The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 428: Emotional development

The heart of Zifeng is slightly calculated, and until now, the total value of these medicinal materials has reached 100 billion.

I don't know if this is an illusion or something else. Zifeng believes that the smile on Yao Yuan's face is more cordial than before.

Until the evening, after some herbs were auctioned off, the drug auction finally ended.

Lin Ruoxi held a tray and smiled at everyone: "This matter has come to an end. Now, the last three drugs have been auctioned."

"Talk to everyone in advance, these three medicinal materials are all four."

Listening to this sentence, everyone is very nervous. If the previous herbs are used to purchase, then three types of herbs must be purchased.

"The first one, the eternal pill!"

Lin Ruoxi's voice was a little serious: "After swallowing, the sea **** is strong, increasing the life of ten thousand yuan, the strong body, the life of 5,000 years, the road is strong, the life of 3,000 years is increased, and the sky is powerful. Increase the life of a thousand years! "


The crowd suddenly boiled!

Plus ten thousand years of lifelong relief!

In the eyes of the seventy-two, nine sects and other sects of the sect, at this moment, they all burst out with extremely rich light.

"Now the auction begins, the reserve price. Tens of billions of crystals!"

Lin Ruoyi paused. Obviously, the price shocked her a bit.

Listening to the terrible bidding, people in the field were stunned.

This may be, not 10,000!

But these super powers, even if the eyes are not jealous, and there is no time to stop.

Just OnePlus is 100 million, 500 million, or even 1 billion!

It is almost uninhabited, no one!

"Crazy, crazy, crazy!" The fat man whispered.

Zifeng took a deep breath and said, "Those super strong people, although they have a lot of long-distance, they are not infinite. After all, the more they cultivate, the more difficult it is for them to break through. In order not to break through, their life essence cannot Increase it again."

"If this is the case, the role of Changshengdan will be reflected."

"It is very likely that in the longevity of the eternal life pill, their cultivation will break through, so the guarding distance will increase again, and they can continue to wander between the world!"

"I understand what you think."

The fat man wore rough air: "If you can rely on the eternal pill to break through, such as those who are strong in the sky, it is equivalent to a thousand years of life in exchange for at least 100,000 years of life!"

"Yes." Zifeng nodded.

"Even if it is, it is still crazy!"

The fat man is red and red: "Now, it has reached a price of 40 billion yuan. If so many Ling Jing piles up, then is his mother a mountain?"

"This is really the emperor's level, Ling Jing's role is not too big, they are cultivated through emotion." Zi Feng said

The fat man turned his head and stared at Zifeng for a while. Zifeng looked a little furry.

Finally, he slowly spit out a few words in his mouth.

"It looks like you are like the emperor in the sky."

Zifeng was stunned, shook his head and smiled.

What is the kingdom of heaven?

For the self in the past life, what is the world of heaven?

The price of Changsheng Dan was finally fixed at 52.6 billion, which was obtained by the Jingshen faction, one of the nine factions.

No matter how good the medicinal material is, there is a price. Not all the strong have reached the limit of lifespan.

They can still live now, and they don't need this medicine for the time being. If it is really this day, it will cost the same price and ask for an improvement. Everyone saw the gods and the ocean of Jingshen with their own eyes, and when they took out the spiritual crystal, they took out dozens of storage rings.

With more than 5 billion Lingjing, one or ten storage rings cannot be loaded.

The next two medicinal materials, one for the four products, and one for the four products.

Four fine drugs are the target of Zifeng.

Suitable for Dan!

There are no other characters, but it contains a very terrifying halo, which can make the seven spirits of the ocean strong and increase the success rate of 10% when breaking through the fit.

With the efficacy of the herb, it promotes everything in the body, the sacred ocean is destroyed and merged with the body.

This is very suitable!

At that time, the soul no longer exists.

The soul is body, body, god!

Of course, the success rate is only 10%. If you dare not say your own medicine, it will definitely make the seven elements in the ocean break through and reach the best state.

Even if Zifeng didn't have the exact medicinal materials, he would not dare to say so.

However, the effect of the body pill is undoubtedly huge, even if there is only a 10% success rate, it is already very scary.

And Zifeng also needs such a remedy, so that his nine gods can break through in the body repair and martial arts repair at the same time.

The penultimate herb, priced at 76.3 billion yuan, was also obtained by the "Xianfeng faction", one of the nine factions.

As Zifeng predicted, the last pill really exceeded 100 billion, reaching 106.6 billion!

The person who got this drug was not from three factions, but one of seventy-two!

Speaking of this huge spirit, it is similar to the huge island of Longwu mainland.

It is not a secret that the practice of the giant spirit is called spiritual power.

This kind of sacred soul, the disciple who is practicing, can make his body swell rapidly, and his strength will increase sharply.

Unlike the giant island, this giant is mentally and physically focused!

Most disciples and the strong are physically strong, at the same level, invincible.

There are no exact rankings for the seven religions and nine groups. However, in the eyes of many people, the power of the giant spirit can definitely be ranked in the top three of the seventy-two.

Therefore, no one was surprised when Ju Lingzong photographed this combined pill.

I really want to say that this is also a price surprise.

Until the shooting of Consortium Dan, today’s drug auction, Dan Zonggu’s Lingjing harvest has exceeded 50 billion.

This is really a very large number. This dead fat man only had ten voices calling for Zifeng, do you want to rob Danzonggu?

Zifeng really planned to find a place where there was no one to kill the dead fat man.

The medical auction is held, and everyone in the room hasn't finished yet.

But when I left, everyone was in control and couldn't stay here.

When it was announced that the auction was completely over, it began to burst.

Zifeng's eyes have been taking medicine all the time.

That can't enter Dan Zonggu, this is the only chance!

"let's go?"

The fat man saw Zifeng standing still and was stunned. He immediately asked, "Yes, didn't you say you want to exchange drugs? Why don't you change them?"

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