The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 429: Generous

Zifeng shook his head and said nothing.

The fat man saw that he did not leave, but he was also standing here and never left.

Seeing these numbers gradually spread, Yao Yuan finally got up. With the support of Lin Ruojun and Xu Nuo, it was still so trembling and headed to Dan Zonggu.

Zifeng took a deep breath. He planned to wait until everyone left before speaking.

But from the current situation, it is obvious that Yao Yuan will enter Danzong Valley first.

He no longer hesitated, his eyes were decisive, and his figure flashed directly into the void.

"Senior, please stay!"

Zifeng opened his mouth and clenched his fists.

This medicine has a foothold.

Lin Ruoxi and Xu Na, Han Tengfei and others also frowned.

The people around even stopped at this moment and looked at Zifeng's figure, showing dissatisfaction.

"Who is this guy?"

"There are more people who want to see Danzong. This person is too rude, I really don't know how to do it!"

"Oh, I'm worried that Danzong doesn't need to speak. Those disciples can deal with this person."

"This person has no brains and doesn't watch these four weeks. Who dares to directly export to Danzong?"

These voices are in Zifeng, but his expression is still calm and unchanged.

"what are you going to do?"

Han Tengfei looked at Zifeng and said indifferently: "In today's incident, Master has been sitting here for a day, and his body is already a little tired. If there is anything, please talk about it later."

If the words fail, Lin Ruoxi and Xu Nuo both support this medicine and plan to leave.


Zifeng's figure flashed past, directly blocking the far end of the medicine.



"Who are you to be so rude?"

"I don't want to go away, Master Road, can you stop it?"

Seeing this scene, Dan Zonggu's disciples all changed their faces, and their outlets were scorned.

The Jingshen School, Xianfeng School, Nan Tianzong and Ju Lingzong that had originally planned to leave, stopped and looked back at this moment.

They have too many requests for places, and it is naturally impossible to see people coming here indiscriminately.

On the side of the Southern Tianzong, dozens of people flickered, and the person who opened it was a young man.

The clothes worn on him are obviously those worn by senior disciples of the Southern Heaven Sect.

"This guy……"

The fat man was there and said to himself: "Is it this way to exchange drugs? Even if the Danzong family really has this idea, he is so rude and will not exchange with him!"

"The long-term ugly thing is okay, but it's still not like this, but it's really. Hey!"

And Zifeng is here, don't look at those who came to the Southern Sect.

He keeps clenching fists with both hands, his body is slightly bent, his eyes are standing upright on the medicine, he is not humble. "call out!"

The promise flashed over and came to Zifeng. He said, "You still have to come back. You are indeed a bit rude to do this."

He does not have the hegemony of Han Tengfei. He came up with a curse, but he persuaded it.

"The younger generation has something to do, and I hope my predecessor will agree."

Zifeng's palm turned over and took out a jade bottle. He said to the medicine: "Senior, look, what kind of medicine is this?"

There was no opening on the medicine, and the promised brow wrinkled without picking it up.

Obviously, Yao Yuan would not go to see it.

"I let you go, can't you hear?"

The young man from the Southern Tianzong came to Zifeng. He said coldly: "Before Dan Zonggu, who was so arrogant, who gave you the courage?"

"Su is not proud, this kind of medicinal medicine is indeed worth seeing Danzong." Zi Feng was dizzy.

"Oh, I have seen arrogant people, but I have never seen you so arrogant!"

The young man said coldly: "Just in the breath of your three spirits, it is fusing, and I can feel the same! You are really Teacher Dan, and I am worried that it is only the second product."? DanZong is worth seeing when you are making herbal medicines? If you don't take it back, you can leave this place immediately and you can still ruin your rudeness! "

Zifeng frowned slightly.

This person is very arrogant and annoys Zi Feng, but Nan Tianzong is here and he can't be angry.

He indulged for a while, still looking at the medicine, and calmly said: "The predecessors of the alchemy legend are indeed very high, and the predecessors have a great reputation. He urges the seventy-nine factions of nine factions to participate in this auction. If it is repaired, Su is really not qualified to talk to his predecessor.

"Neng Dan, kindness!"

With this, Zifeng's words suddenly became sharp.

"Su has made such a big sum. He was humiliated and drunk by others, but he still hasn't left, but he hopes his predecessor will see this remedy!"

"This is also the last request of the younger generation!"

"If Senior does not look at it, then Su will leave immediately, but in Su's heart, Senior will never match the word kindness!"


The words plummeted, everyone in this field caught a glimpse of it at first glance, and embarrassment broke out.

"This person. Dare to talk to Danzong?"

"too crazy!"

"Dare to say that g is not kind is just a kind of courage. How many people he saved, how does this guy know?"

"Oh, if I were, I would have a slap in the face at the moment, I would kill this person!"

Many eyes, looking at Zifeng, were full of dissatisfaction.

More anger appeared on their faces.

Even Xu Na, who is very gentle, frowned at this moment.

The young man of the Southern Tianzong was even more angry and angry, and he would shoot Zifeng directly.

"This guy……"

The fat man sighed, shook his head, and said to himself: "This is also a question of knowing a person. This person has a good temper. I will help you!" "There are many more."

But among everyone, I think that Zifeng is about to be unlucky. This is also a fat man. When he planned to shoot, Yao Yuan's voice suddenly appeared.

Listening to this sentence, everyone's movements are at this moment, and they can't help but look at the medicine.

Promise to flash aside quickly to avoid jams.

"Your remedy, take me to see." Yao Yuan waved to Zifeng.

Zifeng didn't say anything, and immediately came to the front of the drugs and handed the jade bottle.

Yao Yuan opened the bottle cap and looked at it. He shook his head and said, "This medicinal medicine is just an ordinary secondary herb. What do you mean by me?"

"Seniors, please take a closer look!" Zifeng Shensheng.

The medicine was obviously shocked, and he immediately shook his head, poured out the medicine and put it in his hand.

next moment--

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