Lu Qingyu didn't say anything, and the figure flashed past, throwing a few Ling Jing, and taking the middle-aged man and the old man into the transmission array.

Only for a moment, Zifeng appeared in the transmission array, and a huge palace appeared in front of him.

The palace is magnificent and covers a large area. Countless people come and go in a hurry. More than 50% of people have badges on their chests.

Among the 50% of people, more than 90% of them have the badges on their chests flashing red.

This represents their teacher level, for a product!

The level of Danshi is divided into one to seven products, and this badge is printed in seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, which exactly meets the level of Danshi.

For example, Yipindan is a red badge. If you can improve the medication, there will be smudges on the badge. If you can improve the medication, you will have two traces.

The highest is naturally the four souls, the best teacher Dan!

Above the huge palace, you can see the four roles of the "Alchemy Association" at a glance. Although they have not yet entered, here, they have already smelled the rich fragrance of Dan.


Almost Zifeng's front foot had just emerged from the transmission line, and the back foot Lu Qingyu and others also rushed out.

Lu Qingyu waved his hand directly without hesitation, bombing Zifeng.

In this scene, many people all over the world are frowning, even some people dare to shoot at the door of the Alchemy Association?

Although this is only a branch of the Alchemy Association, it is also a bad rule. Danshi's mentality is stable. The most taboo thing is that he was disturbed during alchemy. This person dared to shoot in front of the Alchemy Association. Obviously this is wrong.

Of course, if you want to think about it, no one can stop it. After all, no one wants to cause trouble.

"help me!"

Seeing Lu Qingyu shooting himself, Zifeng's eyes flashed, and suddenly he said to the Alchemy Association: "I am the best pill, you can't let me die. This is a huge loss for you, hurry up and save. Me. What!"

"Region, but daring to claim that it is Danshi, the predecessor of the Alchemy Association, is it so absurd?" Lu Qingyu Leng kept moving.

Zifeng didn't say anything, and rushed to the palace directly. But at the entrance of the palace, there are two burly men standing. They are directly at the entrance of the palace, cold wind said: "Without Teacher Dan's badge, you can't enter!"

"How can they get in?" Zifeng pointed out other humanities without badges.

"They came to get Teacher Dan's badge." One of them looked cold and open.

"I'm also looking for Teacher Dan's badge!" Zi Feng said

"How about the recommendation letter?" the man said again.

Feeling that the attack behind it was coming, Zifeng couldn't help swearing: "I will lead your grandmother's legs!"

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